March Goals and Progress Report



  • fotomomx4
    I'm working towards being in the 220's by the end of March...I weigh in on Fridays:

    3/2/12: 238.6lbs
    3/9/12: 235.8lbs
  • viv_80
    viv_80 Posts: 20 Member
    Count me in! I weigh in on Saturdays... Going with 10 pd lost this month.... :-)
    3-3 222
    3-10 220

    not coming off as fast as i like... humm got me some running shoes this weekend will trying them out this week..... :-)
  • jhartram
    jhartram Posts: 165
    My goal for March is to lose at least 10 lbs... that's half-way to my goal of being at 200 by May 1, at which point I plan to do something just for ME!

    3/1: 219.8
    3/7: 218.5 (Not the two pounds I wanted but a loss is a loss! I'll do better next week! =D)
    3/14: 216.3 (That's more like it!)
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    My March Goal -12 lbs.
    3/1: 240.8
    3/8: 240
    3/15: 238
    3/28 GOAL: 228.8
    Sooo, this doesn't look promising! I started with a personal trainer and am working on letting go of the numbers on the scale. They are really starting to piss me off. We will keep on keepin on, but I'm not seeing what I want to. :explode:
  • viv_80
    viv_80 Posts: 20 Member
    Count me in! I weigh in on Saturdays... Going with 10 pd lost this month.... :-)
    3-3 222
    3-10 220
    3-17 218

    not sure if i'll make it to 10 pds put i will keep trying :-)
  • SMN71
    SMN71 Posts: 21 Member
    My March goal is 10..

    3/1: down 2 lbs
    3/8: down 2.8 lbs
    3/15: down 1.2 lbs

    I really hope I get to the 10 lbs mark.. :-)
  • MsUnlucky13
    MsUnlucky13 Posts: 29 Member
    I weigh in on Sunday so I will start my stats then. Would really love to lose at least 10 lbs this month.

    3/4/12: 227 (gained weight from the week previous, that's ok I'm getting back on track)

    3/11/12: 221 ( -4 was the weighted I gain from the previous 2 weeks and the other -2 was to the good. Yay back on track. Last wk I started doing excerise videos M-F & started doing the C25K also.)

    3/18/12: 223 (gained 2lbs this week)

    3/25/12: 218 (5 pounds lost this week. Happy to have finally busted through the 220's)
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    My March Goal -12 lbs.
    3/1: 240.8
    3/8: 240
    3/15: 238
    3/22: 236
    3/28 GOAL: My goal of 228.8 is not going to happen, but I can for sure hit half of it. Im going to shoot for 8 and if I hit it, I'll be thrilled. If I only get 6, well, I only get six. :grumble:
  • viv_80
    viv_80 Posts: 20 Member
    Going with 10 pd lost this month.... :-)
    3-3 222
    3-10 220
    3-17 218
    3-24 216

    Don't think i'll make the 10 pounds but i will be close... :-)
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    My March Goal -12 lbs.
    3/1: 240.8
    3/8: 240
    3/15: 238
    3/22: 236
    3/28: 236
    Plateau has been reached. Goal has not. -4.8 lbs this month... I worked too damn hard for that to be true. But it is and theres nothing I can do about it now. :explode:
  • viv_80
    viv_80 Posts: 20 Member
    Going with 10 pd lost this month.... :-)
    3-3 222
    3-10 220
    3-17 218
    3-24 216
    3-31 215

    okay didn't make it to 10 only lost 7 put i will so take that... :-)