Catholicism Series starts this week



  • maxmariesfo
    maxmariesfo Posts: 173 Member
    Indeed. It's a lot more important to **explain** just what Papal Infallibility means, rather than just admiting we have had bad popes.

    There are FAR too many misunderstandings out there about Catholicism. I spend a lot of time on Yahoo Answers trying to dispell myth and rumor. It isn't easy.
  • chiltonenator
    chiltonenator Posts: 33 Member
    I just saw the first one about the teachings of Jesus. Fr. Baron spent a lot of time on the beatitudes and how Christ on the cross was the fulfillment of the beatitudes. It was very interesting and well done.

    One point he made that resonated with me - we are made with a longing for God, and if we try to fill it up with other things, that leads to addiction. As I'm fasting this Lent, I realize that before I wasn't overeating because I was hungry for food- I rarely (if ever) experienced that kind of hunger. It's kind of amazing just how little we actually need in terms of food (and other material things as well) if we put God at the center of our life.
  • maxmariesfo
    maxmariesfo Posts: 173 Member
    It is so true. I am a Franciscan. St. Francis of Assisi really took it to the extreme. He was so focused on God that he basically never ate. And yet he walked miles for months at a time.

    Never a good idea.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I'm headed to Rome and Assisi on Saturday! (I know this isn't directly related to this topic, but Maxmarie's last post reminded me).
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Have a great trip, and great weather!
  • khaapala
    khaapala Posts: 32 Member
    I just saw the first one about the teachings of Jesus. Fr. Baron spent a lot of time on the beatitudes and how Christ on the cross was the fulfillment of the beatitudes. It was very interesting and well done.

    One point he made that resonated with me - we are made with a longing for God, and if we try to fill it up with other things, that leads to addiction. As I'm fasting this Lent, I realize that before I wasn't overeating because I was hungry for food- I rarely (if ever) experienced that kind of hunger. It's kind of amazing just how little we actually need in terms of food (and other material things as well) if we put God at the center of our life.

    Oh I so agree! I'm also fasting this Lent and am losing weight, but I need to be careful that I don't start obsessing with weight loss and NOT eating since this will also take me away from putting God at the center [sigh].
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    My church has a class one evening a week showing this documentary. We are half way through and so far, it is fantastic!
  • quiltbugj
    quiltbugj Posts: 89 Member
    We bought the series also. We also bought the 7 Deadly Sins/ 7 Lively Virtues DVD and workbook. Fr. Barron is so wonderful. He has been called the modern Bishop Fulton Sheen.