Help with comfort eating.

XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
I'm having a hard time at the moment, and using food as my comfort like I used too. I had major surgery nearly 3 weeks ago. I had 2 tumours on my liver and needed one removing as it was blocking my blood vessels and stopping blood flowing around my liver, I also had my gall bladder removed. Tgis was after 2 years of being in and out of agony with what they thought were gall bladder attacks. I had gall bladder attacks but also incredible pain from the kidneys. I was treated badly during every hospital visit and often left reeling in agony, they said the pain relief they gave should have worked for my gall bladder attacks, not knowing I had other pain to deal with. I had a period of time thinking I had cancer also. The liver unit I was transferred to for the operation was amazing. It was traumatic though, as 2 people who I knew died and it was major surgery to have a liver resection. I held everything together really well, but now the operations over and I'm back home the enormity of everything hit me. I'm also suffering terribly with vertigo (extreme dizziness) this is apparantly because my immine system is so low and a bug I had last week has spiralled out of control. I can barely stand to go to the toilet. Very depressing as I feel well enough otherwise to potter around now except this and can't. It stopping me recovering. Tomorrow I find out for sure the case of the tumour, they think its down to contraceptives. This will provide some relief as what ifs are in my head. I've been eating a lot of crisps and junk... Don't know how to stop myself. Advice and a kick u the *kitten* is needed... Can't use depression as a excuse its what got me here! Zara x


  • nibbynoo
    nibbynoo Posts: 250 Member
    you are so strong for dealing with this though!

    every time you go to eat something you know you shouldn't just think 'I have been through hell and back, not eating this bag of crisps is NOTHING!'

    someone once told me no one deserves happiness, once you've worked hard for it and you've got there, then you deserve it.

    stay strong beautiful lady!!
  • Zsquared
    Zsquared Posts: 54
    Just checking in, did you get word back on the cause? Is the vertigo easing up at all? Being emotional and having to stay home all day is a bad combination. It sounds like you have been through a long stretch of pain & a roller coaster of emotion. I hope this surgery is the upswing and a catalyst to finding your happiness. Thinking positive thoughts for you!!