Exercise calories

Hey all, I am new to your group and have been doing MFP for about 35 days now. Question I can't seem to get answered: what do you do with your leftover calories on the days you workout? Sometimes I have as many as 1000cal. I've heard if you're hungry, eat something. I'm never hungry after I workout but I don't know if that's just sabatoging my progress. What are your thoughts??? Thanks group! P.S. I am from the dayton area ;o)


  • britryan
    britryan Posts: 2 Member
    You know I wast asking my husband that question yesterday....I would like to know as well. If I burn the calories by working out, and I dont eat more than my original calorie goal for the day, its says im in starvation mode. Does more exercise mean you have to eat more food?? Do you go by net or actual calories. Hopefully somebody can answer our question! Haha.
  • tavint
    tavint Posts: 3
    I have talked to a few people and they say eat if you're hungry (soon after exercise will burn more calories) or just eat back half the calories you've burned. For me, it is hard to eat if I have really worked up a sweat during exercise so I think it's helping me to drop the pounds faster.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    MFP has accounted for you exercise calories so you don't have to eat them, but it may work better if you did eat some of them. I don't eat all of mine, but the ones that I do gives me a little leaway. There are several posts in the question threads where you can find the answers to this. Good luck.
  • sara1923
    sara1923 Posts: 53
    I cant view your diary but I would say it depends on how many calories you are burning. If you have a strenuous occupation that allows you to burn calories or are exercising a lot then you will need to eat them back. Most machines are inaccurate when estimating calories burned and also a 300 lb person burns more calories than a 100 lb person. A lot of times weight isn't considered in figuring out calories burned. Have you been able to lose weight doing things the way you are? It really depends on what works for you. I never force myself to eat if I am not hungry because I just think thats a horrible habit to develop. Plus, I have days where I eat more than I burn so then I dont feel bad about the days I end up being way under.
  • spirit80
    spirit80 Posts: 327 Member
    Exercise helps increase your metabolism. I have the same problem of not eating enough. I'm trying smaller more frequesnt meals.
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    Simple...if you are hungry, eat...if you aren't...don't.

    The site is just a bunch of numbers......it's a general GUIDELINE, NOT GOSPEL!!! As a matter of fact, most of the stuff on this site is just wrong as far as their calculations.

    I don't eat mine back if I can help it, but I am hungrier sometimes than others. It's not like your body is going to go "OH MY GOD...I DIDN'T GET ENOUGH TODAY...YOU'RE GOING TO KILL ME!!!"