How much weight have you lost?

since going paleo/primal? have you hit any plateaus? if so how did you get past them?


  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    Followed Chris Kresser's GERD protocols. Betaine HCL to bust my last 5 month plateau but I wasn't eating Paleo then. New plateau came about from eating grains (rice flour, corn contaminants) due to poverty. The Leptin Reset seems to have remedied that.

    Chris Kresser has a brand new personal Paleo Code system of personal nutrition and his medical skills are so in demand that my coach flies out of Seattle to see him in California. His wisdom has changed my life so if LR by JK hadn't worked this would be my next step. When I reach my ideal body composition, I'm going to use his Baby Code for my next pregnancy. He's the person I needed and didn't have for my daughter's birth.
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    Followed Chris Kresser's GERD protocols. Betaine HCL to bust my last 5 month plateau but I wasn't eating Paleo then. New plateau came about from eating grains (rice flour, corn contaminants) due to poverty. The Leptin Reset seems to have remedied that.

    Chris Kresser has a brand new personal Paleo Code system of personal nutrition and his medical skills are so in demand that my coach flies out of Seattle to see him in California. His wisdom has changed my life so if LR by JK hadn't worked this would be my next step. When I reach my ideal body composition, I'm going to use his Baby Code for my next pregnancy. He's the person I needed and didn't have for my daughter's birth.
    I am going to look into this.. I have tried so many things and tweaks to get the scale moving again and been very disapointed with most of them.. though I have say that I am probably a little too impatient in this area.. I want to see results and now lol.. but I also realize my body was very very sick for a long time. Now that I am giving it the good things it needs and got rid of the stuff it doesn't..I am now in the healing stage and healing takes time. I can't say that the reset did nothing for me. I did notice change in mood,sleep patterns and over all emotional well being with a 4lb loss at the end of 6 weeks... but then nothing after that.
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    I'm going to use his Baby Code for my next pregnancy. He's the person I needed and didn't have for my daughter's birth.

    hind sight is 20/20 for sure. if I knew back then,during my pregnancies and births, what I know now about good nutrition, health, mainstream doctors and their severe lack of of knowledge in women's health. Along the whole birth process and what is normal and what is not during delivery. I seriously doubt I would be dealing with the health issues I am today. But that ship has sailed for me.. I will be passing on my knowledge to my daughters though.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    I lost just under 40 pounds over the course of 4 months. I was fortunate in that I really didn't experience much in the way of plateaus, my body responded well to the changes in diet. I did discover if I ate any less than 1400 calories I would stall out so I made sure to eat above that.

    I too wish I had known to do this earlier, I could have avoided many of my health issues as well. The paradox is that I believe I had to get sick enough to want to get well, not sure these changes would have stuck otherwise.
  • wxkris
    wxkris Posts: 57
    I've actually gained since I started eating this way, but I know that's because I was originally a little wishy-washy in the beginning. I know that the increased amount of fat, combined with sometimes carb-heavy meals is the culprit, because you can't do both (high carb AND high fat). However, anytime that I have "cheated," I've definitely felt it...and it wasn't good! I believe in primal/paleo, which is why I'm not letting this original gain deter me from continuing it. I've felt success in other areas of my life, like sleep and energy, and I know the weight loss is coming eventually. As many people have said "You only get out of it what you put in!" Hopefully in a few weeks, I will have some weight loss to report :)
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    Followed Chris Kresser's GERD protocols. Betaine HCL to bust my last 5 month plateau but I wasn't eating Paleo then. New plateau came about from eating grains (rice flour, corn contaminants) due to poverty. The Leptin Reset seems to have remedied that.

    Chris Kresser has a brand new personal Paleo Code system of personal nutrition and his medical skills are so in demand that my coach flies out of Seattle to see him in California. His wisdom has changed my life so if LR by JK hadn't worked this would be my next step. When I reach my ideal body composition, I'm going to use his Baby Code for my next pregnancy. He's the person I needed and didn't have for my daughter's birth.
    I am going to look into this.. I have tried so many things and tweaks to get the scale moving again and been very disapointed with most of them.. though I have say that I am probably a little too impatient in this area.. I want to see results and now lol.. but I also realize my body was very very sick for a long time. Now that I am giving it the good things it needs and got rid of the stuff it doesn't..I am now in the healing stage and healing takes time. I can't say that the reset did nothing for me. I did notice change in mood,sleep patterns and over all emotional well being with a 4lb loss at the end of 6 weeks... but then nothing after that.
    I went to the web site,.. i looks like an amazing program..but it's a $100..yikes.. I want to get it but it may have to wait until tax time :ohwell:
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    I have been on a yo-yo cycle for almost 2 years. lose a few lbs.. then gain it back and on and on. After the birth of our last child I topped the scale at 275.. the biggest I've ever been in my life.. lost about 20 while nursing. Stalled for a long time.Actively dieted CW but only lost a few lbs here and there. Did the food lovers fat loss system and lost another 20 lbs. I went Gluten free In January for health reasons and gained 35 lbs.. ugh.. Went Paleo in April and lost 18 lbs in 3 weeks. then stalled for 4 months ,maybe loosing a few lbs... I've been so up and down I've lost track. I did the leptin reset and lost another 4lbs. I am stalled again.I am now 214 which is a lot better than 275 but far from my goal.. so here I am trying to figure out the right tweak for my body to this lifestyle that will get the scale moving again.
  • I'm on day 20 of the paleo diet and have lost 6 lbs. feel better and sleep better. Here's to another 30 to go
  • chammich
    chammich Posts: 104 Member
    22 pounds in 32 days. But I have to watch my caloric intake or I gain. But I don't binge eating this way, as I am a major carb addict. I love this way of eating.
  • BrakemanSlova
    BrakemanSlova Posts: 54 Member
    10 pounds since going Primal (I eat cheese, cream and butter), that is in about 2 months. I don't watch my calories, just my carbs. I could lose more if I ate less cheese and more salad!
  • kimby57
    kimby57 Posts: 11
    24 lbs in 66 days, I've spent 25 years trying many diets that never worked. I love Paleo!:flowerforyou:
  • acs4162
    acs4162 Posts: 99 Member
    I've lost 10 pounds since going Cave lady 1 month ago. I couldn't be happier. I should have taken pictures and measurements, but I didn't know it was going to come off so fast.
  • geojeepgirl
    geojeepgirl Posts: 243 Member
    Im on day 9 of a 21 day challenge. Lost 9.8 in a week. woot woot I have found my sleeping patterns changing. Im falling asleep earlier at night, which makes me wake up earlier in the morning and I dont feel as groggy. I still sometimes wake up in the middle of th night but its always been that way no issues going back to sleep.
  • Anathama
    Anathama Posts: 82 Member
    67 lbs since January 5th. I haven't been very strict, as I'm still drinking beer occasionally.
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member

    I started going Primal last year. I lost 63lbs. Then for health reasons (against my better judgement I stopped) Now exactly a year later I've found I've gained 22lbs of that back.

    Thank you for the link ResilientWoman I suffer from GERD!
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 909 Member
    im three weeks in and have lost 3lbs so far! yay! better then that tho i have lost 8.5inches over my body in the 3 weeks as well. i cant wait to meet my goal. it seems like forrrevvver away but i wont give up!
  • Chood5
    Chood5 Posts: 259 Member
    I have lost 88 pounds since October 2011. I started out just watching my carbs, but then read the Primal Blueprint around December and have been following that ever since. I love eating this way and have never felt better!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    About 20 total, but that is from when I was at my max weight in November. Since I really committed to Primal about six weeks ago it's been about 15.
  • KellyUVA
    KellyUVA Posts: 255 Member
    8 total, 5 on MFP. I do need to watch calories though - those macadamia nuts add up fast!
  • meeulk
    meeulk Posts: 246 Member
    22 pounds in 32 days. But I have to watch my caloric intake or I gain. But I don't binge eating this way, as I am a major carb addict. I love this way of eating.

    This! The biggest benefit for me is that I don't binge, and I don't have insatiable cravings that won't go away! If I ate a biscuit, I'd be craving sugar

    oh, and I've lost 7 lbs in 3 weeks.