Tell Us About Your Targets :)



  • nfroff
    nfroff Posts: 24
    Just joined in! You all sound pretty pumped.

    Start weight: 214 (as of today)
    12 week goal: 196

    Aiming to lose 1.5 lbs per week. Want to feel okish putting on a pair of shorts again. Good luck to us all!
  • frazzle29
    frazzle29 Posts: 122 Member
    Current weight 186
    Goal weight 156

    Shooting high but it'll push me harder.

    Reason is I'm tired of looking the weigh I do and I want to look way way better! :)
  • lindsnjeff
    lindsnjeff Posts: 33 Member
    SW 277
    12 week GW 253

    No real reason except for just wanting to lose weight and be healthier! Good Luck everyone!
  • PugLuvMn
    PugLuvMn Posts: 15 Member
    I'm in as well...this is such a great way to be held accountable!

    Starting Weight: 221
    Goal Weight in 12 Weeks: 195

    I would love to be under 200lbs for the first time in summer since I don't know when!!!
  • SilentRenegade
    SilentRenegade Posts: 243 Member
    I am 179.5 right now. I'd like to get to 157. That would be 10 pounds less than last summer. :)
  • Current weight: 211 lbs
    12 weeks from now 187 lbs

    I'm in!
    Last summer I went to Disney with my family. I hate every picture I'm in :(
    This summer WILL be different. That is my motivation for my lifestyle change.
    6lbs gone so far.
  • sjkcarter
    sjkcarter Posts: 417 Member
    Target is 164lbs, which is my goal weight. That is what I was after I got done with basic training in 2004, and that was the healthiest I had ever been in my life.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    CW: 174
    GW in 12 weeks: 155

    I'm really gonna have to work to hard reach this. My diet lacks on the weekends. That's gotta stop!!!
  • LNolan24
    LNolan24 Posts: 5 Member
    Starting Weight: 127

    Goal Weight in 12 weeks: 117

    Let's go! :-D
  • KrystalSlim
    KrystalSlim Posts: 48 Member
    SW: 158
    GW: 140

    in 12 weeks it'll be mid-may and my 20th birthday is on the 25 may :) A little gift to myself.

    So excited about this! I'll be doing mostly upper body circuits and bodyweight stuff as I'm healing from knee weakness. I'll also try a month of Jilian Micheals! If anyone is up for it with me that would be awesome!!
  • Twyla123
    Twyla123 Posts: 47 Member
    SW: 169.5

    12week GW: 145

    Look better in a bathing suit and to finally get back to my wedding weight from 9 years ago
  • chell53
    chell53 Posts: 352 Member
    Hello everyone!!!!

    SW: 184.8
    GW: 164

    Of course would like more weight gone, but we will start with that........small steps at a time, doing this for me so I feel better
  • jaquwa
    jaquwa Posts: 92 Member
    Start Weight 243.5lbs

    12 Week Goal 220lbs

    By then I will be able to fit in all the clothes that I did 3 years ago....Yeah!!
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    I would like to join too. Weekly weigh-ins may make me accountable (I hope).

    I weighed in this Monday and started exercising yesterday, so this group is perfect for me.

    SW (3/12/2012): 131
    GW: 120

    I have a hike in the Adirondacks planned for Memorial Day weekend and I'd like to be able to actually accomplish it wearing the same hiking clothes I wore 3 years ago. My doctor thinks I should be 110, but I've never been that low-so I think 120 is a nice compromise. Right?
  • vyanadevi
    vyanadevi Posts: 134 Member
    SW: 150.5
    GW: 130-135
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    SW169 lbs

    12 goal weight 155lbs because it puts me in the "healthy weight" section for my BMI

    why do I want to lose ... to be healthy :D

    good luck everyone :D
  • amandammmq
    amandammmq Posts: 394 Member
    Hi, I'm glad I found this group! I had already been vaguely thinking about how much weight I'd like to lose before the end of June, so this is perfect!

    CW: 197
    GW: 182

    I'd like to lose 15 pounds in the next 12 weeks.

    Why: I do enjoy wearing dresses and skirts, but at my current weight, my thighs rub together too much. I will not get any more descriptive than that; many of you already know what I'm talking about! :laugh:
  • Jking826
    Jking826 Posts: 131 Member
    Im SO in!!

    I posted on the orginal post but anyway IM EXCITED for ALL of us...

    CW: 209
    GW 12wks: 175

    I want MY body back....LETS DO THIS
  • mestop1
    mestop1 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm 33 years old and 5'4" tall.

    My starting weight is 135
    12 week goal is 129.

    I'm aiming for .5 pounds per week but sometimes I lose more. I tried losing faster but that put me on a 1200 calorie per day diet. I was always hungry! Now I'm sticking to at least my bmr 1350 plus a few calories. This has me at 1390 and I am so much happier. I'm not starving all day to keep under my goal and best of all I have energy to work out. I also eat at least half of my exercise calories. It's amazing what a difference 190 calories can make on my comfort level. It has also kept me from wanting to quit counting calories by lunchtime every day. :wink:
  • jro529
    jro529 Posts: 4 Member
    Start Weight: 182

    12 Week Target: 164 - 170

    After going down to 150 lbs two summers ago, I've crept back up to my highest weight ever. I enjoy summer at a lower weight. I want to be able to be comfortable in my clothes and right now I'm not.