
RaniMerryman Posts: 19 Member
This is a new group and we (Bockstie - my lovely sissy) really started it so that we could include all of our friends even if they weren't mutual. She lives in PA and I am in MD and we have both lived all over the US... so similar to FB, this is a great way to lose weight with all of our far reaching pals!

I am a mother of 2 boys 4 and 6 and what really got me started was that I can't do as much physical activity as I want to to keep up with them..... so for the sake of the family, I am shedding the flubber in my way!

If you have any good recipes or find anything that works really well for you, let us know! If you are having a bad day.... we can certainly empathize!

Thanks for joining! See you on the slender side!


  • bockstie
    bockstie Posts: 1 Member
    What a great workout today! I already feel better. Thank you for encouraging me! I love your humor and attitude. I'm so glad to be on this journey with you! See you tomorrow!