Hello :)



  • SammyKatt
    SammyKatt Posts: 364 Member
    I did turbo fat blaster again today: this time with hand weights (want to get some of those weighted gloves some of them wear but don't think they sell them in the uk?)

    You can use wrist weights too! Thats what I use right now. Just make sure they are on tight so they dont slide around on your arms, you might end up with little bruises =P I know I did the first time!
  • torsaer
    torsaer Posts: 211 Member
    Thanks Sammy Kat - I used wrist weights yesterday and today and they seem to work ok!! I find that the band digs into my legs after a while (I did the lower body jam this morning, which uses a band)..!
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Hello All :bigsmile:

    I got up and did my turbo jam this morning, Third day in a row !! That is already a personal best record!!

    I :heart: my bed!!

    Feel good for doing it but not feeling any slimmer yet, I know it'll take time but I like to see results fast.
    I have been using little hand weights for my turbojam and think they probably will tone my arms up and burn a few extra cals.

    So today I have a full time day shift, then work in the club tonight, I also have to drop my son off at a friends before I go work then collect him from there before going home, tonight I will only get about 2 hours sleep.
    I will be tired and still don't know when I'll get my turbo jam in, maybe have to do it in the evening.
    This is exactly the reason why daily workouts have stopped I literally don't have enough hours in the day

    Any way, good luck to everyone today, get Jamming and loggin!!!

    See you soon :flowerforyou:
  • MchelleBoise
    Hey Everyone! I'm so excited for this Turbo Community! It's awesome! I wish you all luck... WE ALL CAN DO THIS!!! I am struggling a little as I am recovering from a NASTY sinus infection and chest cold, but I am doing my best to stay active and hang in here with you all. I am so excited to reach my goals and am glad I am not doing it alone. ;)
  • jam1010
    jam1010 Posts: 183 Member
    forgot to log in for my day 2.i did cardio party mix 2 and for my day 3 is turbo sculpt. it was a fun workout. I haven't done the fat blaster cause i find it hard. might try that one, one of this day.
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Good morning Everyone!! :drinker:

    :yawn: I am running on 4 hours sleep, I did very well last night got out of work in record time and was home and in bed by 4am, then back up again for 8, Hard work getting out of bed but I managed it, got my son to school then did some jobs and my turbojam before I started my day job at 10am.

    I have slightly pulled my back today during the turbojam workout, I hope it'll settle down, keeps twindging. I don;t usually have any back issues and I think its just a pulled muscle so fingers crossed it'll be better after a nice sleep. I might do some yoga tonight to stretch it a bit too, feels like it needs stretching. :ohwell:

    Hope everyone is doing really well and your all enjoying your turbo jam/ turbofire workouts.
    Four days in a row for me which is good, I am looking forward to learning the routine perfectly and being able to do the whole lot without mistakes!!!

    Food wise I AM going to get back to a better way of eating TODAY, despite being tired and usually would turn to carbs and sweet stuff, I know it'll make no difference really and Im sick of my clothes feeling tight, I have 10lbs to lose :ohwell: and I'm quite annoyed thatI have allowed that to creep back on in the last couple of months. :huh:

    Next week I am going to have a few really strict days and boost my weight loss, I need to give it a kick, drink loads of water loads fo fruit and veg lean protein and cut right back on the bad carbs. That'll help me :tongue:

    I wish you all good luck today and hope you all doing realy great with your challenges so far.
    I will have a read and catch up with everyones progress when I get some time :flowerforyou:

    Have fun!!! :bigsmile:
  • sandi24
    sandi24 Posts: 8
    Good Morning,

    I hope you do not mind that I am joining your group late (discovered it yesterday).
    This is the first group I have ever joined and my first post.

    I have been doing Turbo Jam workouts for a long time. I was mixing up my workouts with other DVD's
    (Jillian Michaels, Jackie Warner and 10 minute trainer), but have been doing Turbo Jam workouts
    consistently for the last 2 weeks.

    I love Turbo Jam! I also have the Turbo Fire DVD's but have not done them since the summer.
    My struggle is not with working out but eating well. I have a sweet tooth that I tend to give in to more than I should.
    I would like to lose between 5 and 10 pounds. I did the Cardio Party 2 workout yesterday. It has become one of my
    favorites. I ran on the treadmill 25 minutes this morning, but hope to do a TJ workout today as well.

    I look forward to encouraging one another!!!
  • torsaer
    torsaer Posts: 211 Member
    Well I did sprint run this morning (I do intervals, sprinting and walking) and then I did turbo sculpt this afternoon - with wrist weights and light weights. I'm loving this challenge! And I do like Chalene's positive cheerful way. I know some find it irritating, but so far I'm finding it pretty good fun.

    Food OK - but have succumbed to peanut butter today. Am detoxing next week with you Mel - keep me on the straight and narrow won't you? :wink:

    Here's to page three of this thread!!

  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Good Morning,

    I hope you do not mind that I am joining your group late (discovered it yesterday).
    This is the first group I have ever joined and my first post.

    I have been doing Turbo Jam workouts for a long time. I was mixing up my workouts with other DVD's
    (Jillian Michaels, Jackie Warner and 10 minute trainer), but have been doing Turbo Jam workouts
    consistently for the last 2 weeks.

    I love Turbo Jam! I also have the Turbo Fire DVD's but have not done them since the summer.
    My struggle is not with working out but eating well. I have a sweet tooth that I tend to give in to more than I should.
    I would like to lose between 5 and 10 pounds. I did the Cardio Party 2 workout yesterday. It has become one of my
    favorites. I ran on the treadmill 25 minutes this morning, but hope to do a TJ workout today as well.

    I look forward to encouraging one another!!!

    Welcome on board.

    Happy to have you with us!!!

    Let's get working on those 5-10lbs, that is what I have to do too,in three months, I wan to be super slim and sexy for my holiday!!!
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Well I did sprint run this morning (I do intervals, sprinting and walking) and then I did turbo sculpt this afternoon - with wrist weights and light weights. I'm loving this challenge! And I do like Chalene's positive cheerful way. I know some find it irritating, but so far I'm finding it pretty good fun.

    Food OK - but have succumbed to peanut butter today. Am detoxing next week with you Mel - keep me on the straight and narrow won't you? :wink:

    Here's to page three of this thread!!


    Hi Tor

    Next week will give us some much needed results, I will be shopping for my fruits and veggies on sunday ready for our detox next week, I need to do this, I have basically maintained my weight this week which is better than I usually do so the exercise and perfect calorie counting is working already but we need to detox and get a head start on this.

    Next week, you and me, plus my friend hannah who is doing it too I beleive you can add her monday :)

    I haven't had a chance to do my dvd yet. I need to do it this afternoon before going to my BF's house, another non stop day.

    We have a lazy day tomorrow for once though so I'm looking forward to a bit of a lay in and a day of shopping and then work in the evening.

    Have a wicked weekend xxxx

    Lets do this thing!!!
  • torsaer
    torsaer Posts: 211 Member
    Hi Mel!
    Page 3 of the thread! Yes!
    I did cardio party 40 min workout (needed to, after peanut butter eating today) so am on track with the workouts.
    i have a busy weekend - my two nephews are 18 and we're having a dinner party here for them. I have to get dressed up and don't know what to wear..
    Next week we're going to DO THIS!! Will be especially good if Hannah joins us and then we'll feel doubly accountable
    Have a great weekend
  • ericalynn82279
    ericalynn82279 Posts: 54 Member
    Hey everyone! Day 5 in a row for me today. I did Turbo Sculpt with 5 lbs weights after work. I might do 20 min workout later tonight. Food wise I am sticking to my calories.. I am hoping for a loss on Monday but I cheat and look at the scales daily :noway: I know I shouldn't!!!! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!
  • ericalynn82279
    ericalynn82279 Posts: 54 Member
    I did turbo sculpt and 20 min today! felt great!!
  • torsaer
    torsaer Posts: 211 Member
    Well done on turbo sculpt and 20 mins! I love turbo sculpt too. Today I did 20 mins this morning, then thought I'd try and squeeze in another workout this evening so started totally tubular but only got half way through (we had to go out) - I used free weights instead of the tube and it seemed to work ok. I love that there are so many workouts you don't get too bored..
  • sarahlynn78
    sarahlynn78 Posts: 132 Member
    Great job everyone! I did 3T and fat blaster today.
  • torsaer
    torsaer Posts: 211 Member
    I did totally tubular today - has been a big eating day for me so needed to do something!
    Tomorrow I start my Holy Week detox! Will be checking in here too xx
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    I did totally tubular today - has been a big eating day for me so needed to do something!
    Tomorrow I start my Holy Week detox! Will be checking in here too xx

    Well done Tor!!!

    Your doing great :drinker:

    Detox week, Ooooo Good luck mate. That'll be tough but will see results fast.

    Let's do this thing!!!:tongue:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Well I got my Turbo Jam workout in this morning, which is good considering I was able to sleep in a bit later as my son is not at school for two weeks, half term break.
    So getting up that extra half hour was still an effort but I thought I would try to keep the same routine going, I still have to work loads of hours today from home and then later will get a chance to go for a nice walk and run with my son riding his bike. The weather is looking good for outside activities and I have seriously missed being able to get out and do this sort of stuff but with working all these hours I simply couldn't fit it in before the sun went down. But now the clocks have gone forward I can.
    My son loves it too.

    So this weeks goal, I will be getting very strict with food this week. cutting out all bad carbs, uping lean protein and adding things that assist fat burning. I call this detox !! I do this about once a month minimum and it helps me lose a few pounds and kind of resets my eating habits when I get bad, as I am now. I am still at 113.2 this week so basically lost nothing in a week, even though I did go down mid week but have put it back on this weekend, must have been the chicken and chips last night!!!
    So this week I am going to detox for 4 days, I have day work all week and three nights too, plus have my son to take care of and also this challenge to stick to so it will be quite tough but I know I'll see results from it. So here goes a tough week for me.

    Good luck to everyone this week, it;s great to see everyone logging in and getting your workouts done. I hope everyone makes some good progress this week and does really well.
  • torsaer
    torsaer Posts: 211 Member
    Did punch, kick and jam for the first time today. For some reason I didn't think it was such a good workout: I want to sweat a bit more... But still good fun. Need to do some interval training soon I think..
  • torsaer
    torsaer Posts: 211 Member
    Did the 20 min workout first thing this morning - felt great!