Who's up for a challenge?



  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    Soooo happy today, these challenges always get me back on track, and given my age there is no exscuse for being overweight since it has the potential to come off so easily. But I am back down to 145.6 from 148 yesterday. I doubt I will make the whole month I just dont have that sort of attention span, but I am trying
  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 523 Member
    I am super excited! This morning I tried on a pair of pants that are 3 sizes less than the pants I was wearing in December and they fit. I am actually wearing them right now! It's the little things in life! :bigsmile:
  • Susiej1976
    Susiej1976 Posts: 284 Member
    Ok, I actualy walked a mile yesterday.
    I logged all of my food, that make 5 days in a row.
    I completed the 10 minute trainer and no diet coke.

    I am on a row. Thank you for the group. I usually don't make it that far.

  • debk3p2
    debk3p2 Posts: 82 Member
    Goals for March:

    Lose 6 pounds
    Walk 240,000 steps (hope that's right - trying for 60,000 a week starting this week).
    Go to exercise class 3 times a week

    I'm a slow loser but I've got my fingers crossed!
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    I'm down to 35 more miles to trod!! I do plan on walking tonight again if American Idol is on:happy: !! I did walk for 20 minutes this morning, but was in a little hurry to get to work so I had to cut back a little.

    @jennyneel... Welcome and so glad you are on this challenge!! You are doing super! Everytime I see you, you look smaller, happier and healthier!

    @debk3p2...welcome to you too and glad you requested to join us! Good luck on your endeavors!!

    @hauer01...WAY to GO with those pants! Those are the best victories ever. For me, I have been wearing this size pants for several years and I will get to go shopping for new clothes soon!!

    @susiej1976... way to log, walk and get off of those diet beverages!

    I am so proud of the dedication I see from everyone on here. We can do this and we are worth it!!!!
  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 523 Member

    I am so proud of the dedication I see from everyone on here. We can do this and we are worth it!!!!

    You are right, tknnwatkins! We CAN and WILL do this!

  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    didnt walk today, had a friend coming over so I had to run by the store and now its dark out, but I will tomorrow, I will do the abs and yoga later, wouldnt suprise me if my weight is up tomorrow since I will be indulging tonite, but I did pick up healther junk today
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    Walked tonight on the treadmill while watching the Biggest Loser, SO i am down to 34 more miles this month to reach my goal!!
  • gail2002
    gail2002 Posts: 10 Member
    So I am new to MFP and anyone is welcome to add me as a friend!!! Definately getting in on this Challenge!!

    My goal for the balance of this month is 5lbs...thats more than a pond a week and I'm cool with that!!

    My exercise goals - I do go to the gym 5 days a week so I hope to keep maintaining that

    Good Luck to Everyone!!!
  • melwilson6
    WHAT A NIGHT....Antone Davis, last years biggest loser finalist, came to town and did a biggest loser style workout with anyone wishing to join him....I went and boy were my eyes opened to just how bad off I am....It was a very humiliating workout and I'm so glad that I went. I have no idea what to call this workout to log it into my exercise :laugh: I am more determined than ever to shed all these pounds and get in shape.
  • jennyneel0423
    jennyneel0423 Posts: 17 Member
    @ Kim thank you so much for your encouragement!

    I haven't watched The Biggest Loser until this season and now I absolutely love this show. I feel like they are a part of my family because I understand their struggles!
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    Didnt excercuse yesterday, boooo, was up a bit but down from lately today but thats fine, dont think ill binge tonight, just drink a bit more than I should but seeing as I didnt eat breakfast or lunch and ate 430 cal at panera at 5 I doubt ill be able to eat anything here tonight so ike idk, 50 cal a cup orange juice and vodka, what could the damage really be? I did have a bit of cream in my coffee and a 150 calories fiber bar thing at some point today, Im not hungry though, think Ill probably be about the same tomorrow and depending on how this night goes might do abs and walk, yogas not gonna happen
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    ctually before it gets any later since the kid isnt with me tonite ill take the dog for a walk
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    Walked again tonight with the American Idols....down to 33.5 more miles! My weigh in day is tomorrow and I am so proud to say I have exercised everyday for 10 days in a row now!! (some days morning AND night!!) I really expect to have a good weight loss this week and I am thrilled!! I do have some challenges this weekend by taking a group of youth to a youth conference and I'm not sure where we will be eating, so I will give it my best shot and take my snacks with me! I refuse to let ballgames and other events stand in my way!!!! :wink:
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    Well i walked my two laps last night so caught up on walking but have 90 minutes of yoga and 30 of abs to catch up on, last night I would have done the abs but I ran into someone while walking and ended up visiting, 145 and something today
  • melwilson6
    So I have walked everyday for the past 12 days...two of those days were hikes.....one of those days was my workout with biggest loser contestant Antone Davis. I can not begin to tell you how sore I am!! I hurt all over, but my level of committment is higher than it's ever been. Tonight I did my two miles in the pouring down rain....sounds crazy I know, but I don't have a treadmill and I knew that if I skipped one night I could very well set myself up for getting out of a good habit. I do however need a full body massage!!..:wink:
  • kelseyann92
    kelseyann92 Posts: 171 Member
    Hello all!!!

    Goals for this month:
    1. Cut Cokes out of my diet
    2. Exercise at least 1 hour each day.
    3. Lose 8lbs

    Let's all motivate each other and add each other as friends so that we can keep each other going on our goals!
  • melwilson6
    Can someone tell me how to get your ticker to show up here? I'm half way to this months goal!!
  • melwilson6
    LOL...nevermind...I got it :happy:
  • debk3p2
    debk3p2 Posts: 82 Member
    Wow melwilson6. That's amazing.

    Good for you.
