What's your goal?

I am going to be ordering my dress in couple of weeks - my hope is by the time the dress will return to really look good on me and not make me look FAT. I wear between 18 or 20 depending on the store. Now I want to be 14-16 by my wedding day and I believe I can do it!


  • descrowe
    descrowe Posts: 5
    i totally hear you. I am getting married this august, I have made a change in my life nad really begun taking it seriousy this week (when i was introduced to this site). It has already made such a difference, i have lost over two pounds this week. I am aso an 18 but am hoping to be a 16-14 by the time my wedding comes. You can do it, i know i can :)
  • radiva1
    radiva1 Posts: 27
    hey ladies, i am also getting married in August. i had to get my gown in a 14 and i was mortified... then i came to the realization that the sizing is definitely different on gowns than your regular size. so dont be discouraged by the number!
  • Mel1509
    Mel1509 Posts: 166 Member
    My gown was purchased in a size 10 but it has a corset back, my grandmother who will do the atlerations has said not to go lower than a size six, as it is all lace... I am currently about a 7/8 in dress sizing, so I can't loss to much more, looking to tone up :) I'm 5'8 so I don't want to go to small that I look too skinny... still want some curves :)

    Dress link:
    -> still haven't figured out how to post pics! lol
  • bridebabe
    I'm about 153 right now-- when I got engaged I was 161, and my goal is to be below 145! My dress has been ordered and it's a size 8. The goal is to rock it!
  • QueenTK
    QueenTK Posts: 6
    Congratulations on your August wedding! I truly believe you can do it :) and you will be a stunning bride
  • QueenTK
    QueenTK Posts: 6
    Bridebabe - lol yes you can do it girl! Keep up the good work
  • QueenTK
    QueenTK Posts: 6
    Mel - I love your dress, it's gorgeous! I know you will look gorgeous - thank you for sharing this with us
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 738 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm getting married in Auguest as well! August 19th to be exact. I'm trying to get my body back in pre-baby, though to be honest pre-meeting my fiance (he's a foodie like me... great for my tummy, not for my weight), size. As I've already bought all my bridesmaids their dresses (and they all fit exactly) I have no one to lose weight with :(. I've gone ahead and ordered my dress and I hope to be at my goal weight before it arrives so I can just be in maintance after alterations!
  • luvvbugg3
    Hi everyone!! I am getting married June 9, 2012 in Destin, Florida! We have been together for almost 10 years now and engaged for 1.5 years! The moment we got engaged I started my weight loss and have now lost over 100lbs!!!! I ordered my dress(it's a Maggie) last October in a 14, which is what fit, and my goal was not to order over a 12, but with the corset backing they said it was better to be safe than sorry!! I have my dress fitting in April and I have already lost 30lbs since I ordered my dress!! The guy told me it would be ok and not to loose too much more before I have my dress fitting to make sure that if I loose anymore after the dress won't be too big!! I started at over 300lbs and I am finally under 200lbs!! I would like to loose another 20lbs before the wedding if possible!! Though the closer this wedding gets the more stressed out I seem to be getting and the more snacks I want to be eating!!! Congrats to all you other brides out there!!
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 738 Member
    Wow luvvbugg3! Sounds like you've made amazing progress! I hope to have as much will power as you have!
  • descrowe
    descrowe Posts: 5
    thats so totally true, i was shocked when i was told i fit an 18 which absolutly devasted me but then ive tried 18 in a regular dress and its way too big
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 738 Member
    Yea, wedding dress sizes are about two sizes bigger then normal sizes depending on the dress maker :P. You would think they would do it in the other direction to make brides feel good about their purchase... lol!
  • kmh0523
    kmh0523 Posts: 9
    Hi everyone! This is my very first post. I have been on mfp for a while but I am just now getting really serious about it. My wedding is set for 11/3/2012 and I would like to be in a size 12 or 14 by then. I currently wear a 18. I think it can be done! Good Luck to everyone.
  • June8Bride
    Hey ladies!! A wedding is a great motivator isn't it? I am getting married on June 8th and want to drop 15 before them.. I've lost 3 since I've started the site 2 weeks ago and now 12 more to go!! St. Lucia for the honeymoon.. want to look fabulous in that bikini!
  • erinpickering12
    erinpickering12 Posts: 22 Member
    My goal is to drop 40-50 pounds in 103 days (my wedding is July 1st, 2012). I've put it off for far too long and I can't let the stress get me down or make me procrastinate any longer.
  • bwehr316
    bwehr316 Posts: 14
    im getting married 9/29/12... Ive already got my dress and it fit good when i picked it up.. Im hoping to lose some weight so they have to take it in.. it would make me feel better! I got it at Davids Bridal and they said they can alter them down 2 sizes! Even after the wedding i want to continue to lose weight so that Im healthy and in better shape when we have kids! Ive got so much to look forward to in life and i want to be around for a long time! Congrats to all you other brides, its such an exciting time in life!
  • mrsdunniganagain
    My dress has already come in and it pretty much fits. It is a little too big so I have to get alterations anyway so I'm trying to lose while I can! I know it sounds strange, but my biggest goal is to get sexy toned arms for my strapless gown.
  • KishaFarley
    KishaFarley Posts: 3 Member
    My goal is 115, it's been super hard losing weight...but 20lbs will make a big diffrences since I'm so short (%'3). I'm down 10lbs already and have 10more to go. I'm getting married in Gulf Breeze...(yeah Luvgirl for panhandle brides!!!)