


  • Chicc
    Chicc Posts: 144 Member
    Hey everyone. ... I'm Melinda, I'm 37 and live on Vancouver Island, Beautiful British Columbia, Canada. Go west!
    Just like most people here, I have a weight issue. When i was young we lived on a farm on the far East Coast of Canada. We didn't have much so gramma severed you the meals ( potatoes or pasta and a big slab of meat). No getting up from the table until the plate is clean. Um yeah needless to say had a complex :-$
    By the time i graduated high school i was over 225 lbs. Did i mention im only 5ft 4inches? Well up and down i went but nothing stuck for a long time. About two years ago i took life by the horns and paid for a personal trainer. She has helped me change my life for good in one year. Ive been busting it with the help of mfp and as of today (thanks to the 11 week challenge) am down to 166 (that's -2lbs since this mondays weigh in here).
    I hope this group/challenge Will continue to push me closer to my goal of 150 (for starters).

    Good luck everyone ;-)
  • brandylina
    brandylina Posts: 23 Member
    Hey everyone!

    My name is Brandy and I am a married 28 year old from Texas, USA. ^_^ My wife and I have two puppybear children, Bella and Jake (Australian Shepherds). I've been obese for about 10 years now (I started gaining weight just as I graduated high school) and I'm now at my heaviest ever (360ish). I'm tired of being this way and I'm looking forward to this competition and the contact and support with you guys! I have a blog up with a long introduction to my issues with weight if you care to read it (I won't bore you all with the details here!). I'm trying to motivate my wife to lose weight as well but am realizing I have to do this on my own. I'm new to MFP - downloaded the app last year and never messed with it... started really using it this week and I am LOVING it!

    Oh, I'm also a vegetarian (though a very unhealthy one... cheese pizza and bean burritos are about it...) so if anyone has suggestions (that are easy) I'd appreciate it!

    Things I like: karaoke, sci-fi shows (Stargate, X-Files, Xena, Babylon 5, Star Trek...), sports (basketball, rugby, soccer, tae kwon do), love watching UFC, love watching anime - I'm a NERD and proud of it! ^_~

    Good luck to you all and yay for us! ^_^
  • BelovedSOZO
    BelovedSOZO Posts: 20 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My name is Rebecca and I am 46 years old. I am heavier now than when I was 9 months
    pregnant and refuse to stay this way. I am married and have 3 amazing children.
    We live on a farm in Nebraska. I was very active in high school but, have not followed
    a steady exercise routine since. Needing to go from couch potato to fit and trim to keep up with my family!
    I am so excited that I found this web site and the challenge group for motivation.

    Good luck everyone - together we CAN do this!!! : )
  • happydays2525
    happydays2525 Posts: 109 Member
    Hi, my name is Margaret. I'm 54 and mother of 2 sons, 23 and 19. I live in Ontario, Canada. I have been overweight most of my life but when I started on Feb 27\12 I weighed 233, I have since lost 12.2 lbs. I would like to get to 165 lbs. I love this app and site. i chart everything and count all by calories. Today is the first time that I have really went over and I feel quite guilty, but I had a craving for Chinese food. Tomorrow I will be doing some extra exercising and eating less. I'm losing weight to feel better about myself and because of my health (high blood pressure, diabetes and fibromyalgia. I wish everyone well on their journey.
  • Cheops9255
    My name is Terry. I am a lawyer living in Indonesia and I work closely with the Indonesian government on rule of law issues. What inspired me to do this was the fact hat I recently weighed in the heaviest I have been at for the last ten years. I became concerned about my health - I have two kids I need to get through school. Ironically, last year, I weighed the least that I have in ten years - I did Atkins and lost twenty pounds in no time but it all came back with a vengeance. Now I hope to lose weight intelligently, and keep it off.
  • tracferg
    tracferg Posts: 31 Member
    Hi all. My name is Tracy, I'm 47 years old and I live in Northern Alberta. I am married with 2 grown kids and 2 beautiful grandchildren. I have been up and down on the scale a lot and decided this time I need to change my lifestyle and become more active! I love this site cos it makes me accountable and it's so easy! I decided to join this challenge because I am one month in and think this will keep me motivated, before this I have always quit trying after 4-6 weeks. Looking forward to getting to know everyone better!