HRM Shopping

pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
Hello my fellow Edmontonians
I am looking to buy a decent HRM. I picked one up @ Walmart but returned it because it really wasnt worth it. I tried Kajiji but no luck. Sportcheck seems a bit pricey. Any other ideas other than purchasing online? I really don't want to wait a week-10days to find out its not exactly what I want.


  • Cueball55
    Cueball55 Posts: 152 Member
    I bought mine at sportchek on sale. this is the time they do go on sale too, just before running season. keep checking their flyers.

    Also, try the running room, but they'll be just as pricey. I guess it is one of those things where you do pay for what you get.
  • fawnfatale
    fawnfatale Posts: 9 Member
    Mountain Equipment Coop has some good ones. Check out their website, not sure how much you want to spend but they do have a wide variety.
  • fawnfatale
    fawnfatale Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I've been looking for one for the last couple months and I think I finally made a decision. The Polar FT7. I just searched and I know you don't want to wait for shipping, but I just wanted to let you know that the last couple purchases I've made there have gotten to me within the week, usually about 3-4 business days. Anyways, the FT7 is on sale right now for $95. Just thought I'd let you know because everywhere I look it's been about $140. Hope you find one :)

  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    Maybe check out The Running Room or there's a little running shoppe on 104th Ave, right across from Safeway.