
Hi Everyone! I am new to the group and I am starting Turbofire tomorrow. I purchased the dvds back in July last year, did it throughout August and then quit. :( I guess I didn't feel the support as I was doing it by myself. This time around I plan in seeing the 90th day.
I am going to try check-in everyday letting you guys know how my workout went down, accountability is SO KEY !


  • Shannota
    Shannota Posts: 312 Member
    Welcome to the party. I just finished my 4th week and start week 5 tomorrow. So far, no pounds lost, but inches are falling off and everything is firmer. Good luck!
  • jlebert716
    jlebert716 Posts: 92 Member
    I have just started as well! Tomorrow is day 3 for me, I am going to do my best to get through the 90 days and then move on to the advanced!
  • Ambrose07
    Ambrose07 Posts: 11
    Thanks so much for the warm welcoming ! So I just realized that I haven't properly presented myself my name is Fabienne . I am 21 years old and I live in Canada. I guess I could say that I am a yoyo workout kind of girl. Since 2008 I have done some fitness programs like Jilian 30 day shred on and off. I do 2 months I can't seem to keep going, so my biggest challenge is to stay committed past the first month where the results are not coming as fast. I truly want to change my ways, lose the weight for good and find a new balance in my life.
  • maranatha777
    Welcome! Okay, here's some Questions: What is it that motivates you? Why do you want to lose weight/exercise/get healthy?

    I have never liked exercising but am doing Turbo Fire and intend to stick it out to the end, then keep at it doing something else. This is for life. It's about motivating yourself even when you aren't seeing the results you want. For me this is about being healthy for my family and myself, having more energy, and then getting thin and toned. It's hard some days to get up and "push play" but it's not optional at this point for me. This is a great group for motivation, friend me if you want. Try and think of the real reasons you are doing this and what is important. This will be your motivation on the days you really don't want to do it. :)
  • IcassI
    IcassI Posts: 248 Member
    Welcome! Okay, here's some Questions: What is it that motivates you? Why do you want to lose weight/exercise/get healthy?

    I have never liked exercising but am doing Turbo Fire and intend to stick it out to the end, then keep at it doing something else. This is for life. It's about motivating yourself even when you aren't seeing the results you want. For me this is about being healthy for my family and myself, having more energy, and then getting thin and toned. It's hard some days to get up and "push play" but it's not optional at this point for me. This is a great group for motivation, friend me if you want. Try and think of the real reasons you are doing this and what is important. This will be your motivation on the days you really don't want to do it. :)

    Great advice Maranatha!

    Welcome to the TF group. Everyone here is so motivating and supportive. I love this group! I myself really want to get healthy first, then of course looking better in my clothes is a added benefit. I do not want to have to be on any medications because of illnesses my weight has caused. And like Maranatha there are days when I don't want to push play. Right now I am taking five classes, I work full time and working out to TF six days a week. I am very busy but I make myself a priority by pushing play. :happy: