Were up to 10 members! Introduce yourselves.....

CoachXthea Posts: 75 Member
Hey guys just wanted to get to know you all. See what programs you are doing. Know how they are going and if you need any motivation or advice?


  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member

    I'm finishing up week 4 (month 1) of Insanity. I've had good results but I want to work with some weights so I'm thinking of starting a P90X/Insanity hybrid for month two. I would substitute P90X's plyo/yoga/kenpo days with Insanity. I haven't decided yet if I'm going to do it or not. I just like the idea of weight lifting and there's no way I have the time to do both programs.
  • CoachXthea
    CoachXthea Posts: 75 Member
    I am doing a hybrid. I'm in week three and for the first two weeks on the resistance days I doubled with cardio in the afternoon and did Insanity. This week my body wasn't with it so I subbed Kenpo for Insanity. I hate the Yoga, but I feel that is a much needed part of the program. I am now able to do the tricep dips in Insanity with one leg in the air when before Yoga I could even do one. And this was after a few rounds of Insanity. Do you happen to be on teambeachbody.com? I suck @ finding buddies, but I'm on there at xthea. look me up. maybe we can hybrid together. LOL.
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    I just started Insanity today, Fit Test, whew, that's already a killer but it feels GOOD! I am a little concerned about losing definition (I've been rotating Jillian videos for the last year and it seems like they've stopped being effective for me, but I love the toning I've gained from them) so I'll keep doing some strength training on top of it.
    I'm 30, SAHM and student, 5 year wedding anniversary coming up this year and I want to look twice as hot as I did the day I got married ;-) Nice to meet you all - feel free to add me!
  • glittermouse
    glittermouse Posts: 590 Member
    Hi! I'm GlitterMouse. I've been around MFP for a while now and I've had a few cycles of success followed by weeks of distractions (being in hospital, moving, starting new school year, grad school, teaching, etc). I treated myself to Insanity for Christmas and I started it in January, but soon got derailed.

    I'm back and I'm five days into it. I mean business this time. I have a goal in mind and it's just over 2 months away.

    Glad to be part of this group. =) Let's do this!

  • CoachXthea
    CoachXthea Posts: 75 Member
    Nice to meet you both. Yes. This time I mean business to. I promised myself I would have all my baby weight off before she turns 1. I got to May 31st to do this.
  • Mizzylizzy
    Mizzylizzy Posts: 12 Member
    I started insanity yesterday. I've tried it in the past but always quick with in 2 weeks into it. Hoping this time I'll go all the way through with it. Need all the motivation :)
  • brandonvb
    How is everyone making out with their programs?
  • CoachXthea
    CoachXthea Posts: 75 Member
    I'm in recovery week. But I am going to go to the gym and get at least a 1.5 mile run in three days this week and some additional core. I'm also focusing on diet and cleansing. So 1 gallon of water and supplementing one meal with Shakeology and another with Myloplex. Will let you know how it goes.
  • tquig
    tquig Posts: 176 Member
    I have two weeks left of regular P90x, although I have been doing the occasional double with Insanity when I had the time and energy. My wife bought me P90x2 for Valentine's Day (awesome way to say I love you, right?!? haha). Plan to jump into it right after I am done. Not sure after what I've read if there is a good P90x2/Insanity hybrid yet so I will probably just stick it in here and there.
  • CoachXthea
    CoachXthea Posts: 75 Member
    I have two weeks left of regular P90x, although I have been doing the occasional double with Insanity when I had the time and energy. My wife bought me P90x2 for Valentine's Day (awesome way to say I love you, right?!? haha). Plan to jump into it right after I am done. Not sure after what I've read if there is a good P90x2/Insanity hybrid yet so I will probably just stick it in here and there.

    Yeah we were just discussing or P90X2 plans yesterday. Think we might do one more round of P90X first. I already have it though. I know I'm an addict.