Heavy Rain

HLeAnn Posts: 261 Member
I just bought this game (yes I'm behind the times) and wanted to hear what you all thought of it. I have not started it yet. I played Indigo Prophesy and loved it, and I heard this one is pretty similar. Please, no spoilers as I've not yet started playing it...



  • SnakeDarling
    SnakeDarling Posts: 352 Member
    I LOVE this game.

    It's really good. You'll probably enjoy it if you enjoy crime/mystery stories
  • en4cerd43
    en4cerd43 Posts: 34 Member
    I just started playing this too. So far, it's ok, but I haven't reached the crux of the story yet. I hope it's as immersive at some friends have told me. I love a game I can get lost in.
  • HLeAnn
    HLeAnn Posts: 261 Member
    Thanks for the input, guys. :)
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    Wow, you are LUCKY to be playing this without any spoilers! I bought the game on day one, and some idiot on my friend list posted THE big spoiler in his PSN comment. I told him if it turned out to be true, I would delete him and I was super pissed. The entire game I was trying to see if it was or wasn't true, and it turned out he was right. I was very angry. What a douche, seriously. Who does that?

    I never finished Indigo Prophecy, but I loved what I did play - especially the intro with David Cage and how the game itself starts out.

    If I were you, I'd go play Heavy Rain straight through and avoid the internet the whole time. I thought it had been spoiled on every gaming site and forum out there by now. Again, you're lucky! Enjoy!
  • Mr_Cape219
    Mr_Cape219 Posts: 1,345 Member
    Wow, you are LUCKY to be playing this without any spoilers! I bought the game on day one, and some idiot on my friend list posted THE big spoiler in his PSN comment. I told him if it turned out to be true, I would delete him and I was super pissed. The entire game I was trying to see if it was or wasn't true, and it turned out he was right. I was very angry. What a douche, seriously. Who does that?

    I never finished Indigo Prophecy, but I loved what I did play - especially the intro with David Cage and how the game itself starts out.

    If I were you, I'd go play Heavy Rain straight through and avoid the internet the whole time. I thought it had been spoiled on every gaming site and forum out there by now. Again, you're lucky! Enjoy!

    damn that sucks. that happened to me with the first Bioshock game, I was really pissed. I know Bioshock isnt as immersive as this game is, but still..

    Anywho I saw this game for like $15 bucks, i think I am gonna pick it up! :D
  • HLeAnn
    HLeAnn Posts: 261 Member
    Wow, you are LUCKY to be playing this without any spoilers! I bought the game on day one, and some idiot on my friend list posted THE big spoiler in his PSN comment. I told him if it turned out to be true, I would delete him and I was super pissed. The entire game I was trying to see if it was or wasn't true, and it turned out he was right. I was very angry. What a douche, seriously. Who does that?

    I never finished Indigo Prophecy, but I loved what I did play - especially the intro with David Cage and how the game itself starts out.

    If I were you, I'd go play Heavy Rain straight through and avoid the internet the whole time. I thought it had been spoiled on every gaming site and forum out there by now. Again, you're lucky! Enjoy!

    Oh Man, that is awful!! Yeah so far I've been lucky. It's a sweet freakin game :)