Obligatory Welcome Post



  • SheRa520
    SheRa520 Posts: 2 Member
    Just started this so glad to see Reddit here. 15899633.png
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • jrknoch
    jrknoch Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Redditors,

    I've been on MFP for a while but Reddit only since Christmas (username: zloty). I am hoping to add a few folks to my MFP buddy list and make it more interactive - so feel free to friend and I'll do the same. I am aiming to track more consistently instead of writing days off, and see more consistent progress in my weight loss as well.

    A bit about me: overweight since high school, but it really got out of control with pregnancies. Now I'm trying to shape up for a return to competition fencing! Lost about 10 pounds since Christmas and feeling good about it. I'm in the pacific northwest but I have lived all over the US. Hope to see you on the boards!
  • Howdy all!

    I'm an occasional poster on Reddit (more lurker), and I just joined MFP today, and holy **** am I impressed by how easy this site makes dieting. I've been redditing now for almost a year (where has time flown?) Feel free to add me on either site (username is the same), we'll support one another.

    Throughout college, I've gained 50lbs (165->215) through consuming copious amounts of alcohol and food and not utilizing my muscles. Currently, I'm at 207 (just purchased a scale today) which means I've lost 8lbs since the start of medical school (yay!!!), but that's not enough; I have two goals in mind: -25lbs by the end of May, and to be back down to 165lbs by next December. It's quite the ambition, but I think I can do it. I really want to be back to where I was physically in 2007, plus I don't want diabetes/cardiovascular disease/hypertension/or any other preventable illness.
  • Mr_Cape219
    Mr_Cape219 Posts: 1,345 Member
    Dknothere... here,

    Just saying wassup to all the Reddit peeps in here! But the other one... what is a keto?? I probably should have googled it before writing this, and will have to do it now afterwards!

    So, I guess through my life I was pretty round, except for when I was in highschool and I went through that weird growth spurt stage and I got fantastically fit. But since then, especially since I am out of highschool and in a desk job, I can feel my weight collecting on my rump, which is terrible.

    Now I am on a personal quest to get back to my highschool self, and beyond. I dont want to be the guy that peaked in highschool. This app makes it so easy to follow your diet, there really is no excuse to not get thinner,except that you dont want to be thinner.

    Uhm.. thats it as far as introductory posts go, I suppose..

    Feel free to add me to your friends list and lurk around my username on Reddit, I dont mind :D

    AWesome-sauce cool beans,

    over and out
  • Too many redditors rambling on, not enough cats.
  • Howdy there, Redditors!

    Firstly, my Reddit name is the same as here, tahoe5280, but IRL I'm Mike. Stats are as follows: 38 yr old male, living in Houston, TX but a California resident at heart. Lived there 95% of my life and can't wait to return. At my peak, I was about 370, and am currently about 335. My goal is to get down to about 175-185 and be as active and fit as I was when I was living in Lake Tahoe when I was 25.

    I've always struggled with my weight, but it wasn't until I saw the famed Youtube video, "Sugar: The bitter truth" from Dr. Robert Lustig MD that everything fell into place for me. I've been very susceptible to compulsive eating, and it was always foods that were loaded with carbs and sugar. After watching that video, I decided to try and cut out sugar from my diet and switch to a very low carb, high protein high fat diet and see what happens.

    Well, that video changed my life. After cutting out sugar and carbs from my diet, my compulsive eating went away. I was awestruck when I lost 20 pounds in 2 weeks. Since that time, I've been losing about 5 pounds a week (which I hear is too much, but I figure its only because I am starting out and a really high BMI).

    I know I don't have a profile pic yet, but that's because I was avoiding cameras for the last 10 years of being a big fat guy. I plan on adding some soon, however. Good luck at being losers.
  • Hi everyone!
    I'm really happy there's a reddit group on here! Makes me feel support already! I just want to thank all of you for being here. I'm currently 165lbs and 5'3. My goal is to get down to 140. I'm getting married in October this year, but I want to be a healthy weight for life. I'm hoping to comment on all of your wonderful progress and to help all of you succeed as well!

    Once again, thank you!

    P.s. Also, any idea on how to use group stuff on phones?
  • zoe1328
    zoe1328 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all,

    I've used this app before briefly until switching phones and then kinda just dropped off and started using another calendar to just track what exercise I did that day. I have a problem trying to reach the 1200 calorie minimum which I guess I need to work on. Cut out soda (my biggest weakness), and if I feel the need for it, I just grab a diet coke. Stopped eating fast food altogether and doing the whole running/biking thing (with a few weights thrown in) and have seen minimal changes, I keep fluctuating (grrrrr). It's getting aggravating. But I figured I'd give this site another try and alas, there's other redditors here. So thank you for starting the group!!

    So, I'm 5'7 and fluctuate between 205-215 depending on the day. I would like to get back down to my 140 weight that I was like 5-6 years ago. Also, I'm in Seattle, if there's any locals that want to team up. :)

    Also, feel free to add me, I have no friends on here and kinda just going at it alone which can suck at times.
    Take care,
    zoe1328 (I go by the same name on reddit too).
  • Elkcan
    Elkcan Posts: 19
    Hello all!

    My name is Sara, I'm 5'10" tall, 21 y/o and looking to drop about 5lbs (from 135-130) and increase my strength and flexibility. I've never been in very good shape AT ALL so I'm really just looking to make some positive changes in my life :)
  • I thought I *was* in the Reddit group when I joined the Loseit group in November. But this one's bigger! As Patrick would say: Why don't we take THAT group and put it with THIS group so that there's just one?!

    Anyway, hello! I am female, 31, 5'4" and presently 196.6 lbs. I'm down from about 290, which I was back in 2006. In 07 I lost a bunch, then got stuck for a while while my life turned into a movie with a complicated plot for a few years. Then, 109 days ago, I decided to finish what I started and began logging on MFP and became a dedicated participant in r/loseit, r/keto, and r/vegetarianketo. In those 109 days I've lost 35 lbs.

    I have just been devouring health and nutrition information and have made it my mission to not just lose weight but to become as well-informed as possible and give my body what it wants and needs as perfectly as I am able. This is about so much more than getting thinner. I want to be a super-healthy badass.

    I am highly, highly motivated and totally unflappable in my mission.

    I'm becoming pretty knowledgable about how to maintain a diverse and delicious ketogenic diet as a vegetarian *without* ODing on soy (which I eat no more than once a week). Truthfully, my version is slightly adapted, I think, from what some of the purists might say is "real" keto. But my trusty Ketostix assure me I'm staying in ketosis and it's been working!

    I have PCOS and the resulting insulin resistance and changing to a high protein, low carb diet has been utterly life changing. In 109 days nearly all of my symptoms are gone. I don't take any pharmaceuticals at all. After a lifetime of blood sugar issues, mood issues, and all the other awful stuff that comes with hormone imbalance, this is miraculous to me. It makes me want to seek out women with the same condition and say "LISTEN! I MUST TELL YOU THINGS!"

    So, truly, if you want to discuss vegetarian keto or PCOS related issues, please feel free to ask me questions and share your own experiences. Also, add me!

    Best wishes on your own journey. This community has proven to be remarkably valuable to me and I thank every one of you for being a part of if.
  • mesockisgone
    mesockisgone Posts: 6 Member
    Hello!! I added a bunch of you! I am glad I found r/loseit and MFP I don't think I would of started as soon as I did without them!
  • hey redditors... big fan of r/loseit.
  • vancil01
    vancil01 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Just joined up yesterday and started up my weight loss/fitness goals again this week. My biggest thing is staying on course and motivated to get in shape and stay healthy, so I am hoping I can keep up here and help others with my same problem :) Reddit name is arentyouinIT, new to Reddit as well :)
  • Hy everybody!

    Was lurking around /loseit and hoped that there would be a my fitness pall group around, and there is!

    I started at 204 pounds, not 201 as MFP thinks and am now at around 188. Trying to get to 170 or something (I say or something because I will only stop when I can see my abs, and yes I am training my abs as well).

    If you want to add me please don't hesitate to do so... i've got no friends on this. Cheereo! :)
  • Hi everyone!

    Just joined MFP a few days ago and would love to have some buddies on there so I know I'm not a lonely panda watching what I eat.

    Cheers :)
  • Hi everyone :) My reddit name is the same as my mfp name, but my actual name is Sam. I'm a 20 year old, 5'7" lady. I'm currently at about 185, and I'd like to get down to 140 and then reevaluate. My plan so far is to count calories, (try) to cut out breads/pasta and eat more vegetables, and I need to get way more protein in my diet. I don't have money that I'm willing to spend on a gym membership so for exercise I'm going to focus on bodyweight exercises at home. There seems to be divided opinion on bodyrock, but I like the way it's done, and I think I'm going to start with that and see what happens :)
  • Hello the names josh iv been eating since I was born...i thought this would be like a AA meeting hah! But anywho hi everyone I'm 22 years old and 6'1 tall, and weigh 287 I use to be at about 265 a couple months ago but everything changed when I found out me an the mrs. J were having a kid! It seems like i gained all the weight from cravings!!!! Well any way I'm shooting for 240 and I haven't Been on reddit as much or loseit but I need to get things together for the sake of myself and my family as of late I realized how ****ty iv felt so i got up and started running and everything's gone as bad as It could so it's time to **** **** up! And lose some weight!

    So add me I need some people to help along this excruteationgly painfully fun journey' so friend me if you'd like
  • NoMatterHowFar
    NoMatterHowFar Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Derps and Derpettes. I am glad there are so many of us rocking the MFP. I love /r/loseit (user: Seesaws) and hope to get to know many of you in the coming months/years. I could definitely use the support group and welcome friend requests. <3
  • chemd36
    chemd36 Posts: 3
    Hi Reddit!

    I've been eating Paleo for about 1.5 months now and am on my first week of Insanity. Looking to add more buddies on MFP and connect with any other redditors doing Insanity right now.
  • notafarmer
    notafarmer Posts: 4 Member
    Oh look, it's reddit! Hi reddit!

    Was turned onto MFP through /r/loseit a few months ago and have dropped 16lbs so far. /r/loseit and /r/getmotivated have done wonders for my fitness!

    Feel free to add me. I'm also notafarmer over on reddit.