eating back exercise calories

chervil6 Posts: 236 Member
do any of u eat back your exercise calories ??? i dont at the moment and seem to be losing weight very slowly ...:sad:


  • kathym59
    kathym59 Posts: 51
    I've been reading a lot of posts recently about this, so I thought II would try it. I'm aiming for 1lb a week, MFP has given me. 1500 cals per day + around 250 from exercise. Hard to believe you can eat that much and lose weight, but I thought I would try it for a couple of weeks and see what happens. It's much easier to stick to that amount as well. I'll let you know
  • torreviejo
    torreviejo Posts: 27 Member

    I too have reading up on this subject and nearly all of the posts recommend that you eat back your exercise calories as you need the fuel to make your body function properly otherwise it will go into starvation mode.

    I found it difficult to think that you can lose weight by eating more but it does make sense.

    When I joined MFP, they gave me 1280 net calories to eat every day even after eating back my calories and I thought at the time that this figure was way too low for me ( it is lower than my BMR of 1469 which you need for your body to remain functioning ) so I manually changed my goals to eat 1500 cals on non-exercise days and to add to that figure my exercise cals so that I will always have a net calorie amount of 1500 and be within my BMR.

    Many others on this site eat more net calories than me and they are consistently losing at least 1lb a week.Hope that this makes sense
  • chervil6
    chervil6 Posts: 236 Member
    thanks to you both for replying x
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I had a quick flick through your diary (I hope you don't mind), and yes, I'd say you're radically undereating. You already have your deficit set very low at 1200. Have you calculated your BMR? I'm guessing it's well above 1200... ?

    My guess is 1200 is too low to start with, and then on top of that, you're exercising without adequate fuel. And that would definitely explain stalled weightloss.
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I eat back about 50% of my exercise Calories not because I think of them as a bonus, but more because I don't trust the calorie burn MFP gives me for Swimming :laugh:

    I've been in maintenance mode for a couple of months - I refuse to call it a plateau - because I know there are times when I'm eating/drinking way more than my exercise Calories - but sometime the more I eat, the more I lose!
  • F1uffy2
    F1uffy2 Posts: 84 Member
    Last month I had a TOM week, 1 week away where I couldn't exercise except walking but ate as healthy choices as possible and 2 weeks eating back my calories. I put 2lb on on the 1st week, retained 1 of those in the second but by the end of the 4th week had lost 5lbs (4 + the retained 1). So I would say eating back does work but it's a steadier loss. I suppose that also means it is more likely to stay off too.x
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    I am, I wasn't at first but I have for around the last two months. It took me a while to get used to it and some days I literally run out of time to eat all or even close to all (I burned over 1000 today) I ruined myself years ago under eating so I did expect this to take some time but I have found the weight to be slipping off now, and I get to enjoy some chocolate cake :bigsmile:
  • thegeordielass
    thegeordielass Posts: 208 Member
    I was eating 1200 without eating exercise calories back but as I hadn't budged for a month and because of what people were saying on here I decided to try eating my cals back and dropped my goal loss from 2lb a week to 1lb a week (which gives me 1410 cals to eat without exercise). The first week I put on a few lbs, the 2nd I dropped them again and this week I've apparently lost 3lb (although some of that is water weight because of TOM). I guess I'll have to wait and wee how it plays out over the next few weeks/months.

    I don't always eat all the cals back though - partly because I'm not 100 convinced of what I've burned and how accurate some of my foods are if I didn't make the meal myself. Sometimes I'm just not hungry enough to eat it all back but I try my best to be no more than 200 cals off my net and have it average out by the end of the week.
  • kathym59
    kathym59 Posts: 51
    I've just finished one week of eating back the exercise calories. We were away on holiday and I walked a lot, but not fast. I felt was was overeating although MFP said I wasn't. This morning I got on the scales, feeling a bit bloated, and I have lost 2lb. I'm really surprised and happy as well. From now on, I am going to enjoy this "diet"
  • i'm sorry but what does eating back exercise calories mean?
  • chervil6
    chervil6 Posts: 236 Member

    it means , when u exercise , u use up calories , but on this site when u log what youve done , exercise wise , its tells you how many calories youve used , and alot of people , eat the extra cals theyve earned by exercising .......... hope ive not confused you too much lol
  • Ant_M76
    Ant_M76 Posts: 534 Member
    I eat around half of mine back and my results have been quite good. I would try experimenting and figure out what works for you. Best of luck!
  • i eat back my cals, all the time. i make sure i do, and i am losing weight, and putting on muscle.

    i think its a good idea to defo eat your exercise cals. i think its important that you do.

    the more exercise you do, the more cals u need. and the more you need to eat to lose weight.

    dont sound right, but it is.

    because its not only about numbers too, its also about your metabolism, and your metabolism is the most important aspect about losing weight, believe it or not. the more exercise you do the higher your metabolism is and the more times you eat also raises your metabolism.

    i hope i helped.
  • mummyb1974
    mummyb1974 Posts: 4
    Im into a good exercise pattern now and loosing between 1/2 - 3/4 lb a week - maybe I need to eat back some exercise cals to increase the weight loss?!?
  • sandrajune72
    sandrajune72 Posts: 492 Member

    My guess is 1200 is too low to start with, and then on top of that, you're exercising without adequate fuel. And that would definitely explain stalled weightloss.
