New Vegetarian....

snlperdue93 Posts: 210 Member
Hi everyone. I just found out about this group via a post that I put on the forums ([url][/url])

I have been forced to become a vegetarian due to a new allergy to meat protein. I have been fighting with several side effects to meats (almost all normal varieties) over the past few weeks and have some side effects that you just can't really life with (too embarrassing to talk about).

So, I am looking for ideas, support and any help I can get as I try to figure out how to become a non-meat eater.

My updated allergic to foods

I was already allergic to tomatoes, shell fish, mushrooms, peanuts, avocados, strawberries (if too many), and lactose intolerant.

Now can't eat any meat for at least 4-6 weeks, but probably for the rest of my life. Meats that I have shown allergic reactions to over the last few weeks include beef, turkey, chicken, pork, and lamb.

So, I can eat eggs, but only 2 or 3 a week, no more than 1/2 a glass of milk per day and that is only if I don't eat eggs or cheese, tomatoes only if cooked and in very small quantities, no shell fish, no mushrooms, peanuts I can tolerate in small quantities (like peanut butter) but have to have the benedryl handy and of course, have to watch the dairy intake.

Anyone else trying to lose weight with a diet that is so limited?

Also, any good cookbooks out there for new vegetarians that will also help me lose weight and not cost a fortune in food? I am a stay at home mom and full time college student, so I am on a very very limited budget.
