Deliverance over strongholds

Ksumare Posts: 62 Member
As you take this weight loss journey what is the one struggle, hardship, or stronghold that you want God to remove? Let's pray over these things daily for each other.

Mine is low self esteem


  • editnonnalynn
    editnonnalynn Posts: 495 Member
    K...Read Ephesians 1 and 2 again. That really helped my view of who I am in Him. I have all that Middle Child crud! Older sister (tons of first-baby/first-grandchild photos and such) Younger brother (tons of first BOY photos and such) Me? Not many kiddie pics. Hardly any of just me. My father once joked at a dinner party by introducing me as "his problem child". I was about 13 or 14 and thought I was so adult-like....until he said that. :cry: So I showed him! I gave him a grandchild at 15, dropped out of school and did unspeakable foolishness just SEARCHING for worth. I married a man 14 years older than I, and I married him on our 4th date less than a month after he blew into my life. He left/returned/left/returned/etc. We had a son, I got saved, but I STILL saw NO worth in ME. :brokenheart: This went on and on til I was about 43. Then I saw a pastor (it was Joseph Prince, but God was talking to me thru him) and I realized in a way I never knew....God loves me. I could just cry thinking about it. He cries when I cry. He fusses over the details of my life. When I have a mosquito bite, He calls an army of angels to prepare to give His little girl relief! He claps his hands when I choose to decline the banana bread at Bob Evans. I thought I was Leah, but I am Rachel and then some!!!!!:laugh:

    I would like prayer and encouragement for organizing my time, things, and people. I am not working outside now, so I want to get my house in order, get my time prioritized, and do more with and for others. But it is amazing how much time it takes to encourage friends on MFP, log the day, DO the workouts, mow the lawn, plant the garden, clean out the back room, do the taxes, manage MIL's finances, get her from the Assisted Living for visits, walk with mom and Kim, wash the dishes, clothes, toilet, dogs......AHhhh how did I manage when I worked full time!!!!????:noway: Malorganization is a STRONGHOLD for me!

    He can do this, too! That's my prayer request!:heart:
  • newness4life
    newness4life Posts: 20 Member
    I am so thankful for this group. I believe that we are mind, body, and spirit and they are all interwoven in our process to lose weight. So to work on just one area doesn't work for me. I have to work on all three. I do have strongholds in my life or I wouldn't be suffering with my weight issues. My sin of gluttony has destroyed my peace, my joy and stopped me from doing what God has called me to do. I am done listening to the demons inside my head! I am done kneeling to the god of food that has overtaken me! I am done listening to the lies! I AM a new creature in Christ, and today I will be victorious!

    My prayer is that God opens my eyes to all the lies I've been believing all these years and that His glory will shine through me!