Weigh-In and/or Measurements

I've stopped weighing myself, so I'll be tracking my success by measurements.

Chest 35"

Waist 28.5"

Hips 39"

L Thigh 22.5"

R Thigh 21"


  • AngelPam
    AngelPam Posts: 2
    I am pretty new to this and don't know my way completey around here yet so bare with me please :smile:

    My starting weight is:

  • lindzmt22
    lindzmt22 Posts: 335
    Hey all!! I'm Lindsey and my starting weight is 169.8....lovin WW so far!! :D
  • jodylewis81
    jodylewis81 Posts: 4 Member
    Sometimes it's nice to just break up the monotony and try a new way of tracking what we eat. I'll be commiting myself to both this month and see what happens. Thanks for the inspiration!
  • I actually started WW 3 months ago. I attend weekly meetings but their leader wasn't taking the time with me to show me better eating habits. For instance, I was an idiot... 5-9 servings of fruit and veggies does not mean 5-9 of each totaling 18 per day. (I know! Duh!) But I did not know that. Now that I know, and I can count calories using MFP, I've lost 3 lbs this week already.

    My starting weight April 1 was 217.8

    My weight today is 213.2

    Slow progress but progress nonetheless! I have no idea about my measurements but my pants slide off w/o me trying. Belts are imperative now.

    I like the idea of WW and counting calories both at the same time. This way I make sure I get the right amount of calories and points combined!

    Also, I'm new to MFP... hang in there with me -I may post all over the place!
  • Sandy92392
    Sandy92392 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I am Sandy and I have tried so many diets and I am done with the yo yo diets. I wanted to give WW a try but I can't afford to go to meetings or do to the online. I am on a budget and with 6 kids we spend too much already. I been searching online for info on WW points plus 360 so I can do it on my own. All I could find was stuff on points plus 2012. I am looking for the new WW 360 kits on ebay and maybe next months if we can afford it I might be able to buy one. I am currently 217 and I think my daily points is 31 and the weekly points is 49 I hope I am right. I sure could use any help and support and motivation.
  • Im Sherry and have been doing weight watchers since the end of December! I have found its been working great for me.