start week 3

Posts: 75 Member
edited November 12 in Social Groups
I had a chest injury that sat me down for a week. But I'm back at it this week. Missed my 4 am workout so now I'm going to have to workout after baseball practice tonight. :-( I am not a night workout person.


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  • Posts: 1 Member
    I just finished P90X and I started P90X2 today, I love the beachbody programs! What workout are you doing?
  • Posts: 4 Member
    Starting Day 1 of P90X, kind of nervous but ready!!!
  • Posts: 75 Member
    Before I had my second child I had completed 3 round of Insanity and was in the best shape of my life. That's my profile pic. One baby later I was up to 200lbs. I did Insanity again and lost about 30. Now I'm doing P90X classic/with a little Insanity mixed in once a week for extra cardio. I plan on hitting P90X2 as soon as I graduate this program. I get together with some friends sometimes, but with the kids I prefer to just get it done @ 5am. Keep me posted on you progress.

    I've become a beachbody fanatic and have even gotten into coaching. Check out if you like shakeology or are interest in other programs. You get bonus dvds from going through a direct rep.
  • Posts: 4 Member
    Well I to be honest, I have started P90X before but didn't complete it.... So here I go a second time around this time I am doing the lean verison and trying really hard to stick with it ! I am going to be ordering the Insanity for my husband, so maybe after i really get into the p90x I could try Insanity! Wow, your a coach too, Thanks I'll have to check out your page on beachbody, I have a profile on beachbody too, I will look for you, I find that logging in to beachbody and now my fitness pal is a big help to hold me accountable!

    Well I soon as I get out of work its going to be time to put in some work! Keep ya posted!
  • Posts: 75 Member
    Well I to be honest, I have started P90X before but didn't complete it.... So here I go a second time around this time I am doing the lean verison and trying really hard to stick with it ! I am going to be ordering the Insanity for my husband, so maybe after i really get into the p90x I could try Insanity! Wow, your a coach too, Thanks I'll have to check out your page on beachbody, I have a profile on beachbody too, I will look for you, I find that logging in to beachbody and now my fitness pal is a big help to hold me accountable!

    Well I soon as I get out of work its going to be time to put in some work! Keep ya posted!

    Yes, I'm a coach. - if you order through me you get bonus workouts and I have the ability to give you extra discounts and specials in the future.
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