I am SOOOO tired!

Just wondering if anybody else is as tired as me? I feel like I have no energy at all. I could sleep all day! How is everybody else? Any suggestions on how to get some of my energy back? I have tried eating more protein etc. Nothing seems to work and my morning sickness is awful. It lasts all day and all night. I am going to the Dr. for my first appointment today but I think it is going to be more of an informational exchange than anything. Hopefully they can give me some advice. Other than that I am super excited!!!! How is everyone else??


  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I always get tired during my 1st trimester. Nothing seems to really help me, but working out does give me a little more energy for a couple hours then it's gone again. I try and drink enough water and eat healthy snacks (when I can stomach them) and they help. I know other ladies take some vitamins to help with energy, but I've never tried it.

    I am use to being tired with a 2yo and a 6mo so I am just focusing on teh fact that this can't last forever. :laugh:
  • kya101
    kya101 Posts: 37
    I feel exactly the same way. Sooo tired all day long. I even nap when my son does and it seems to make me feel even more tired. Just want to get through the next few weeks and hopefully get some energy back.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Ohhhhh, me too!!! My job involves both desk work and going out into the community and at times a lot of driving. I am in the Social Work field so my job is really unpredictable. The days that I have to drive a lot and just sit at my desk are the worst!!!!! I am only about 6-8 weeks along (haven't gotten in to the Dr. yet) but I am just dragging!!!!!
  • missemmapeel
    missemmapeel Posts: 69 Member
    I was exhausted the first few months too, but for me it totally got better!!! It was all I could do to go to work; I'd come home and lie on the couch while my husband looked after our toddler, cooked us all dinner and put her to bed (this is usually all done by me). Forget about exercise, all I could handle was rolling off the couch and crawling to bed...

    It switched at around 13-14 weeks and I'm now back to my normal (albeit rounder) self. I've almost got more energy now than usual, and I'm swimming, yogaing, zumbaing and generally full of beans most days after work.

    Hope this reassures some of you mamas-to-be out there :smile:
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Yes that was very reassuring!!!!! I have a 5 year old and I think I am probably around 7.5-8 weeks or so. My hubby works a really weird shift, so we dont get to see each other through the week. I am trying to keep up with everything at home so it is like pulling teeth to exercise. I have been doing fairly well though. I just dont get pumped up and enjoy it like I did before. I just forgot what it is like to be preg I guess!!!!
  • newma6
    newma6 Posts: 100 Member
    I am in the same boat! I feel exhausted all day everyday. With 5 kids to take care of there is not much time for rest. I do get a little break during the day when my 4 oldest are in school. My 3 year old and I go down for a quiet time about 1 every afternoon. That helps a little, but still doesn't seem to be enough. I am really looking forward to this fatigue easing up in the next few weeks. I am just glad I will be in my second trimester when all 5 of the kids are home this summer on break!
  • cassandra77
    cassandra77 Posts: 120
    Glad I'm not alone! Hope everyone feels better soon! Dr. didn't really have to much advice other than to get my rest. Not always possible with a two year old but i'll try!
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    I'm exhausted! This is my first so I don't even have other munchkins to worry about and I still want to take a nap in the middle of the day :) Unfortunately (or fortunately?) my office has a glass wall so no sneaking a nap for me! I've been going to be at 9pm the last week or so. Then at night I'm getting up two to three times lol so it's not like I'm getting uninterrupted sleep then either!

    Here's to looking forward to the second trimester when I'm supposed to regain some energy! There's a lot to do to get our house ready
  • iNkedFiTmama
    iNkedFiTmama Posts: 277 Member
    I could sleep my entire first trimester away! This is my 3rd pregnancy.. I'm hoping exercising will help give me more energy than the last 2 .... ugh Zombie modeeeee
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    I'm still exhausted and having morning sickness at 16 weeks. I really want that 'second trimester burst of energy' everyone keeps telling me about.