baby belly

Hello everyone,
I have a 2 and a half year old boy but I still need to get in shape after my pregnancy! Does anyone hav any good/proven excercises to lose flatten the belly, make the waist look leaner, AND get bum in shape??!! Also, how long before we get to see any results? Any advise would be much appreciated, I know it is a long journey to success and I have to keep telling myself that. I don't mind exercising, in fact I quite like it, but I do find that however much I do, I never lose the weight, it's only if I go on some sort of diet that I do lose it, but unfortunately, I do love food!


  • Cardio is great for an all over tone. It helps shrink fat cells and makes the muscles stronger and more visible from the skin (less jiggly fat to hide them) Don't forget to stretch often and drink a lot of water :)
  • Go to youtube and check out bicycle crunches if you have never done them. First time I did those I could feel a difference from regular crunches. Even now after only a few minutes I can feel the tightening in my abs. Intense and I love it. But cardio is the best way to lose the 'flabby' look.

    As for the dieting - I love food too!! I would find little areas you could make chanes in. For me it's carbs and sugars! So I kicked the sodas, now get my tea either unsweet or half and half. I use sugar free creamer in my coffee and sugar free bread that has half the calories. I can't have dairy right now, so there goes the lactose (and sugary cereals!). I get my chocolate fix with 10 m&m's. Sugar cravings I take care of with sugar free jello, fruit & splenda or the 100 calorie snack packs.

    So I would look for what your 'bad' areas are and see where you can make a change. Good luck!!
  • maru84
    maru84 Posts: 128
    You can't "spot reduce" but you can and should strengthen your core after having been pregnant. Do cardio to lose the fat. As far as core, I just started doing Flow yoga which incorporates a ton of ab work. I can't even do what the bendy dude in the DVD does- I modify it quite a bit and I'm still getting amazing, deep core work. It will help prevent back pain from weak abs and help prevent pain if/when you get pg again.
  • Mommabeeto5
    Mommabeeto5 Posts: 30 Member
    Pilates is great for your entire body... Especially your Tumtum and bumbum
  • Mumbum78
    Mumbum78 Posts: 28 Member
    I have strugglied with the same as well. I gained almost 80lbs during my pregancy(was VERY fit before), and due to complications from an emergency c section, I am still recovering in physiotherapy,with exercise limitations.Weight training mixed with cardio will give the best overall results,as you burn more fat by activating your larger muscle groups. I took a personal training course last summer and it has been working wonders for me!!! (i still have 25lbs to go and my girl is 14 months,so it does take time!) Unfortunately,if you want the flat belly,these things will help,but the only surefire way to rid the pad of belly fat is to reduce stress(lower coritsol production) and mostly,cut out ALL refined sugars for at least a month. (even flavored yogurt,honey,etc)
    I really hope this helps, I still have a ways to go,but its really working for me! Feel free to add me if you want to chat or support each other!
  • ifyanna
    ifyanna Posts: 25
    Hi, I suggest you try yoga which is helping me a lot to tone my belly after my baby. He is 4 months old now. This summer my husband will also teach me how to swim as he says it's a good form of cardio. Apart from that I only do mild cardio like brisk walking as I am not much of a cardio person
  • I am in the same boat. I do have 10 pounds to lose to get to my goal weight. After having my son 9 months ago I lost a lot of weight, the belly stayed though :( I have a 12 year old as well and I never really lost it after him. I would love to have that washboard look, please let me know what works for you. I think I will try to cut sugar. Even though I LOVE it. Good luck