What's happening in your life?

Punkicoleman Posts: 78 Member
I like getting to know people and sharing experiences so I thought it would be nice to share what we are doing in our lives.

Yesterday I stopped at Macy's and bought two cute little faux fur jackets for about 75% off. They will be adorable with jeans and boots, once I get rid of the junk in the trunk.

We had a good laugh at one of my wardrobe attempts yesterday before Church. I have these wonderful new boots which I tried on with black leggings, a purple tank, and a black tunic with a beautiful purple scarf. It looked great from the front, but from the back it was obvious that my butt was clearly too big for such an outfit. :laugh: :laugh:

Oh, well I clearly still have a long way to go and am sure that after I lose another 24 pounds (scheduled before fall) I will be able to wear all sorts of outrageous outfits.

After anoter 13 (scheduled for April 29) I should be able to wear all of my truly beautiful clothing which is currently just hanging in the closet. How on earth, why on earth, did I ever allow myself to get so fat? :embarassed: :frown:

I guess the bottom line is that we are where we are and accomlish nothing by agonizing over our current condition. The only thing we can do is figure out where we wnat to be and then make a plan to get ourselves there in the shortests possible amount of time.


  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Hi Punki,

    Junk in the trunk is en vogue!!!!!!!!!!! Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashiam look out. But, seriously, you are so determined you will be a hatch back in no time. I like your dates and weight objectives for each. It is a good strategy. I hope to be down 40 pounds by October. Trying to use a pedometer to up my daily steps but the little sucker keeps falling off. My junk is in the front.

    Laughing at ourselves is good. And sharing shopping tales is even better. Your new jackets sound adorable.

    WE need a backbone and a funnybone to get the job done. Keep chatting it helps us all. :flowerforyou:
  • khaapala
    khaapala Posts: 32 Member
    Good idea, Punkicoleman.

    We got a rescue Shih Tzu back in November and he is my taskmaster. Still only 16 months old, he is full of energy and MUST have a daily outing. Since I work full time, my husband (retired) takes him out for a walk every day but on weekends it's my turn. Saturday was a 30" pretty fast walk (for me and my arthritis) but Mr. X was insistent. What a guy!

    At work I'm trying to get to the employee Wellness room during my lunch break... they have a nice treadmill that calculates distance, time, calories, and heart rate. You would think that getting healthy would be a piece of cake with all that technology, but there is a part of me that fights it every step of the way.

    Have fun shopping!
  • ginnylee74
    ginnylee74 Posts: 398 Member
    Today was a beautiful day. Up to 70 degrees. Finally was able to go the hill behind the house. Took both dogs. My German Shepherd cross is allowed to run free as she comes when called. However the terrier has to stay on a leash. She still doesn't come well yet. Anyhow, I got half way up to where I used to go before I had my knees replaced. I have pictures on my profile where we went. I have a feeling I'm going to be sore tomorrow. I have been doing the small hill behind our house to try to get in some sort of shape. So today was the day to try for the big one. Yay, I love hiking. Even if only for a an hour to start. Both of my dogs are rescue dogs and are great at keeping me entertained and being my buddies.

    Tomorrow is supposed to drop down 30 degrees. Think I'll stay in and do housework. We also get heavy winds and then I have to deal with the wind chill factor.

    I made it through fellowship at church Sunday and didn't have a treat. Just coffee. :bigsmile:

    In the afternoon a friend and I drove to town while my hubby was watching the races. My friend is looking for a house so she can move closer to town. So the two of us drove through neighborhoods to see what's available in some of the areas she can afford after selling her house here. Now she just has to list hers with her realtor and her realtor can start showing houses. We saw some nice neighborhoods. Had a nice visit together. She has been sick with whatever has been going around and is just getting out.

    So that is what I did with the two days that were nice. I'll have to see what tomorrow brings. I'm looking forward to doing more hiking.

    Have a nice "rest of the week" and keep positive.:flowerforyou:
  • I like sharing! Since Sun. I have been staying with my two grandsons (13 and 8) overnight. I pick them up from school, get dinner, and TRY to get them to bed on time, with all chores done---that is not easy, especially with the 8 yr old!!!:noway: If I say one thing, he does the other:explode: His parents are away on school business and I know he misses them, so I try to be understanding:drinker: I come home days to check on my 90 year old mother:ohwell: who is NOT that easy to get along with!! Well, enough of that---I've been trying on clothes for my up coming cruise and I can't wait until I lose a few more pounds!!! Yes, junk in the trunk!!! Seems to be a common prob. for us!!!:wink: I keep thinking the clothes I have purchased for the cruise are too young for me, but my daughter says "no"--not sure--maybe by then they will look better!!! Happy thoughts!! :flowerforyou: Ellen
  • Punkicoleman
    Punkicoleman Posts: 78 Member
    Ellie, I don't think that "young" is an issue when it comes to clothes. I think it just depends on how they looks on you. For instance my Sunday attempt at leggings didn't fail because it was a "young" look. It failed because my butt is just too darned big. :blushing:

    If you have the skin and body to pull it off, you can wear anything. I am lucky to have wrinkle-resistant skin and good boobs so I can get away with low-cut stuff that other people really can't. If you have good arms (which I do) you can go sleeveless and if you have great legs (which I don't) you can wear shorts. I had an aunt who was wearing short shorts and high heels into her 90s and she looked great. She also outlived 6 husband, all of whom left her a pile of money. When she got married in her 70s she wore a white gown and had a big wedding with lots of granddaughter bride's maids. They did a full page spread of the wedding in the local paper and she and her husband were quoted as saying that they didn't plan to have any children. :love:

    Congratulations, Ginny, on getting out there and doing the best you could on you hike. Actually an hour is pretty darned good for anybody. Your strength and endurance will build as you keep it up.

    I am still adding one push-up a day. I started at 10 and am now up to 15, but it is hard. I am sooooooo whimpy. :embarassed: I find it interesting, however, that I am experiencing no soreness in my arms or abs, so I guess that must mean I was in decent shape before I started the push-up, crunch routine. I am feeling a lot tighter in my abs, but not sore.

    I am sorry, Khaapala, that your arthritis gives you problems. I have it in my feet, hands and back, but it seems to do a lot better when I exercise regularly, as long as I don't overdo anything. Always a balancing act.

    40 pounds by October should be doable, steppingstone, as long as you stay on track. My problem is always that I think things like "8 months is a long time so I don't have to start right now" and then time goes by and it get down to "Oh, I only have two months left and that isn't enough time". I have finally had to convince myself that not only do I have lots of events coming up where I want to look good, but I also have exactly ZERO events coming up where I want to look fat. :heart: :heart: So, finally, after years of practice getting this through my thick head, I have come to the conclusion that right now, today, right here, is the time to do it right. I have my plan and I am sticking to it, come hell or high water, until I get to where I want to be.

    Then when I am slim and toned, and looking too hot to be believed, and find that I really can afford to lose another ounce, I will come up with a new plan. I hope you are all right there with me, and we can all develop maintenance plans together. Woo Hoo!

    Time to take my body off to the gym. Have a great day, Punki
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Good thinking, Punki! So true the plan and keeping it logged on MFP and encouragement from this group is the thing.! It is a lovely sunny day and I am off to do my thing.
  • ginnylee74
    ginnylee74 Posts: 398 Member
    Good thinking, Punki! So true the plan and keeping it logged on MFP and encouragement from this group is the thing.! It is a lovely sunny day and I am off to do my thing.

    How did you luck out. I'm in Reno and it's snowing.!!!!!!!!!!:sad: Did you have rain or snow yesterday? My son lives on the coast in N. Cal and he tells me he gets the storms before us. So that means we will have a good day tomorrow???. Yea Sun. Have to get on my bike to exercise inside today and throw some laundry in. Then I'm going to make some Chili to warm my hubby's insides tonight. lol

    The dogs and I went outside and shoveled snow off the porch. I shoveled and the dogs barked and chased the snow I threw. They love it when I shovel. Me, not so much. The back porch is "our" job and my husband does the rest.

    Have a good day all. Stay healthy.:flowerforyou:
  • smackadoodle
    smackadoodle Posts: 121 Member
    MMMMMM..First I couldn't log onto MFP , then my server went down, now
    i keep getting routed to a stomach bypass site. But here I am now!!!!: wink:
    I am not a typist so don't be surprised if this is short.
    I am staying put at 7 pounds lost and have been here since November. My measurements have not changed.
    but, I put on an outfit I bought when I was 5 pounds thinner and it fit much looser as did a pair of pants.
    I must admit
    I get discouraged when the scale stays put.
    This weekend I am visiting friends in upstate NY and attending a music festival my friend wants me to see. Or rather, hear!
    I will also see my friend who started my diet by asking why don't you eat less? He knew me in my healthier days and we hiked together. He was also my first kidney donor. So he holds a special place in my heart.

    Doesn't it sound so easy? Just eat less. My problem is eat less and much more exercise. I start a Kettleball class tomorrow. I may be crippled for the weekend!
    Thanks everyone for your stories and updates. Eat well, be well.
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Have fun at the concert smackadoodle. I am in your boat...went to part of my annual physical today and after 1 month of keeping calorie records and exercising the scale did not move a pound. :angry: What a blow!!!!

    Punki, I am going to have to shake it up...thinking HOW?! Will see my medico in 2 days, he always has good ideas. (I can'r tolerate hard boiled eggs. )

    Ginnylee the sunshine turned out to accompanied by 40 mile an hour winds...so it weatherwise was not too great.:glasses: But a good friend returned from Maui and we met for coffee so the day had a good ending.

    Yesterday had lunch with my son who lives a little over an hour away. :smile:
    Ellen you are so lucky to have your family nearby, mine are spread out all over the country. Before I met my son, I looked up the menu and nutritional values online and chose what I would eat. Nice to not have to think about a food choice.

    I shall keep plugging along! But feeling kind of bummed about my numbers.:ohwell:

    Keep well. Eat well.
  • Punkicoleman
    Punkicoleman Posts: 78 Member
    Woo Hoo!!! Down another pound. I am still a pound over where I had hoped to be by this time, but hey, a loss is a loss. Three more pounds will put me into a new decade, which I was hoping would l happen before we leave on the 15th, but all I can do is eat right and work out and hope for the best. My primary goal is to be down another 12 by April 29th. Please don't let me forget that.

    Yesterday I just had two hard boiled eggs for breakfast, a salad with a can of tuna fish for lunch and then another salad with a can of tuna fish for dinner. My snacks all day consisted of..................Kale Chips! I love those things and I know they are saving me on this diet. OK, we went to an Elks meeting last night and the cocktail waitress brought me a vodka martini with two olives and I drank it. I sort of suspect that she skipped the vermouth, so here were no carbs. :wink:

    This morning I did 16 push-ups and 45 crunches before I treated myself to coffee. So far I have been able to add one more push-up every day, but it is sooooooooo hard. We will see how it goes. I may have to slow it down to adding one more push-up every other day or something like that.

    Friday I see the doctor for a lump in my left armpit. It's probably ok, but it seems to be growing and it is painless and those are the kind that can be dangerous.

    Time for me to get off to the gym. Catch you all later, Punki
  • smackadoodle
    smackadoodle Posts: 121 Member
    Steppingstone, I did not lose anything for three months because I was building muscle. I think that still may be happening. So courage! I am also making a lifestyle change so I tend to eat what I like and will eat always ...just in smaller portions or less often. I think that slows me down in weight loss but I really want this to be a permanent change and this is how I think I can do it.
    Pinki, Good luck at the doctors. Our bodies do the craziest things as we age!
    Have a great healthy eating day everyone!
    And me...EXERCISE!!!
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Thanks smackadoodle...I needed that! I,too, am eating a balanced and what I like diet. I want this to be my lifestyle change also. And I tried but just can't make 2 meals...So I plan meals for 2 with portion control and calories count taken into consideration for me. Your words really helped. I am uping the exercise time with a new video. Good luck at kettleball class.

    Good luck at doctor today, Punki.
  • Punkicoleman
    Punkicoleman Posts: 78 Member
    My doctor's appointment isn't until Friday. Two more days to worry about it. Not really. I try to worry as little as possible.

    I didn't make it to the gym today because I got stuck on the phone with United trying to arrange my flights. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

    Maybe tonight I can talk DH into going for a walk, even though he will have skiied all day. It will be good for him.
  • ginnylee74
    ginnylee74 Posts: 398 Member
    Hi Guys, I went to town today and got my hair done. She got a little scissor happy but it will grow out. The last of my perm got cut off so I had her do a little coloring. It gives my hair body. When summer gets here I will stop the coloring and get a perm. It's too hard on the hair to do both. Thankfully she blends my hair so it's actually my color but it just covers the gray.

    Then I went to the vet's to get some med's for my dog that, would you believe, has thyroid problems. It must be something in the water where we live. My husband takes thyroid meds, I had part of my taken out so I'm trying to stabilize my medication and now the dog. Go figure. After that went to Costco. I wish they would stop changing the place around. I must have tromped through there for an hour trying to find things they moved. I only go there once a month. Then over to Wal-Mart for some things there. By the time I got home I decided to have cereal for dinner. My husband had already eaten.

    So that was the biggie for today. We live about 40 minutes from town so I don't go any more than I have to. Gas is too high. It's up to $3.83.9 at Costco and more elsewhere.:frown: How about your neck of the woods?

    I forgot, who is taking kettleball classes? I was going to get one at Wal-Mart today but I think I will start out with the weights I have at home to get things going then go to the kettleball. I always go into things gun-ho that now I'm trying to slow down and do it in a good way.:blushing: I really don't want injuries. Had enough of that for awhile. Let me know how you like the class.

    Have a good evening everyone and stay healthy.

  • Punkicoleman
    Punkicoleman Posts: 78 Member
    Where do you live, Ginny? I think our gas here in Seattle runs about the same, but I hate getting gas so usually my DH will do it for me. Our office is less than a mile from the #1, original, Costco so he is happy to run over there for me. He is so sweet.

    How long is your hair? Mine is longish for an old lady and I love it for fancy occasions, but for every day I wish it were short. Sometimes I think I should chop it all off and then spike it up with goop. I have seen some older women with hair like that and it looks really cute. It won't be happening, however, until after my reunion in September at which event I really do want my long hair. Then after the reunion, I will want to wait until after our December cruise, and by then it will probably be something else preventing me from cutting it off. We'll see how it goes.

    I continue to be amazed at how easy it has been for me to stick with this diet. I think it must be the Kale Chips, which are a very satisfying snack, combined with my driving passion to look good at my reunion. In the past seven weeks I have lost 16 pounds and want to lose another 12 in the next 7 weeks. I think I can do it if I stay focused on my first goal of looking good for our cruise. Then, after we return from the cruise, I will have two months to lose another five fore my niece's wedding, and another two months after that to lose the final 5 for the reunion.

    It is very beneficial for me to have lots of little goals along the way.

    Now I think I am going to go to sleep. I got up way too early this morning.
  • ginnylee74
    ginnylee74 Posts: 398 Member
    Hi Punki,
    I live in Reno, NV. My husband will go with me but as for going all his lonesome, forget it. He hates shopping. He is a homebody. He is one of those people that is happy within himself. I am a herd animal and love to be around other people. He likes it when company and friends come over but not too keen on going to other homes and "just sitting around" as he calls it. He is always working on a project. In his garage in the winter and the yard and garden in the summer. I call him my energizer bunny. I would love to have his metabolism.

    My hair is short short. In the winter it dries fast and I can curl it for nice and just spike it for daytime. I used to have long hair and loved it but It drags my face down and I look tired as well as older. I like your hair long. It's very attractive on you.:smile: The gal that does my hair has your shaped face and her hair is about your length and it really looks good on her. I have a round face and my cheek bones are not very prominent so short looks better on me. My husband likes my hair short and believe it or not he likes me in glasses. Good thing as I have to wear them. What we do for our loving husbands.:heart:

    Going to hit the bed as soon as I take the dogs out to "ring out their tights" so to speak. Gosh, the older I get the more I pick up sayings of my parents. Anyone else do that? :blushing:

    You look as if you have a full year coming up. You really have some fun incentives to exercise and eat healthy

    Goodnight and sleep well.:flowerforyou:
  • scsgaras
    scsgaras Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Punki,
    I live in Reno, NV. My husband will go with me but as for going all his lonesome, forget it. He hates shopping. He is a homebody. He is one of those people that is happy within himself. I am a herd animal and love to be around other people. He likes it when company and friends come over but not too keen on going to other homes and "just sitting around" as he calls it. He is always working on a project. In his garage in the winter and the yard and garden in the summer. I call him my energizer bunny. I would love to have his metabolism.

    My hair is short short. In the winter it dries fast and I can curl it for nice and just spike it for daytime. I used to have long hair and loved it but It drags my face down and I look tired as well as older. I like your hair long. It's very attractive on you.:smile: The gal that does my hair has your shaped face and her hair is about your length and it really looks good on her. I have a round face and my cheek bones are not very prominent so short looks better on me. My husband likes my hair short and believe it or not he likes me in glasses. Good thing as I have to wear them. What we do for our loving husbands.:heart:

    Going to hit the bed as soon as I take the dogs out to "ring out their tights" so to speak. Gosh, the older I get the more I pick up sayings of my parents. Anyone else do that? :blushing:

    You look as if you have a full year coming up. You really have some fun incentives to exercise and eat healthy

    Goodnight and sleep well.:flowerforyou:

    Hi Punki and Ginny, Thought I'd drop into this thread. Living in Ft. Lauderdale, FL affords me the opportunity of mostly great weather - with the exception of a few hurricanes now and then.

    My husband and I are always busy trying to stay active. We travel tons and see our son and daughter who both live in Atlanta. My son is married, no kids and by daughter ismarried with 3 kids and 3 dogs. So we can luckily cover both of them in one visit.

    Right now I have just finished my morning exercise. This morning we walked 60 mins but we alternate with the gym/weights/cardio. I really don't enjoy working out but my son (a fitness nut) says it's absolutely necessary, especially at my age. I must admit, I do see results but I guess I have unrealistic "eyes" and they wish they saw a 30something body with the experience and knowledge of me (age almost 65). Love bikinis but have finally given up that dream and went to a 1 piece - albeit not a frumpy one.

    I was reading on Yahoo yesterday that they were enamored with Goldie Hawn (66) saying how young she looks. Guess I could look younger if I had her $$ and someone to constantly look after what I eat while doing all the cooking.

    I must admit, I am a carb/sweet junky. I love pretzels, bread, cake, and chocolate. However, I have learned to limit myself. On the other hand, my husband can eat bread at every meal and not gain an ounce. While, if I add bread to 1 meal, I see it immediately.

    I was thinking how wonderful it must have been to live in a time when weight was not an issue and folks were accepted for what they were. Would we all be fat and out of shape?

    Well, have to run now and finally start my day - a little later than I like. We are going to an Elton John concert tonight and it should be fun and a zoo at the same time. Have a good day ladies and we'll talk soon.

    p.s. - Ginny, I hope you add me as a friend!! Punki and I are aleady "friended". LY scsgaras / aka Sue
  • Punkicoleman
    Punkicoleman Posts: 78 Member
    Glad to see you all posting. I hope everybody jumps on the wagon so we can all get skinny together so quickly that our jeans fall off.

    I am down one more pound today for a total of 17 gone, gone, gone. Woo Hoo.

    Every single ounce is so precious on the way down. If only we all had enough sense to pay attention to the ounces accumulating on the way up. Are the rest of you like me? Do you just ignore the fat as it is piling on? How do we manage to do that?

    We have a formal dinner dance on the 24th (our friends' 50 wedding anniversary) and I just picked out the gown I will wear and it is NOT black. Can you believe? :-) It is sort of a cobalt blue, and I will wear it with platinum jewelry and silver shoes. I just bought a blue beaded bag to match on e-bay. What on earth did we ever do without e-bay? I could have shopped for weeks for that bag and spent 6 times as much. On e-bay it took me less that 10 minutes to find and buy exactly what I wanted.

    Off to the gym and then to the doc to check out the lump under my arm.

    Have a great day and let us know how you are doing, Punki
  • smackadoodle
    smackadoodle Posts: 121 Member
    I just wrote 2 paragraphs and my computer jumped, losing my note. I will try later. Well, hello everyone! I am eating good, exercise not enough!
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    The same thing just happened to me. I will try again later. I had a great day in Napa today. Doing well with eating and exercise.

    Sending good thoughts. :flowerforyou: