W3 Weigh-In (3/22) -- Let me see what you got!

captainlindarg Posts: 229 Member
Weigh-in here ladies and gents!

W1 Group loss: 57.6 lbs
W2 Group loss: 40.1 lbs

I realized last week's loss was slightly off because I forgot to figure in people who lost kg. These are the new accurate numbers. Let's keep it up!


  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 732 Member
    W3 = 201 (down 1 from last week but up 2 overall :grumble: )
  • npeters519
    npeters519 Posts: 87 Member
    Week 2 207.2
    Week 3 201.8

    Forgot to check in here last week, sorry! Big losses are the result of a really bad illness that has kept me from eating much of anything... Wouldn't be surprised if some of it crept back on once I'm back to feeling good again.
  • MoogieOh
    MoogieOh Posts: 141
    week 3 : 108.5kg
  • cam_l20
    cam_l20 Posts: 95 Member
    193.8 for me. Not much of a loss, but I did eat a lot of birthday cake (would have been rude not to, right??)
  • fypspirit
    fypspirit Posts: 109 Member
    W3 is 188.6 thanks everyone for the sopport
  • jiggy_gibby
    jiggy_gibby Posts: 197
    W3: 249.4
  • Great job, everyone!!

    W3: 160.2 lb

    My uncle and I have really gotten into running, now. We're committed to doing at least three days a week, and our average speed has gone from 3.5 mph to 7.4mph in just two weeks! He wants to do a half marathon at the end of July, but 13 miles is a heck of a lot more than the 3-5 miles we do on our runs. Well, I'm off to research marathon training! *^_^*
  • SlickDaddyCool
    SlickDaddyCool Posts: 161 Member
    164.4 Doh!
  • karen0080
    karen0080 Posts: 64
    340.8 LW Sorry didn't weight in last week was out of town. I forgot!! Oops
  • w3= 214 :) thanks linda:happy:
  • sonyachan
    sonyachan Posts: 518 Member
    192. Only down .2, but, hey, it's down and not up! :)
  • BerylX
    BerylX Posts: 108 Member
    187.6 lbs
  • carcrsh
    carcrsh Posts: 70
    SW: 146.8
    W1: 147
    W2: 148
    W3: 146.4

    Finally a loss! I think I was just uber bloated and was carrying water weight from spring break. Maybe now I can slowly start moving forward.
  • Drizzt_d99
    Drizzt_d99 Posts: 80 Member
    W3: 236.0
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    SW 236.4
    Mar 8: 236.2
    Mar 15: 233.4
    Mar 22: 235.4

    Up 2lbs but I'm not worried. I know its not my calories because I've been under every day this week and burned over 3300 calories in exercise for the week. I did start a lifting program and lifted heavy last night. The program I'm following does say that muscle will retain water for recovery after heavy lifting so thats prob where my weight gain is right now.

    I'm gonna keep at it cuz I wanna build more lean muscle so I can burn more FAT! Look for a good loss next week!
  • zzzzia
    zzzzia Posts: 234 Member
    W3: 208.0
    (0.6lbs loss since last week)
  • Mar0414
    Mar0414 Posts: 27 Member
  • kms7035
    kms7035 Posts: 59 Member
    170.6... Finally past my 172 plateau!! :D
  • whitneyann0
    whitneyann0 Posts: 327 Member
  • irsleepy2
    irsleepy2 Posts: 47
    Sorry I'm late! Yesterdays weight was 137.4
    I'm leaving on vacation today, so I won't be able to weight in next week, but I'll be back at it the following week :)