staying devoted with out support at home

i'm finding it extremely difficuly keeping on track at home when my wife and son love nothing more than to eat large meals on a very irregular schedule. the temptation is very great to slip back into old habits. any tips?


  • Hey buddy. At my house, dinner is at 6pm. I start prep and all that at 5pm-just in case something takes longer. You don't wanna be eating very late, otherwise it'll just sit on you. Try to sit down with them and explain how important this is to you - you wanna get, be, and stay healthy for you AND for them (if that would work). You in control of your own portions...remember that. You have to do this for you, Chris - bottom line. Hope this helps somewhat...
  • thanks Anita.. i appreciat the support and tips. i've tried that approach at home. everyone says " yea i care" then goes right on like i didn't say it. so hey.. gotta fig out a way to do it on my own i guess.:)
  • tls2971
    tls2971 Posts: 2 Member
    I understand too, Chris. My husband eats whatever he wants when he wants. He has little concern for nutrition and is passing on that mentality to my kids. On my 41st birthday I decided to go Vegan. I'm still working on no dairy, but I am getting there. God knows I love cheese. I am starting to buy foods that are good and nutrtious and I am starting to cook. So, when I cook the kids eat what I eat (though they do get lean meats). There are ways. You just have to stay strong and be forceful. Discipline is the key. Don't let them bring you down. When they see good things are happening and you are staying strong you'll be their role model and hopefully they will jump on the wagon with you.

    Just don't ask me to make pancakes. I can't cook those for nothing! :laugh: