introduce yourself!



  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Hi, I'm Sandra and have recently gotten hooked on boxing... my best friend conviced me to try this class at a boxing gym when things got tough at home (divorce).

    I have been going weekly for about ten weeks now and am loving it. The class is a full hour, incredibly high intensity, and physically exhausting - did I mention I LOVE IT!

    Working full time, with two kids under 7 makes it tough to go more regularly, but would like to get a heavy bag and set up a mini gym when I get my new place. Will be looking for advice when that time comes!

    Looking forward to hearing more on these posts!
  • hardheadedrican
    Wus up people! I'm Nicky born and raised in NY but live in VA due to the navy. Been boxing for 2 years now on the All Navy Boxing team and was 2012 Armed Forces Champion for the 141 weight class. Love everything about boxing especially how much my body has transformed. Trying to get into the 131 weight class so thought this website would help. Nice to meet all of you!!!!! Looking foward to future post