
mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
Hi my name is claire i have an 18month old at home and find it very difficult to find the time to exercise. i work full time as well at a hospital as an HCA so am on my feet constantly. however i am trying to walk to most places now and. i am 26 and weigh in at 86 kg.
i hope we can all support each other and if you have any challenges you want to try please feel free to add them!



  • nevr2L8
    nevr2L8 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, I'm Chris. I started walking about 2 years ago after I thought I was having a heart attack. Turned out to be a severe case of GERD, but it scared me enough to get serious about getting in shape. I can't run because of ankle and knee problems, but I've found walking has improved my health tremendously! (Lower cholesterol, no more pre-diabetes). I've walked a couple 1/2 marathons and am working on improving my time. ( never in a million years would I have ever thought I could have done that) Love to walk outside, and hate the treadmill.
  • Hi all!
    My name is Jessica and I have a one-year-old. I tried jogging with her in the stroller but then I remembered - "oh yeah, I hate jogging." So now my new thing is walking for at least half an hour with my daughter every day if I can. I love getting the air and seeing the neighborhood, and it gets me out of the house. (I'm a stay-at-home mom.) I would love for this to be my main form of exercise! I think it might be a good fit for me because if I do really strenuous exercise, I often "reward" myself with junk food - we all know that doesn't work long term! I'm looking forward to hearing about all of your walking journeys!

    And Chris wow that is amazing that you've walked a half marathon! Did you train for it, or just go for it? Were there other walkers? Thanks!

  • nevr2L8
    nevr2L8 Posts: 15 Member
    I trained using the Hal Higdon training. He has a training program built specifically for walkers. It was really enjoyable and gradual. His program is 10 weeks, but I gave myself almost 20 weeks just in case I had to repeat a week, and that happened a couple times. The hard part was getting up so early in the morning to do the 1 long walk every week. I live in Florida and in the summer I wanted to be sure I was done by 10:00 a.m. Most of the time I walked alone but I had an "accountability buddy" to help me stay on track. And she walked with me the day of the race. I walked the Women's Half Marathon and it was AWESOME!!!! I would recommend to anyone that if you get the chance, to a public 1/2 marathon. The energy is incredible and the medals are really cool!
  • nicoleandlosing
    nicoleandlosing Posts: 33 Member
    Hi, my name is Nicole. I am from South Milwaukee, WI. My husband and I decided that this is the year that we lose weight and get healthy. We got married in September of 2011 and would love to start a family. But I feel getting pregnant at my current weight would not be very good for me. So we are eating better, got gym memberships, and have an elliptical at home. My husband and I have started to walk together. I really enjoy getting outside and being able to do it with my husband.
  • fatavatar
    fatavatar Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone, I used to love to walk; days out, weeks tackling long distance footpaths the lot! But following a serious accident I have knee and ankle problems which make walking less fun. I am trying but could really do with encouragement and perhaps a challenge or two. Any ideas for how we could motivate each other to work harder?
  • Nice to meet you all! I missed my walk today because my mother-in-law stopped by unexpectedly this afternoon. Argh! But I am hoping to get another long one in tomorrow.

    Thanks Chris for the info on half marathons!
  • Pururin
    Pururin Posts: 16
    Hi, everyone! I'm glad to have found a group for walkers, since this has always been my exercise of choice. There are a lot of really big hills where I live, and no sidewalks, so I'm not able to walk as far as I'd like just yet, but I'm hoping to get there soon! :]