Introductions/Roll Call!

I didn't know if we wanted to do this, but if you want to post a little about yourself, your weight if you want, your goal, anything you want! and your name so we know who everyone is!!!

I'll go first! My name is Crys (pronouced as Chris), I'm 29, and I'm a single mom(seperated) to 3 boys, a 3 1/2 year old, Hudson and twin 10 1/2 month olds, Cooper and Levi!

I'm 5' 10, and I'm unforunately 184 lbs =( I used to be 140 and it was too low for me, so my goal is around 150! So about 35 lbs to lose, but I definitely want to tone up for sure!

I'm hoping that I get accountablity and focus with this group!! I want some one to yell at me to do this, NO MATTER WHAT!!! lol =)

I look forward to getting to know you guys!!!

Good luck!!!


  • jehan
    jehan Posts: 155 Member
    Hi, Im 34 and Im 5 feet flat. I just gave birth last December 2011 and my son just turned 3 months. I was an active member of MFP 2 years ago. Unfortunately, I got pregnant and gained a LOT of weight. During the start of my pregnancy, I was 110 lbs. A 9 months, I tipped the scale at 152 lbs. I am currently 142 lbs. I just a got a green light from my obgyn and says its safe to exercise again.
  • AprilPayne24
    Hi! My name is April. I am 5'6 and currently 149 lbs. I have a 3 year old daughter and a 9 month old son. I am trying to lose the extra baby weight and tone up. My stats on Day 1 are as follows:

    Starting Weight: 149
    Waist: 33"
    Hips: 38"
    Neck: 14"
    Right Thigh: 23"
    Left Thigh: 22 1/2"
    Right Arm: 10 1/2"
    Left Arm: 11"

    I have a "Before" picture and if things go well, I will post at the end of the 30 days. I plan on measuring at the end of each level. Good luck to everyone!
  • mom2fabfive
    mom2fabfive Posts: 207 Member
    My name is Tara and I am happily married and mom to 5 kids! My oldest is 13 and my youngest is 2! I am 39 years old and in major need of getting back into shape. I am 5' 2" and weigh 155 lbs. The past year the scale numbers have kept creeping up and I finally had it and joined MFP 2 weeks ago. Hoping 30 day shred gets rid of some of those flabby inches!
  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 523 Member
    Hello All!

    My name is Renee. I am 42 years old, divorced with no children, but I have two beautiful dogs (in the picture). I started MFP in January and weighed 236 lbs. Today, i weigh 209 lbs. Eventuallly I would like to be around 160 lbs. I am 5'7" and for the first time in 8 years, am not wearing plus size clothes (great feeling).

    I look forward to this journey!
  • jasminegreen01
    Hey, my name is Jasmine, i am five feet, so quite a shorty. have been eating healthily but have not been exercising much so it is time to get toned i hope! i am curuntly 115 pounds but i am very petite so would like to get down to 105-110 dont really mind about waight now, the main thing is to stop things jigaling. i am also dislecsic so i apoligise for the spelling mistaces x x x look forword to this 30 day journey with you all please ceep me acountable and i will try to do the same for you guys x x x x
  • sweetaj
    sweetaj Posts: 30 Member
    Hi, I'm Lorena . 38, 2 kids, husband, a dog, a cat, a betta fish and a hermit crab. :laugh:

    150 last weigh
    measurements as of last night: right arm 12, left arm 11.25 right thigh 22.50, left thight 23.0 waist 31.0 hips 39.0. I forgot to do my chest ..

    I want to get back to the 130's. I'm a flabby mess; abs, what abs? Never had any, but I do see them trying now... I was a fat kid and teen; got up to 240, lost majority of it junior/senior year of high school; was in the 130s for a long time; got married, had baby, ballooned to 200 and birthed a 6lb 3oz baby boy... oopsie! LOL Got back to the 140's; surprise! Expecting my beautiful baby #2. Back up to 200 I go, out comes a 6lb 7oz baby girl.... oopsie again! I used pregnancy as a prime time to EAT! Took forever to even motivate to drop any after 2nd child. Finally got down to about 165, joined a challenge at work, got down to 139, held it for about a year, creeped 15 back on and now here I am!

    Today when I get home and do my 30DS, it'll actually be my 3rd day. I'm sore! I'm only using 2lb weights! GAH!!! LOL

    What was kind of cool was when I found the myfitnesspal app on my phone, I downloaded it and tried to sign up, but it had my email already associated w/an account. So I got on the computer, I had it reset my password, and then when I logged in and entered my current stats, it said congrats I lost 20 since last weigh in! So judging by that starting weight I must've signed up about 4 years or so ago.

    Anyways, I'm a sugar and carb *kitten*. :laugh: Since restarting MFP, been going about a month, I've just been logging everything and eating well. I've cut out all yucky sugar and carbs. I was the person that most always had a hard candy in her mouth.. Fireballs are my go to, followed by jawbreakers, brachs cinnamon disks, butterscotch, never like jolly ranchers too much... you get the idea :laugh: I don't eat cinnamon toast crunch or cocoa pebbles as an 8p snack anymore.

    I have incorporated skinny cow ice cream though. I couldn't feel totally jipped. So i guess those are probably some "bad sugar", but I've still came a long way! I usually have 1 a night, or the Dreyers fruit pop, 50cal.

    My weight has went down about 3lbs since that month, now i've been in a stall. I'm presuming it has to do with the exercise and water retention/muscle shock or something.. I started walking every day then the rain messed that up for about 5 days. I've been walking during my lunch break, whereas for the past 6-9 months I had been parking at the marina and sleeping during my lunch break.

    I do the wii fit plus , basically exclusively the hula to exhaustion then the jacknife and a few others.

    I bought an 8lb medicine ball that I play catch with myself with.

    Our dog has been the recepient of the benefit of the walks, too! Makes me feel good.

    Other than that, I work full time, my muscles hurt because of 30DS, I always feel there's never enough time in my day to do what I need to do, but I've threatened the hubs, the 10 and and 7yr old with torturous things if they don't give me my 20+ minutes with 30DS now!

    Look forward to getting to know everyone!
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Hi I'm Sharon. I'm 46 and Mom of 2 girls, 23 and 19, and step-Mom to 2 girls, 20 and 15 and 1 boy 16. I also have 2 chiweenies and 2 cats. I'm a full time student majoring in accounting although I was a full charge bookkeeper for many years.

    I have always run a little plump but was always very fit and worked out. This last 1 or so I was getting sicker and sicker and pretty soon spent much of my life in bed. They finally figured out what was wrong and I ended up having a hysterectomy in December. All that lying around caused me to gain about 10 lbs and get flabby so now that I'm feeling better I want to lose some weight and tone up.

    I'm only 4'11" and my starting weight is 126 with final goal of 110 or maybe 115. It's more about the way I look and feel than pounds. Measurements that I took the other day are:

    Upper Arm Chest Waist Tummy Hips Thigh Neck

    11.75 36.5 29.75 32.5 35.25 19.25 13.25

    I'm hoping that my jiggly upper arms will get tight, that my waist and tummy will get a bit smaller and my thighs will tighten up. Losing a few pounds would also be a plus.

    I'm off to do my first day!
  • mountaingirl222
    Hi I am Jennifer. 28 yrs old with 2 boys, 6 and 20 months. I am a aspiring photographer :) my weight is 175 and I am 5'1. Goal weight is 120. I have alot of medical problems and the medication messes with my weight loss :(
  • soccer8s
    soccer8s Posts: 331 Member
    Crys - I'm almost your twin!!!!

    I'm Steph - 34 single mom to 3 girls...5, 4, and 2...I'm 5'9" and goal is about 165 for now, maybe less when I get there....

    I did the 30ds yesterday but not today, so i will do it when I get home tonight...

    AND I'll take before pics tonight too..

    HOLD ME ACCOUNTABLE, i need to do this!!!!
    I didn't know if we wanted to do this, but if you want to post a little about yourself, your weight if you want, your goal, anything you want! and your name so we know who everyone is!!!

    I'll go first! My name is Crys (pronouced as Chris), I'm 29, and I'm a single mom(seperated) to 3 boys, a 3 1/2 year old, Hudson and twin 10 1/2 month olds, Cooper and Levi!

    I'm 5' 10, and I'm unforunately 184 lbs =( I used to be 140 and it was too low for me, so my goal is around 150! So about 35 lbs to lose, but I definitely want to tone up for sure!

    I'm hoping that I get accountablity and focus with this group!! I want some one to yell at me to do this, NO MATTER WHAT!!! lol =)

    I look forward to getting to know you guys!!!

    Good luck!!!
  • LikeNoOneElse84
    LikeNoOneElse84 Posts: 475 Member
    Hi all. My name is Kenya. I am a 27 year old mom of three. One boy (8) and two girls (5 & 22 months). I have been on this weight loss journey since March 2011. At that time, I weighed roughly 220lbs. Being 5'5, I was quite the butterball. Lol. No longer able to fit any of the clothes in my closet, I decided to go clothes shopping. When I walked into Kohls and realised that I was SQUEEZING into the largest size they had available, I knew something had to change. So I found MFP and Atkins. They both helped me to shed 43lbs. I fell off the wagon for a bit but am now back to lose these last 30-40 pounds. I am now calorie cutting to see how that works out for me.

    My weight as of today is 185lbs and I'm a size 12. My goal, once all is said and done, is to be in a 6/8 jean, and roughly 135-145 pounds.
  • olyrose
    olyrose Posts: 569 Member
    Just started my second round yesterday too, and love having other people who are doing this. It keeps me really motivated.

    I'm Crystal, 5'8", I started at 225 and am down to about 185 now, with my ultimate goal around 155 or so. I was losing consistently but the past few months my weight loss has slowed to a crawl. I know I can lose inches and tone with 30 DS so I thought I would spend the next month concentrating on that instead of being discouraged I wasn't losing weight.
  • jennarandhayes
    jennarandhayes Posts: 456 Member
    Hi all, My name is Jenna. I'm married and we have one beautiful daughter who is 6. I have been on MFP for 10 months and I've lost over 100 pounds. I am 6'0" tall and all legs! I have been testing the maintenance thing recently when I got down to 20 pounds under a "healthy" weight range, but I haven't been successful at maintaining (I put 10 pounds back on) so I need some motivation to lose 10-20 pounds and keep it off. I have never been a big fan of exercise unless I'm on the elliptical but I can't just keep doing cardio, I need to tone these muscles! I have been living in the UK for the past 2 years but we are moving back to California this summer and I will be attending my 20 year High School reunion, so I plan to look HOT!!! 30DS, Ripped in 30, then??? Let's do this! x
  • schume89
    schume89 Posts: 118 Member
    Hey, I am Sarah! I am 22 and I have a 3 year old cockapoo who is my baby haha I am 5 foot and 150 pounds. I used to be in the 120s in high school but then I moved in with a bf and gained like 35 lbs in a few months. I have never felt worse about myself so I lost a bit of it, but that was quite awhile ago and now I want to get back down to about 110.

    This is my second attempt at 30DS, and this time I WILL finish it! :) I am also doing a C25K program, body pump, rollerblading, and hopefully going to start swimming laps this week or next.

    I am training to do a marathon in June. It is .25 mile swim, 13 mile bike ride, and a 5k so I need to lose and tone up before then. I can't wait to get through this month and see how I look!

    Thanks everyone for joining :)
  • ckeachie
    ckeachie Posts: 26
    Hey everyone! I'm Christine, I'm 5'11 and 237 starting weight. It makes me sound huge, but nobody EVER believes that's my weight, including my doctor. At my lowest as an adult I was 175 and got a lot of comments from family and friends that I looked sickly... so my goal at this point is 190 and re-evaluate from there.

    I had an eating disorder as a child (age 13) so really struggle with finding a balance, but refuse to go back to that, so now I seem to have swung the opposite direction and not wanting to pay attention to what I eat at all.

    Just had my beautiful little girl in August 2011, after a terrible pregnancy where I had lost 27 pounds due to hyperemesis. I figured it was a great motivator to keep on losing, and am determined to do so! My short term weightloss is 15 pounds by May 15th. I'm still nursing so too much of a weight loss too quickly can affect my milk supply, and we already have weight gain struggles for my daughter so I have to be careful!!
  • pls70
    pls70 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone - my name is Patti. I'm (almost) 42, married and a mom to 18 year old twins (boy/girl) and a 3 year old son. I am a college professor who teaches at two different colleges and also a full-time university student. I currently weight 219 lbs and am 5'9".

    Before taking on the second job, I was meeting with a personal trainer at a gym 3 times a week and was on Weight Watchers. I did great (went down to 191) until I fell off the wagon last May and just couldn't get back on the WW bandwagon.

    Now my daughter is graduating high school and she and I are heading to Orlando in May as her graduation gift. I really don't want to be the fattest thing around, and she wants to tone up (she thinks she has to lose weight, but really, she just needs some strength training) so we are doing this together.

    I just completed the third day of the 30DS and already feel better.

    I will definitely need to be motivated so feel free to kick me in the butt!
  • trinie83
    trinie83 Posts: 3
    Just started the 30 day Shred yesterday, so I may be a day behind you.

    I am 28, 5'-4" and 190 ish pounds. I have just progressively gained weight since college, and I am ready to wear tank tops and 2 piece swimming suits again!
  • compunat
    compunat Posts: 15 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Nataly, 43 years old, 5'-4" and almost 190 lbs (50 lbs overweight!!!. I gained my weight after quitting smoking few years ago, not controlling my food intake, and being lazy exercise-wise .

    I'm two days behind you guys (just started today) and ready to "shred" :o)
  • giggles1973
    giggles1973 Posts: 143 Member
    Hi guys :) I'm Tasha and 38 years old. I'm 5'4 and 150. I would LOVE to lose 10 more lbs. lost 17lbs so far since January :) I have 2 boys 6 and 9, the best husband and 2 dogs and 2 cats. My 9 year old just told me today that he could tell I'm losing weight because my " boobies are SO much smaller"... It took everything in me not to put him in time out lol But hey he speaks the truth haha... Good luck everybody :happy:
  • uberrach
    uberrach Posts: 67 Member
    My name's Rachel and I presently reside in sunny Orlando, FL. Soon, I'll be relocating to Denver for my job. Yeah, that's in Colorado. The fittest state in the nation. I'm trying to get a little bit of a head start before I get there and I'm the odd woman out! LOL

    I'm 5'6" and I weigh 223.5 lbs as of today. Actually, my heaviest weight was 278 lbs. I've taken off 55 (+/- 5) lbs within a year and a half. It's been a slow & steady start, but I'm ready to kick it up a notch and drop some more!

    Some of my goals are:
    Do Shred consistently as prescribed by Jillian (2 days Shred, 1 day cardio, 2 days Shred, 1 day rest) without fail
    Get back to "Onederland"
    Hit my post-onederland goal of 100 lbs total weight loss (178lbs)

    Aside from Shred, I'm also following the "17 Day Diet". I've never done any kind of fad diet before, so I'm excited to power through it and get some solid results.

    My rewards for completing Shred & for sticking with the 17 Day Diet for the first 34 days are:

    1. A fancy bathing suit
    2. A fancy dinner with my friend Joanna (who is also dieting with me) at The Ravenous Pig - A Bloody Mary to start, the Lamb Confit as an appetizer and a bowl of their shrimp & grits.
  • bewitched2982
    bewitched2982 Posts: 97 Member
    Hey everyone!
    I'm Samantha and I'm 30. I am 5'4'' and currently 180. I've lost right around 10 pounds since January, which seems too slow to me. I have PCOS so weight loss can be a struggle, plus I'm a teacher which means I overwork myself pretty regularly. However, I'm getting married in September so I WILL get down to a healthier weight! This is my second time doing the shred and I did a good job losing inches last time. I'm a day behind, so I just finished day 2! Excited to do this with all of you!