
missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
I'm a little nervous of posting this in the main forums, because those non geeks can be pretty harsh...

Anyone here like watching pro wrestling? I think it's a pretty geeky thing to be into, as they've got back stories to follow, feuds that are fairly nonsensical, on the whole it's scripted and follows a pre determined pattern (although anyone saying that it's not physically demanding needs to go watch the Louis Theroux documentary), and it's a little sad to admit that you're going to stay up through the night to watch Wrestlemania on Sunday :drinker:


  • halforc80
    halforc80 Posts: 29
    I used to be a massive fan of WWE (and before that WWF & WCW), but haven't followed it for a few years. It's like theatre.. other people have Jerry Springer and Maury, we have this! XD

    What's the main storyline for Wrestlemania this year? =)
  • curvatrino
    curvatrino Posts: 33 Member
    MEMEMEMEMEME! I Bloody love wrestling!!

    I'm actually losing weight for wrestling training! And yes, it's scripted and often silly, but the 5 concussions I've had this year prove that it's physically demanding in my opinion!

    And I don't think it;s sad to admit that you've booked the day off work so that you can stay up all night!

    I've sent you a friend request too. Fave wrestler?
  • siouan
    siouan Posts: 40 Member
    I love it too! I don't follow the current wrestlers so much, as we don't have Sky TV to watch it on, but my boyfriend has loads of DVDs covering 1991 to 2011, and all the Xbox games, so we can happily waste a day in Wrestling Heaven!
  • Coolhand1969
    Coolhand1969 Posts: 821 Member
    Nope, I like "real" wrestling (high school, college, olympic), but not into the scripted stuff. I also like other combat sports (MMA, boxing, etc..). I guess that's the non-geek side of me, though.
  • If you can smellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ;)
  • halforc80
    halforc80 Posts: 29
    All these years and I STILL don't know what The Rock is cooking... Smells like eggs though. =)
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    Halforc - the main story line is The Undertaker has challenged HHH to an ultimate bad@ss H3ll in a Cell match to see if he can be the best wrestler evar. I think the Undertaker will win, and maintain his unbeaten streak. This has been building up for a couple months now. The Rock is also making a come back to wrestle John Cena, they've been trash talking each other on Twitter for weeks.

    Curvatrino - most of my favourite wrestlers are dead unfortunately. Eddie Guerrerro and Chris Benoit were my favourites from WWE, and I think it's sickening the way WWE have tried to brush what happened with Benoit from their memory. Yes, he killed his family then himself, but all the evidence points at the wrestling lifestyle as contributing heavily to his brain damage which caused him to flip out and do it. I do like Kofi Kingston though. Ring of Honor shows a consistently high level of wrestlers, and whilst I'm not familiar with them I'd happily watch their matches. Caught a bit of Ring Ka King recently, and that was good too despite being endorsed by TNA.

    Siouan - can't think of a better way to chill out than watching an old ppv.

    Coolhand - that's completely understandable. I used to do amateur wrestling and coaching. I quite like MMA, although the matches that are over in about 30 seconds because the one guy has applied a brutal submission move can feel a bit disappointing to me (being the big pro wrestling fan that I am).

    Krissie - it doesn't matter what you can smell!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I followed the WWF/WWE/I Don't know what they call themselves now, during the attitude era. Mankind, SCSA, Rock, Undertaker, HHH and D-Gen X, etc, etc. I say early 90's to early 2000's. I stopped since then. It hasn't been the same to me.

    I remember when SCSA came out with a beer truck and sprayed all the bad guys in the ring. Then Kurt Angle did it with a milk truck. lol those were the good days.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,252 Member
    LOL I love wrestling. I live in south florida where Wrestlemania is taking place this weekend unfortanitly I couldnt get tickets =[........
    However I do miss some of the tag teams of the past ..... The Hardy Boys ( I had a fear is a 4 letter word shirt) The Duddleys, Christian and Edge. I also miss the Hardcore belt fights. TLC fights anyone
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    I used to love the hardcore matches. Watching them back now though, knowing what I know about how dangerous it is to take unprotected head shots (it's totally obvious really - hit someone with a chair around the head, you'll either eventually kill them or cause immense unseen damage), makes me wince a bit.

    Did anyone watch The Wrestler when it came out?
  • PeaceLoveVeggies
    PeaceLoveVeggies Posts: 673 Member
    *hops up and down like a little girl* Meeeeeeeee! I loooooooooove wrestling. Been watching since I was 9 years old :) The beauty of being the only girl in a household with three boys lol
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    My significant other is an assistant producer for WWE... He's in Miami now, shooting interviews/autograph signings/etc. for Wrestlemania

    Kind of a fun job if you like pro wrestling :)
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,252 Member
    My significant other is an assistant producer for WWE... He's in Miami now, shooting interviews/autograph signings/etc. for Wrestlemania

    Kind of a fun job if you like pro wrestling :)

    Don't suppose he could get me tickets for Wrestlemania PLEAAAASSSSEEEE!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:

    I mean I already live in miami
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 684 Member
    I still watch it just about every week. I've been a wrestling fan since around 1980. I can't wait for Wrestlemania
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    (and no Im not being the Rock)

    CM Punk fans, anyone? I met him when wwe came through MKE for Elimination Chamber...(I was there :P )

    I am a huge Wrestling nerd. omg.

    When THIS happened, I screamed like an idiot about how I was so excited I could pee my pants.
  • curvatrino
    curvatrino Posts: 33 Member
    Curvatrino - most of my favourite wrestlers are dead unfortunately. Eddie Guerrerro and Chris Benoit were my favourites from WWE, and I think it's sickening the way WWE have tried to brush what happened with Benoit from their memory. Yes, he killed his family then himself, but all the evidence points at the wrestling lifestyle as contributing heavily to his brain damage which caused him to flip out and do it. I do like Kofi Kingston though. Ring of Honor shows a consistently high level of wrestlers, and whilst I'm not familiar with them I'd happily watch their matches. Caught a bit of Ring Ka King recently, and that was good too despite being endorsed by TNA.

    Benoit was my fave too. Constant concussions do crazy things to the brain. I watch a fair bit of TNA, because they take their women's divsion a little bit more seriously. might have to check out some RoH, although I already watch a fair bit of wrestling, so not sure I'd have the time!

    i write a blog, though not very often http://ithinkaboutwrestling.wordpress.com
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 684 Member
    There is a good chance that Brock Lesnar will make an appearance this Sunday at WM to set the wheels in motion for some kind of feud that will have him participate in next years WM. This would be great!!
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 684 Member
    (and no Im not being the Rock)

    CM Punk fans, anyone? I met him when wwe came through MKE for Elimination Chamber...(I was there :P )

    I am a huge Wrestling nerd. omg.

    When THIS happened, I screamed like an idiot about how I was so excited I could pee my pants.

    CM Punk fan here!!
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    Feeling a bit bleary eyed as I stayed up to watch Wrestlemania (started at midnight UK time and finished around 4am) - what did everyone think?
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 684 Member
    Too many slow paced matches. IMO

    I liked the UT/HHH match. The only thing wrong is with WWE being PG now, it's a little bit of a letdown in a match like hell in the cell when you know there should have been tons of blood, but barely anything because of being PG. It would be one thing if there was never an attitude era, but we all know how those cell matches were back then. I miss those days.

    Rock/Cena. Very good match from them wrestling each other for the first time. I saw Rock do some things I never had seen him done, like some of real quick moves early in the match and then applying the sharpshotter twice.

    Sheamus, 18 seconds? I like the reason behind it as Bryan will come out tonight, blame AJ and humiliate her to no end possibly with her finally ditching him. I just would have liked a longer match.

    Punk/Jericho - liked the match a good deal.

    I was really hoping that Brock Lesnar would show up last night. He was in Miami and signed a deal with WWE, so I was rooting for him to interfere in something. Well, maybe we will see him tonight. :)