Check in

MrsGoHard Posts: 150 Member
How are my cuties doing??? Is everyone keeping track of water and calorie intake over on FB?


  • AmoureInfinity
    AmoureInfinity Posts: 26 Member
    Only keeping track of my calories because i had been taking in too much water so now as per my doctor I drink when I'm thirsty just making sure I at least get in 4 bottles of water a day.
  • tifferzb1206
    tifferzb1206 Posts: 19 Member
    There's not too much of anything going on over on FB lol. I try to get it jumping but you know only the same few of us ever respond. The same ladies that are using MFP it seems
  • MrsGoHard
    MrsGoHard Posts: 150 Member
    Cool Amoure love!

    Tiff... we've gotta do something sugalump to get it jumping LOL ---- I think I will suggest TCFC on FB to some of my new friends here. I won't be back until after lent, but I'll be talking more about us.
  • TrishaAvina
    What's the deal with checking it over on FB too? You mean when you have the auto share setting?:tongue:
  • MrsGoHard
    MrsGoHard Posts: 150 Member
    I'm not doing FB for Lent this year lol. We have a group on FB as well for team cute fat chix, so since I can't check there, I have to check in on our girls there. Thanks for joining btw!