Gearing up for Deployment...

secoke Posts: 69 Member
My husband's first deployment is just around the corner. We were apart for the two years we were engaged, but we were both in the same country and it was certainly a different situation. I was wondering if anyone had an tips for keeping the weight in check during all of the pre-deployment stress? He keeps mentioning a bunch of gatherings with people before he leaves, and all the places he wants to eat at before he goes, any ideas to keep me from ballooning up right before I see him off would be great!


  • smsinger75
    smsinger75 Posts: 253 Member
    Best advice I can offer is everything in moderation. Just remember that he is the one that is going to miss these places. Support him and let him enjoy himself. But just keep your goal in mind and have a plan in mind before you go out as to what you are going to eat, etc. I know that it is hard. My hubby and I were both soldiers. Retired now. But we dealt with a total of 7 deployments between the two of us while married before retirement. So I completely understand. I have been on both sides of the fence. Being the one deploying or being the one left at home.
    Hope this helps! Add me if you want. Always here to chat if you want to.
  • sxyfitmomandwife
    sxyfitmomandwife Posts: 328 Member
    I say have fun and spend that time with him. my husband 3rd deployment we had lots of fun exploring hawaii and I just busted my *kitten* during that deployment. I went from 177-149
  • CNG223
    CNG223 Posts: 127 Member
    Best advice I can offer is everything in moderation. Just remember that he is the one that is going to miss these places. Support him and let him enjoy himself. But just keep your goal in mind and have a plan in mind before you go out as to what you are going to eat, etc.

    I agree with this, a lot of food places have their menus and nutritional info online, so try to plan ahead if you can. Don't be afraid to treat yourself, just split that dessert instead of having the whole thing :) you get the idea. And hey if you find yourself having too much fun and over indulging, remember tomorrow is a new day to set it right so don't beat yourself up. Enjoy him while he's here, once he's gone, you'll have plenty of time to bust your rump!
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    def agree with everyone he is the one missing these places so you just enjoy your time with him and moderation!!!
  • secoke
    secoke Posts: 69 Member
    Thank you ladies. The last thing I would want to do is ruin his last meals at these places obsessing over calorie counts! I know it will be fairly easy to keep a handle on eating well without him here but I don't want to send him off with a "food baby" either :)
  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member
    I just went though this same thing, me and my husband ate out straight for 3 weeks! and luckily I only maintained. I rarely logged any food during that time cause i knew I was going to be over. Now a month under our belt I have dropped 3-4lbs already. I can assure you one of the last things on your hubby's mind is god lord she has gained a few pounds! Its a stressful time for you both, enjoy your meals and time together and stress over the weight while he is gone so you can look your best upon his return.
  • kristypie
    kristypie Posts: 102 Member
    Everyone has given great advice here. We are on our 5th deployment right now. The first one (2003 during the Iraq invasion) was the hardest and when my weight problem started. I'm finally getting a handle on it now and I'm kicking myself for not doing it sooner. Be strong, but most of all have a fantastic time with your hubby before he leaves. If you'd like to add me, I'd love to be there for you!
  • ChiefWhitesWife
    ChiefWhitesWife Posts: 32 Member
    I agree with everyone here. My husband is getting ready to deploy again and I've been in the same boat as you. I enjoy my time when I'm with him (he is in training right now over 1,000 miles away), I try not to obsess over the calories/fat and give myself some slack. I eat half of what I usually eat when we go out to dinner. I know that I can, like everyone else has said, work hard and do good while he is gone. Keep the homecoming in mind, I work towards it as a goal and use that as my motivation.