Looking for friends to keep me accountable!

Hi! I've been using MFD on and off for awhile, but am serious about using it this time! I'd never used the "community" part of the site before, but I think it'll be helpful for me to have people keeping an eye on me. ;) I joined the Seattle group and a PNW group, but there are so many people on there already, that it's intimidating for me to just ask people to be friends! So anyone, feel free to add me!

I live on Capitol Hill and have just started working out at Vision Quest downtown; if anyone would like to go for an easy jog or something, send me a message! :)



  • FATtoFITness
    FATtoFITness Posts: 8 Member
    Hey my names Ashley. We had another member but I guess she left? Anyway I joined Fitness Evolution in Seattle. Glad you joined! I thought of joining the PNW too but like you I was intimidated by how many were on there.
  • colorlessgreen
    colorlessgreen Posts: 173 Member
    We'll get some other members, I'm sure. :) Do you have any "real life" friends that are on this site? I tried to get a friend of mine to join, but it wasn't really her style, I guess...
  • KarenC1933
    KarenC1933 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi Miranda,
    I live on Capitol Hill, too. I'm looking for an exercise buddy here in the neigghborhood. I don't do gyms but I am teaching myself to do the local stair climbs. You're more than welcome to join me sometime.
  • KarenC1933
    KarenC1933 Posts: 33 Member
    One of the other MFPers posted this quote, and I thought it was inspiring:

    Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still. What we are doing here takes time. Don't get discouraged if you aren't running full tilt. You will get there. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and if you stumble backwards get up and keep going. It is when we fall and sit back crying about it that we fail. When we force ourselves up and keep going we succeed even if it takes longer than we hoped.
  • FATtoFITness
    FATtoFITness Posts: 8 Member
    No luck with friends yet. All my friends just say they already have a diet strategy :(. I think this site is my good strategy. Sorry for such a late response, I didn't see I had any messages.
  • FATtoFITness
    FATtoFITness Posts: 8 Member
    Awesome quote Karen, thanks for sharing!
  • smileyterp
    smileyterp Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I am planning a move to Seattle mid-July, and was hoping to make some exercise buddies! This is obvioulsy NOT my real picture...just what I swear I will look like...someday! So, hello to all of you!
  • jina1218
    jina1218 Posts: 5 Member
    No new posts since April! Hope I didn't join up too late! I'm finally getting back on track and trying to be serious this time!!!!!!!!!
  • JeremyMerrin
    JeremyMerrin Posts: 20 Member
    Well, I'm around daily, Jina. It has been a little dead but hopefully it'll pick up once the all of this beautiful weather passes :)
  • RobinV_Seattle
    RobinV_Seattle Posts: 191 Member
    Hi All!

    I just rejoined MFP and a gym - Seattle Executive Fitness. I'm looking for workout buddies, walking buddies or just people to harass me if they see I'm not getting online and tracking food or fitness, lol! I promise to harass, er encourage, back!

    Send me a friend if we're on the same page!

  • KarenC1933
    KarenC1933 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm still looking for walking buddies in the Seattle area.

  • KarenC1933
    KarenC1933 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi Robin,
    What section of the city do you live in?

  • KarenC1933
    KarenC1933 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi Jina,
    Feel free to contact me if you're interested in an exercise buddy.

  • KarenC1933
    KarenC1933 Posts: 33 Member
    Feel free to contact me if you're interested in an exercise buddy,

  • RobinV_Seattle
    RobinV_Seattle Posts: 191 Member
    Hi Karen,

    I live in Belltown - how about you?

    I am more than happy to meet for walking - anything to stay active! It will also be good for my dog (assuming you're not allergic!)

    Looking forward to it!
  • Does anybody here happen to live on the Eastside? I'm in Bothell ... and it seems like NOBODY in Bothell/Woodinville/Kirkland is on MFP. Lol.
  • KarenC1933
    KarenC1933 Posts: 33 Member
    I live on Capitol Hill, so that's not too far away. Would you be interesting in walking in Olympic Sculpture Park or Myrtle Edwards Park?
  • NuggetLovesEdie
    NuggetLovesEdie Posts: 477 Member
    Hi everyone.

    I live in First Hill and have a Y membership that lets me use any of the Ys in the area (all 13 of them!).

    I'm just getting started for realzies after a false start in the spring.

    I just "unlocked" my first reward because I met my "minimum physical activity for the week" goal, and ordered a food scale for my kitchen and some new socks.

    I'm doing this in a totally nerdy way (one of my rewards is a new vacuum cleaner), but hey, whatever it takes, right?
  • ScotinSeattle
    ScotinSeattle Posts: 62 Member
    Anyone south? Renton/Kent etc?
  • RobinV_Seattle
    RobinV_Seattle Posts: 191 Member
    Hi Karen - either! Especially while we still have half-way decent weather!