Tell Us About Your Targets :)



  • beautifulmix85
    Start weight : 268.8. Goal weight : 218.0. Last year I had my last child. I have fulfilled my goal for a big family now it's time for me to get in shape and enjoy life and look good doing it
  • Isabella_91
    Hi everyone! I'm new here : )

    CW: 54 kg / 119 lbs.
    GW: 43 kg / 95 lbs.
  • DeadlyDame13
    DeadlyDame13 Posts: 197 Member
    SW: 187( 3/12)
    12wk GW : 163
    I just recently had my son and I simply refuse to let myself go! I want to enjoy summer and its fashion without feeling like a fat s%%* .
  • bluberrygoo
    bluberrygoo Posts: 222 Member
    Sw: 98 lbs
    Gw: 88 lbs

    I'm hoping to get to my goal weight, become more toned, and look good in a swimsuit.
  • flet216
    flet216 Posts: 5
    CW: 148.6
    GW: 136

    Need to lose the "holiday"weight.
    Also, feel better in my clothes and suit!
  • RheneeB
    RheneeB Posts: 461 Member
    Hello - my name is Rhenee' and I have been on MFP since August. I joined MFP with a friend and I lost 15 pounds and was on track but then my friend dropped out and I have done terrible ever since. I really need to get focused and I think this group will help me with accountability.....I hope anyway.

    Start Weight: 169 (3/13)

    12 Week Goal: 145

    Reason for Wanting to Lose By Summer: I just want to know what it is like to put on a bathing suit or even just shorts and not feel subconscious of the way I look. I have a beautiful swimming pool but only use it when no one else is around. I am 47 years old and if I don't go this now, it will only get harder.
  • HisMissus
    HisMissus Posts: 119 Member
    SW: 241lbs

    12wk goal: 223lbs (under 16 stones) so want to lose 18lbs

    Reason: to feel a little less frumpy in summer tops and floaty dresses
  • sammydep
    sammydep Posts: 13
    Hi all !

    Start Weight: 219.6lbs

    12 week goal: 193.2lbs

    Reason: I know that is quite a loss to aim for in 12 weeks but my PT reckons this should be the least amount of weight I can lose and I'm determined to show him that I can. He's the only one in my support network. I have a few reasons for losing the weight:

    1) I want this to be the first summer in a long time that I can wear something other then trousers and a jumper all the time
    2) I don't want to be on painkillers all summer again.
    3) I want to look great not frumpy.
  • niklong
    niklong Posts: 49 Member
    My name is Nicole. I would like to join this group. I've been just half-heartedly trying to lose for years. It's time to get serious. Everyone in my familiy is obese/overweight and has health problems due to it...diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. Every year I say I am going to be in shape for summer and then it passes me by. I just got back from 17 days in Hawaii and if seeing skinny people on the beach isn't a good motivator, I don't know what is! I have weekend trip planned for July 20-22. I would like to lose 30 lbs by then. I need to get serious about tracking my food & staying within my goal. I also really need to exercise more regularly.

    Starting Weight: 172.5
    Goal in 12 Wks: 150
  • nettie23
    nettie23 Posts: 44 Member
    GM everyone,

    CW 190
    GW 140

    12 week goal 170. Would like to be 170 by the end of the challenge would bring me closer to my final goal
  • snickers124
    Hello, I'm new to MFP. My goal is to lose 20lbs in this 12 week challenge with healthy eating, exercise, and the key to it all...consistency! Thanks for creating this group!
  • kmhallett
    kmhallett Posts: 98 Member
    Current weight: 191
    12 week weight: 165

    Why? I would really love to be able to purchase a new wardrobe for summer!
  • harmonious1
    harmonious1 Posts: 49 Member
    My main target is to flatten out my tummy and get my arms thinner. I really want to look good in a bathing suit. :smokin:
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Start Weight - 234.2 lb (3/12/12 - heaviest I've ever been)

    12 Week Goal - 10% of body weight down - 210.8

    I challenged my parents to a "Biggest Loser" contest this past weekend. Obviously I want to beat my Dad (who has about 75 lbs to lose as well) and this is a good way to stay accountable to myself, on top of staying accountable to them.

    I've been on WeightWatchers recently and actually managed to gain, rather than lose, because I found creative ways to stay within the points targets but not watch portion sizes.... sometimes I am too smart for my own good. Anyway, I came back to MFP where I've had success before, and decided to join this group as a way to stay accountable.

    My goal in shaping up for summer just fits into my larger goal which is to move to the "normal" column on the BMI chart - and to be able to do 100 regular pushups in a workout.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Hi all !

    Start Weight: 219.6lbs

    12 week goal: 193.2lbs

    Reason: I know that is quite a loss to aim for in 12 weeks but my PT reckons this should be the least amount of weight I can lose and I'm determined to show him that I can. He's the only one in my support network. I have a few reasons for losing the weight:

    1) I want this to be the first summer in a long time that I can wear something other then trousers and a jumper all the time
    2) I don't want to be on painkillers all summer again.
    3) I want to look great not frumpy.

    Hi Sammy! It can be tough to do this with little support, so I'm happy to be in your support network as well :smile:
  • PAVS30
    PAVS30 Posts: 12
    Hello!! I just joined this group and also MyFitnessPal

    Start Weight: 196 lbs

    12 Week Goal: 184 lbs or more

    I want to look good this summer and not look like a beached whale and worry about if people are staring at the fat mom with her daughter. I hate wearing a bathing suit now and plus I used to be 130 lbs before I got pregnant and had my daughter so I am going to try to get down to close to what I used to be give or take 10 to 15lbs.
  • SkrillexFan
    SW: 128
    GW: 120

    I decided to keep my goal here small because all though I do want to shed a few pounds my main goal is to build up muscle(:
  • 21lauren21
    21lauren21 Posts: 11 Member

    I am looking to loose 20lbs or roughly 10kg before I hit the big 3-0 in July. We have just had our southern summer but I have a beach holiday booked for July as well.

    SW: 69kg
    GW: 59kg
  • pont01
    pont01 Posts: 29 Member

    I am going to Morocco in 15 weeks so ideally would like to have lost around 10kg (22lb) in the next 12-15 weeks.

    Current weight 72
    Goal weight 72

    Good Luck everyone
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    Current Weight: 135lbs
    Goal Weight: 127lbs and super fit with abs:)