What would you do?

JayTee146 Posts: 218 Member
Yesterday I was running behind sechedule and I normally call mid day to check on lo... however yesterday I was busy all day with different projects and the only time I got to call was yesterday evening.. I asked the sitter how lo did and she said she did well... I told her okay, I'd be running behind and I begged my mother to get lo from the sitter as I knew the sitter has choir practice on tuesday evenings. My mom agreeded. Well yesterday evening I leave work about 5:40 and I call and get a glimpse of my screaming lo... I'm trying to figure out what the issue is as my mother seems to be loosing patience with lo and I'm speeding home. I eventually hear my mom yell at lo!

I come through the door and notice that lo is being fed cereal! and obviously is done and my mother keeps shoving the spoon in the baby's mouth! I'd purchased some organic wheat cereal and I add an teaspoon or two to lo's second bottle she takes at the sitter... my mother purchased her own brand as she feels organic anything is rubbish and feeds it to lo without my permission! I'm already frustrated and she says well... when my child (my little brotther) was younger you let him taste foods without my permission and now you see how it feels. I don't have to get permission from you! I know better and this baby needs foods!!!!!! let go of this breastfeeding fantacy! You're probably gonna get arrested for nursing her in public anyway, and btw your boobs won't stop hanging until she's weaned properly... so thank me later!

I don't bother with fussing with her as it does no good... I did however notice lo acting a little strange... and I got her! settled her down started boiling bottles and preparing for the next day. Lo is going through a clingy phase so I think nothing of it. She played and smiled a while but seemed a bit fussy through the night so I watched her carefully. Well I drop lo off this morning at the sitter and I'm telling her what happened and the sitter say's well your baby needs to be independent 6 months is the age to start solids and I can't wait to feed her.. When I leave out of her site she yells and you have to understand I have things to do.. I can't sit with her all the time and she needs to be "broken" in how to settle herself. she asked am I still co sleeping and I say yes... and she says well I'm not gonna hide anything from you.. yesterday I laid your lo down for a nap in the bed and she fell.... she tells me lo screamed for a while, and she checked her over saw she was okay and felt I should know. FIRST!!!!!! YOU TELL ME THE NEXT **** DAY! SERIOUSLY!!!!! SECOND!! SHE GETS PAID TO WATCH LO... EVERY DAY ISN'T ALWAYS THE SAME SOME DAY'S SHE MAY BE CLINGY AND OTHER DAY'S SHE WON'T BE!

I've even noticed that lo is going through a clingy phase... however I'm not gonna let cry because I want her to leave me alone so I can get things done! I really want lo to have a private sitter until she starts walking and I still have trust in her after this... It bothers me that she didn't say anything until this morning! and my mother is a complete nut basket! I'm so tired of people placing input where I obviously didn't ask for any! I'm always on the defensive for my choices as a mother! I do understand that accidents happen. and I know more things will happen however I'm pissed she didn't call after it happened nor did she give me the heads up.

Should I switch sitters?


  • jendan6
    jendan6 Posts: 11
    Yes! Now!! I went through a sitter with red flags and decided to ride it out - maybe it was just a one time thing, rationalizations, justifications, etc. We had lasting issues to deal with. I so wish that the first red flag had been the last. There are some nice people out there. I would try to find one.

    As far as mothers go, mine did the same thing to me feeding her bananas as her first food at 3 months to try to get her to sleep. It took me years to get her to eat something that wasn't sweet and didn't help her sleep either. But, when my kids are with my mother, she has her way. She doesn't spend much time with them for that reason either. Do what you can and let God do the rest. KEEP breastfeeding that sweet little lo. You know it's best. God's food for human babies. Co-sleeping builds bonding and better sleep for everyone. Don't let them creep into your head and make you doubt yourself! You are a great mother! Keep on keeping on!!

    If it's any consolation, my 2 oldest girls want to be mothers and do things the way I did - breastfeeding, co-sleeping, natural diet. (They both eat natural and organic now even though it costs more on their young, little budgets.) That is a pat on the back, for sure!
  • JayTee146
    JayTee146 Posts: 218 Member
    Thanks hsmom! I feel alot better! It's nice to know that my efforts aren't in vain!