Question about running skirts

tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
I bought a running skirt and just don't like how the shorts underneath. Does anyone use running skirts and do the shorts underneath stay in place? If so what brand are they and where did you purchase them? Thanks in advance for your help.


  • mlachance9
    mlachance9 Posts: 49 Member
    I wear running skirts and it is all about the brand and what you like. I've tried Target ones and one by Lands End but they are not long enough. My thighs rub together so I need the shorts underneath and the longer the better. The ones I found that work the best are by Skirt Sports - the Happy Girl skirt. You can find some of the prints on sale - select a print name and under the size it will show how much of a savings if any that color has.

    I wear them running all the time and also in 3 of my 4 half marathons and never had any issues with this brand/skirt type. Good luck!
  • ema727
    ema727 Posts: 18 Member
    I wear Sparkleskirts or Sweetspot skirts. Mine don't have anything underneath so I can change bottoms as the weather changes.
  • calderst
    calderst Posts: 222 Member
    I love my running skirts! My favorite is TEK brand (from Kohl's) and it has shorts. They ride up a little, but all shorts do on me when I run (or walk, dance, sit, etc). One of the things I like is that even though they ride up, nobody can see them. I can comfortably wear compression tights under them when it's cold.... I just toss some body glide on when it's hot for the whole leg-rubbing issue.
    I also have one from that has a brief instead of shorts and it does NOT stay where it's supposed to.