Joining you ladies! Over 40 working Mom looking for motivat

Hi all. I'm a busy Mom here in the Virginia suburbs, outside of DC. I have two active kids, 8 (girl) and boy (11) that seem to have a 1,000 things to do. Also work full-time, have a long commute AND have 2 new puppies. Can you tell I like to pile my plate full? Anyway, I'll be 46 this summer and weigh more than I ever have and really, really want to get back in to shape. Yes, lose weight but also be in shape so I can keep up with my kids. I've been working on simplifying my meals so I eat healthy, and really love the tracking tools here. I really would love to hear food ideas that are working for you. Also need help at night...that is the killer for me. I'm tired and generally hate to make a healthy meal instead of just eating something easy that I can make for the kids..or eat what the hubby has made. Been trying to crockpot to make dinner easier...any good, healthy recipes? I have a couple if anyone is interested. Looking forward to talking with you all...and understand it won't be every day because we are all busy!!!!! Sheridan


  • speechsteff
    speechsteff Posts: 21 Member
    Welcome...I just started this week as well! I'm a mom and speech therapist from California. I have two boys that are 8 and 4 and thinking of having a 3rd. Just trying to get healthier and at a better weight. I would love to swap some recipes. My easiest/ favorite crock pot meal is to just buy some cheap chunked up stew meat and throw in a jar of salsa and let it cook all day. Serve in tortillas with a little cheese our sour cream. Add a salad for some greens maybe? I also have one for a taco soup- you just dump cans in. Can of black beans, kidney beans, pinto beans, fat free chilli, crushed tomatoes, chicken broth, diced green chilies, a packet of taco seasoning mix, some chopped up squash and zucchini. cook all day in the crockpot. I'm all about easy and family friendly for sure!
  • Thanks for the recipe..definitely would love to share. I just did a chuck roast in there, with just some onions and used hearty beef stew mix. Made some rice (for the kids) and they liked it. Also did a balsamic chicken...4 chicken breasts, an onion, some mushrooms and a can of diced tomatos (and I threw in a couple of handfuls of spinach), 1/2 c. of balsamic vinegar and cooked on low, ate over angel hair was pretty good. Also made for the kids some chicken breast rolled in crushed french's crispy onion rings, not too fattening and they loved those.

    I'm really trying to get up, walk the dogs, get lunch together and have time to work out..that is my biggest downfall, along with eating bad at night b/c I'm tired and don't feel like cooking :)