favorite/least favorite video

gurl0411 Posts: 41 Member
I don't know if this has already been asked but I'm on week 4 which is full of fire 45 ez and I gotta say, I think it may be my least favorite video.
I really like fire 45 and fire 30.


  • brookef81
    brookef81 Posts: 286 Member
    I hate sculpt and tone because they hurt so much! LOL, but I like the hurt :)

    Sometimes I dislike the stretch 40 because I don't have a lot of patience and it is difficult to relax.

    My favorite, I think is Fire 45 or Fire 55
  • BrendaS78
    BrendaS78 Posts: 28
    My favorite is Fire 55 so far--I am also on week 4! I like that the Sculpt, Tone, and Core mixes it up, but I like to feel my heart racing and feel the sweat dripping--which I don't get from these videos. I like the HIIT classes too!
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I love Fire 45 EZ and I really don't like the sculpt & tone :)

    I love to lift heavy weights, but I absolutely DESPISE the resistance bands.

    Speaking of which. I have TONE 30 tonight I believe :((((((
  • brookef81
    brookef81 Posts: 286 Member
    I love Fire 45 EZ and I really don't like the sculpt & tone :)

    I love to lift heavy weights, but I absolutely DESPISE the resistance bands.

    Speaking of which. I have TONE 30 tonight I believe :((((((

    Me too :(
  • sandymck413
    sandymck413 Posts: 29 Member
    I can't say that I don't like any of the videos but I can say that I don't like one move in ez 45 that is like brushing your shoulder and jumping jack while rotating your hands that move kills me and I'm saying to myself I hate this move when is it over ugh!
  • FIRE45 is my favorite so far but I have only just started and haven't done Sculpt or Tone yet. I hope I don't hate them! I love lifting weights too so am hopeful I will like them!
  • gurl0411
    gurl0411 Posts: 41 Member
    i hate that brushing shoulders part too with high knees, it's the reason i hate the whole video. i wouldn't hate it if it didn't feel like it was going on forever but it kinda does! i love fire 30 because of the fire throw i LOVE that move soo much
  • jlebert716
    jlebert716 Posts: 92 Member
    My favorite is definitely Fire 45!!! I hate the sculpt and tone videos and usually replace them with something else (eg p90x or 30DS)
  • seesaey
    seesaey Posts: 231
    My favorite is Fire 45 (love the songs) and least favorite is HIIT 20.
  • Exna
    Exna Posts: 96 Member
    Love HIIT 25 , sculpt and tone videos :) ..

    Least favorite : HIIT 20
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    My least favorite is stretch 40. I hate yoga.
  • jaszmyn
    jaszmyn Posts: 66 Member
    My least favorite is stretch 40 and Core 30. The stretch is becuase its so hard to realx, I agree with you Brooke. And the core, because its HURTS SO GOOD!!! I dont think I have stregnth in my core. It one of my weaker areas that I am definatley working on.