Veggie guys

uk_james Posts: 52 Member
There are lots of veggie women on here (brilliant) but how many of us are male veggies? Interested in friending people and being inspired by food diaries, exercise and managing the two with busy lives. I live in the UK, work often means travelling between meetings (rare to be in one office all day), try to get to the gym 6 days a week. Love Quorn, exploring some of the things I've never gotten into before like bulgar wheat (bought my virgin pack yesterday) and quinoa. Graze box convert.


  • jjjohnson31
    jjjohnson31 Posts: 108 Member
    Always good to see other guy veggies...

    I so much wish I could eat Quorn because it tastes fantastic, but I fall into the category of people who have the body reaction of throwing up about 15 min after eating it.

  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    I'm a veggie woman, but my two guys (hubby and son) are veg as well. They eat the same things as I do for supper, though they do too much junk the rest of the day.
  • rock127
    rock127 Posts: 369 Member
    There are lots of veggie women on here (brilliant) but how many of us are male veggies? Interested in friending people and being inspired by food diaries, exercise and managing the two with busy lives. I live in the UK, work often means travelling between meetings (rare to be in one office all day), try to get to the gym 6 days a week. Love Quorn, exploring some of the things I've never gotten into before like bulgar wheat (bought my virgin pack yesterday) and quinoa. Graze box convert.

    Intrestingly most of the members on MFP seems to be ladies.You can try some Indian food if you are looking for a change because it has huge array of options for veggies.It should not be difficult in UK to find Indian food I guess.
  • Gt3ch
    Gt3ch Posts: 212 Member
    I'm a guy who has been a veggie only since mid-December (minus a couple slip-ups). I'm definitely committed to learning more and not going back to meat & dairy.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    My husband is here, but not logging. He just counts on me to do a lot of his portion planning for him. Here's his name: VegesaurusRex. Feel free to 'friend' me if you could use any middle-aged women friends.
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    I have to say, considering that there are only a few guys on here, I'm a veggie in the UK so if you want to have a nose at my diet you are welcome.
  • JBuck1914
    JBuck1914 Posts: 81 Member
    New to the group. I'm not a Vegetarian yet. I've been doing it a few weeks and I would like to learn more. Hopefully this group will help me see different vegetarian options.
  • alan_huynh2000
    alan_huynh2000 Posts: 43 Member
    I've converted to veggie recently, and in the U.S. I'm also bodybuilder/personal trainer/martial arts instructor =)
  • allenpearcy
    allenpearcy Posts: 227 Member
    (Mostly) Veggie guy since 1996. I eat eggs, fish and dairy, but no other meats. Happy to have other veggie (and UK) friends!
  • xtinalovexo
    xtinalovexo Posts: 1,376 Member
    nice to meet all 5 of you!
  • BJPCraig
    BJPCraig Posts: 417 Member
    Hey! I've been a vegetarian for @ 20-some-odd years, and have slowly drifted to where my wife & I describe ourselves as 90% vegan (we allow ourselves some egg or cheese when we are out eating with friends and family, none of whom are vegetarian).

    Interesting thing is that when I originally decided to try being a vegetarian, I decided to allow myself meat once a week (because I didn't think I could make it). But I never even missed it.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    Great thread! I am a 45 year old veggie male, and have been veggie my entire life. I don't eat fish but do eat dairy...and beautifully dispelled the myth that all vegetarians are skinny..I shot to 240 lbs before MFP saved me. I would love to receive friends requests from fellow veggies, men or women, my diary is open ( but often shocking!)

    P.S..I am also in the Uk and can attest that Indian food can lend it's self especially well to can mexican, too.
  • It’s delightful knowing there are more of me out there. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one of my kind. I wish I could say I saw the light when I was tadpole, but I feel blessed to have seen the light when I did. I've officially been a proud vegetarian for a year. Unofficially for three years. The two unofficial years I had >minor< hick ups due to social pressures and poorly thought out/weak moments, but thankfully those moments reinforced my focus, dedication, and commitment.

    I think I am the only male vegetarian within a 50 mile radius of where I live. My dad’s best friend and I get together once a week at what usually seems to be either Hooters or the Tilted Kilt. I’m pretty sure I’m always the only guy in either of those places that orders a salad and you know what…….they’re not bad. I'm built like a linebacker so I get >lots and lots< of double takes, raised eyebrows, comments, and questions. With the goal of graciously raising people's awareness, I practice non threatening responses to minimize awkward social situations. Carnivores I've learned are >>>>VERY<<<< sensitive creatures so you have to be careful to not upset them. The most common question I receive is, "You don't eat meat?!?!?!?!?!........Why don't you eat meat?!?!?!?”. I used to say very respectfully with a smile and head nod, "I got my reasons", but people usually want more. So then I've responded before to that by saying, "Man/girl.....if you knew what I wouldn't eat meat either". Lately, my go to response is, "Man/girl.......I'm just being the change that I want to see”. I’ve noticed all walks of life can find common ground with that statement. I >ALWAYS< try to mention my love for animals is too strong and I deeply disagree with how they are treated so I can't justify using them as a food source. The truth is, we all have a long list of reasons, but I am uncomfortable sounding preachy so I try my best to pick and choose my spots as best I can. I'm really not too far off from being a gluten free vegan, but for some odd reason I allow myself to fail from time to time.

    Anyone else out there as worried about the fresh water supply as I am? The meat corporations sure waste enormous amounts of our fresh water supply processing animal flesh. With all the unnecessary bloodshed attached to oil, I sure would hate to see the bloodshed attached to fresh water scarcity.
  • jjjohnson31
    jjjohnson31 Posts: 108 Member
    Carnivores I've learned are >>>>VERY<<<< sensitive creatures so you have to be careful to not upset them.

    This is Brilliant! You need to create t-shirts and bumper slickers with this saying.
    Anyone else out there as worried about the fresh water supply as I am?

    I live in the Aleutian Island (Alaska), and while there are a lot of hardships living here (weather being just one) we have the best water in the world; even our reservoir water excellent quality. However I agree that this is a concern, especially for the lower 48.
  • Hey man, thanks for the kind comments. The bumper sticker I was considering getting reads, "'s Patriotic", but I think you're right. I should turn that into something.

    I've always wanted to experience Alaska. How are things up there this time of year? Have you ever had a grizzly bear encounter? I've read that they run from blow horns.
  • I know i'm not a guy, but I clicked on this forum out of curiosity, anyway just wanted to say your message made me giggle, I just became a vegetarian two days ago and it is one of the hardest things i've ever had to go through. I made several attempts in the past to eliminate meat out of my diet but always found myself going back to it. This time I have decided to actually stick with the commitment i'm just hoping it lasts longer than a week.
  • hypersensitiveb
    hypersensitiveb Posts: 342 Member
    I'm a veggi girl married to a veggi guy and could use some help from you veggi guys. I got into a small fight with my hubbi he wanted dinner and I grabbed some veggi chicken nuggets and sweet potato fries for a quick dinner and he was like "what else?" I said ummm idk veggies? He wanted to add rice and beans . I was like that two meals why would you add another protien and starch? He said "I want a dinner chicken nuggets and fries are sides." If I ate all of that in one meal I would gain 3 lbs a day! Inless I ate 1 bite of each maybe . I have like 3 meals he considers real meals and there all high cal high carb ect. He thinks I'm on this wacked starvation or akins diet because I log every thing fruits, veggies, ect. And treat them the same as I would fries. So he's not to happy with me on here it seems.
    I guess the question is how to I feed him and make him feel its a meal and not just scattered sides and still not kill my diet?
  • dkanouse
    dkanouse Posts: 1 Member
    Just to be counted: vegetarian guy here.
  • gse313
    gse313 Posts: 252 Member
    Hi guys,

    I am not a vegetarian myself, but I am married to a beautiful woman (dle329) who was raised vegetarian and for some reason puts up with me anyway.

    Since my wife does battle WITH the kitchen rather than IN it, I am generally the one delegated to cooking duity and am usually tasked with finding new ways to veg out recipes I grew up with as a carnivore (thank God for MorningStar Farms and Worthington/Loma Linda). As a result I am eating vegetarian about 80-90% of the time.

    We are both on this weight loss ride and I think I may be able to learn something here and who knows, maybe even teach some people a thing or two! lol

    I am starting my journey here at 363 and am looking to get down to between 210 and 220 so I'll need all the help I can get... maybe even the type that requires certification by the time this is all said and done!! lol

    Feel free to add me as a "friend", I know we can all use the help!
  • ajd8663
    ajd8663 Posts: 7
    I'm working on transitioning to a vegetarian lifestyle. It's been a couple of weeks now, but I would appreciate any tips for helping with the change.