7/8 jean shorts & bikini

tigerbabe2 Posts: 93 Member
Wish 2 lose 30 lbs in time 4 my b-day 7/22, and fit into my jean shorts and look sexy in a bikini gain :P Need motivation & supportive advice, thx :P


  • thegreengoth
    thegreengoth Posts: 22 Member
    Make sure you do weight training. The bottom line with this is that the more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn, even while at rest :)
  • drechiz
    drechiz Posts: 21 Member
    My Birthday is also in July and I am trying to do the same thing! Well not really the cut offs and the bikini part, but yes I too want to look great in my swim trunks by summer! What's your game plan?
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    Count me in...I am trying for the same thing...7/10 for me and 30 lbs. Lets do this!!! Good luck everyone!
  • hanahlai
    hanahlai Posts: 281 Member
    My goal is to lose about 20 lbs by my birthday, June 9! Add me if you want! Always looking for similar goals!
  • My birthday is the end of May and I hope to lose between 10-30 pounds. In three months I know I will be successful. I really love this site!
  • stacie48
    stacie48 Posts: 63 Member
    My goal is a girls trip to Vegas...Got married 2-26-11 and have put on 25 lbs...yikes...All my friends are HOTTIES and want to look good because I have never been to Vegas. I also live in Florida and we don't wear lots of clothes around here and All I want to do is wear long pants and long sleeves. SO I need to get back on track! Need to be down to at least 145lb by 5/3/2012...been killing it last week but got lots to do. I am 5'9 and 41. Lets do this and let me know you tricks!!
  • chelseachelsea1991
    chelseachelsea1991 Posts: 55 Member
    I was 180 at my heaviest and lost the first 40 pounds easy- I've been bouncing around 140ish for a year. I had a crazy binge week and went up to 148. :( Maybe not a huge deal but I have to catch it now, ya know? Time to get serious-I want to be 128 by my birthday (June 3rd). I'm 5'10" and 20. I'm hoping this website can help me finally hit that magic number. It would be a great bday present for all of us to be at goal weight! :)
  • Tphaeulz
    Tphaeulz Posts: 5
    Hey everyone. I didn't know this many people had joined the group! Welcome everyone.
  • browntracy72
    browntracy72 Posts: 24 Member
    I wan to look good in a swim suit this year, last year I struggled and hated myself, well this year I am taking control and I am going to lose the fat and get lean. I know MFP will help. I welcome new friends.
  • tigerbabe2
    tigerbabe2 Posts: 93 Member
    Wow everyone awesome 2 see all r replies. Sorry been MIA due to feelin ill. Am now feeling almost myself and lost 2 inches off my waist due to bloat. Stress is my enemy and causes me to be sick n terrible bloating, I look pg, omgosh. I really don't have a solid plan, this is why i joined. I was doing Brad Pits diet 4 two mo., and lost nada. Am sooo OPEN to guidance & advice. I am sick of my body & want the old sexy me back. So cool that I am not alone in this fight.