What's your memorial day motivation?

I am turning 30 on Memorial day. Two days later, my husband and I are leaving for Maui to celebrate my birthday and our ten year wedding anniversary. If that's not motivation to get in shape, I don't know what is! I'd love to drop 15 pounds by then, but I'd even settle for 8-10. I'm doing INSANITY to get in shape, and basically eating small frequent meals of un-processed foods, tracking every bite.


  • devonette
    devonette Posts: 263 Member
    My Memorial Day motivation is to be able to fit into my bathing suit!
  • emalbright
    emalbright Posts: 45 Member
    Just the sheer fact that it is the start of SUMMER!! Although I could go to the beach tomorrow, the weather is absolutely perfect right now in Florida! I am turning 30 in August and my ultimate goal was to loose 30 by my 30th, which I am hoping to exceed that. Good luck!
  • krewela
    krewela Posts: 20
    My bday is May 31, so that is a goal date for me too! My plan is to be in One-derland by then .... or, darn close to it! =)
  • HoosierMomma1
    HoosierMomma1 Posts: 76 Member
    We bought a boat late last fall so my motivation is to look good in a bathing suit and be comfortable with how I look because we're gonna be on that boat ALL summer!

  • nikkirojo
    nikkirojo Posts: 25 Member
    My motivation is the unofficial start of summer, which means a lot social activities. I would like to look great for summer. It's also the half way mark to my cousin's wedding in early Nov, where I WILL look great.
  • I want to fit back into my old skinny jeans!
  • It's the half-way point to my 25th high School Reunion!
  • Brinasacat
    Brinasacat Posts: 505 Member
    I moved to a house on a lake last summer and plan to spend my free time in a bathing suit on a boat!
  • I will be going to Lake Powell for a week of boating and sun soaking fun. The only not so fun part is putting on a swim suit. I want to be the one wake boarding and confident rather than just sitting and taking pictures of everyone else having fun this year!!!
  • I just want to look and feel GREAT in my clothes. Hoping to see some family that hasnt seen me since my brother's funeral in January and want to look AWESOME!!!
  • I leave for Florida 6/1. When I was there last year I was 5 months pregnant. I want to look as amazing as I can by then. I'm on week 3 of P90x so I really hope it works. I want to so badly fit into my old summer clothes so I don't have to buy new and spend vacation money on them.
  • AudreyRenee19
    AudreyRenee19 Posts: 113 Member
    I'm going to Florida a couple of days before Memorial Day and staying there a week. I want to look and feel sexy in my bikini!
  • ShelliD68
    ShelliD68 Posts: 4 Member
    my motivation is to be able to fit into all my detroit tiger gear. love baseball season!
  • awidener86
    awidener86 Posts: 247 Member
    my motivation is to be able to fit into all my detroit tiger gear. love baseball season!

    I'm right there with you!!!! I love baseball especially the Tigers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    But also to fit into my bathingsuit better (without the fear of my tatas falling out when I move)
  • marriedwith
    marriedwith Posts: 72 Member
    I've really gained this last year - so I just want to be where I was last summer. None of my clothes fit, and my thighs OMG!
  • Pretty1one
    Pretty1one Posts: 71 Member
    Me too, I want to be where I was last year
    My size 6 jeans don't fit :sad: and size 8 are to tight:grumble:
    I refuse to buy size 10 :noway:

  • ColleenDeBeasi
    ColleenDeBeasi Posts: 27 Member
    All of your motivations are way more fun! Honestly, I have an insane couple of months at work, and Memorial Day pretty much marks the end of it all. I want to prove to myself that I can lose weight while work is crazy (99% of the time) and stop using work as an excuse.
  • fearie_jae
    fearie_jae Posts: 107 Member
    This is my last year being overweight. I started this journey right around Christmas so at the start of summer, I want to be able to show off what I've never been able to/wanted to show off before. I WILL hit my goal. I WILL make myself proud. I WILL not quit. Im going to be one lean, kick butt mommy! :D
  • Parsosa
    Parsosa Posts: 22
    My motivation is that its half way to my wedding date and I should definately have made progress by then. I have to also order my wedding dress around that time too.
  • Lets see, my motivation is to buy a new pair of jeans in a smaller size or heck just get crazy and buy a pair of shorts(FYI) I never wear shorts in public!!