


  • jnhillard
    jnhillard Posts: 15 Member
    Hey ladies! I am 24 years old and have been ttc for a year and a half. I have other factors that affect my fertility as well as PCOS. In the time frame we have been ttc we have had 3 early losses and one blighted ovum. 4 miscarriages in a year and a half.

    I have a regular cycle but crappy ovulation. I have done clomid for 3 months in the past but decided to give up until I lost weight.

    It was August 2010 I was diagnosed with PCOS. November 2010 I had first miscarriage, January 2011 I lost my second, April-ish I got diagnosed with MTHFR (a clotting disorder that affects folic acid absorption) June 2011 I had third, and November 2011 I had my fourth that barely showed up on my hpt.

    Later in November I was diagnosed with a Unicornuate Uterus, with two ovaries...but only one connected. So now we are looking forward to either God blessing us with another natural (healthy!!) pregnancy, or a miracle through IUI. BUT I will not be overly focusing on TTC or IUI until I am down to 180 lbs (and have the money to go forward with IUI). I currently am 204 lbs.

    Glad this group was created :-)
  • dreamin2bethin
    dreamin2bethin Posts: 111 Member
    Hey ya'll my name is Kambria, I am 23 and was diagnosed with PCOS about 7-8 years ago, after getting fatally sick from the patch. Doctor told me I have had much longer since 7th grade. My body went through puberty but didn't actually go through it, I know it makes no sense. In 6th grade I was petite and thin, in 7th grade I gained alot of weight, not a couple of pounds but 20 or so in just a few months. I spent the next 3-4 years in doctors offices and with specialists because my thyroid wasn't working, my insulin levels weren't normal, but I was active in sports and in general. After several times of changing doctors I finally got one that diagnosed me and put me on medications.

    I take metformin and birth control, oh and a multivitamin. This has been a rough road. I can't have too much of certain hormones or I get fatally sick and migraines so going through trial and error with birth control was awful. But I am on one that is great, yay! I find that losing weight is a constant battle no matter that I work out 5 days a week for 1-2 hours and have a completely different diet than what I did when I first started.
  • Stephany_W
    Stephany_W Posts: 4 Member

    I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 20 after 9 years of irregular cycles. I got pregnant almost 4 years ago, but that ended up in an ectopic pregnancy and had my left fallopian tube removed. I got married a little over a year and half ago and started TTC last January, but because of my known diagnosis and my age (32 at the time) my GP sent me to a fertility clinic. Unfortunately, they won't even give me clomid until I get my BMI down to at least 35, so that's the reason I'm here. Good luck everyone! :wink:
  • MrsGoHard
    MrsGoHard Posts: 150 Member
    Hi everyone. This is actually the first time I've ever put "my story" online.

    My story- I was diagnosed with PCOS at 13, and did not see any symptoms until I was about 21. I don't consider myself infertile because I've been pregnant before yet I don't have children. I've been married going on 4 years in July. We have not been actively trying, though we have not been avoiding pregnancy. We go with the notion that pregnancy is such a huge blessing, that when God wants it to happen it does and when he doesn't, it doesn't. I'm living proof of that. Insulin resistance is another thing I'm fighting. 2000 metformin a day. Was rough at first... gets better when you stick with it and don't try to eat greasy/sugary things with it. In 2010 I was hospitalized with a weakened heart, a symptom of the PCOS. I went in with my heart pumping at 19% (normal is at least 35%) and with my last echo I was at 30% after more weight loss I'll be completely cured.... God is GOOD.

    My "issue"- I don't ovulate at my current weight. I ovulated with no problem and had a period when I was under 250lbs. I have 20 more lbs to go to be under 250 lbs, and even then we will not be actively trying because of the weakened heart. When we decide to try, I will need to be under close watch by my heart docs. I'm cool with that, my heart is quite healthy these days and getting to my ultimate goal weight of 165, it's going to be even better. So with a million and one tests and things, I've found out even as recently as today that my uterus and ovaries are in great shape. My ovaries are consistent with those of a woman enduring PCOS, however I don't have any cysts at the moment. They are a little larger. LOL... everything in this here body is larger. If I don't get better soon though... All of this mess can get even worse. Which leads me to...

    My hope - I will endure this "storm" or learning experience, taking on what the Lord wants for me rather than what I want Him to want for me, and I will get to where He wants me to be. If He wants this for me, it will be. But It won't be ANYTHING if I do not live a healthy life like he wants me to. My hope is to be the best that I can possibly be. Mother or no mother, I'll have a body that does what it was designed to do, and all it's going to take is some faith, prayer, and discipline.

    Ladies, whether you're ttc or wtt like me... It's a long road. It's good to know that we can have each other's backs and help each other out. I do plan on seeing a dietitian. I think I've seen enough endo's and gyn's for the time being. I don't even plan on seeing my endocrinologist again until I've lost another 25 lbs. So this is part what nature has given us, and the other part is how willing we are to grab it by the horns and make the best of it. I am no longer angry at my ovaries. My ovaries saved me from dying on a delivery table because I was too hard headed in the first place to be healthy like I'm supposed to be. To God be the glory for a hard head making a soft behind!

    I tend to have something to say about alot. Usually what I say involves the Lord. I can't help it, I love Him because He heard my cry. If this offends you, please just pass me by and God bless ya anyhow. You'll often see me say, "I'm not infertile... I'm just not allowed to have kids yet." or "My period's been hiding from me lately" and that's about as real as it gets for me. Especially since there's nothing standing in the way of me and a BFP but my own GUT. lol.

    Blessing ladies. Feel free to add me, I surely will be reading posts and adding you.
  • Thanks for the space Kelly! It's great to have a group of people who understand exactly what you are going through. Long story short, after overcoming terrible uterine fibroids and an abdominal myomectomy I had normal 'cute' cycles for the first time in my life.
    About 6 months ago, I noticed hyper pigmentation, hirsutism, skin tags and sleep apnea....Yep, gotta get the weight in check and yep...insulin resistant/PCOS. (no cysts) It's funny because just like MrsGoHard said, I have been married for 3 yrs and our MO has been "if it happens it happens," and I am a late bloomer and do everything late so I was cool with waiting until about 35. ( I am 30, my hubby is 35 now)

    But hearing the doctor say PCOS and reading of other's challenges has made me more determined to beat this and conceive with very little medical interferance. I know that my diet, lack of exercise has contributed to the issue so that's were I will look for my solution. I DON'T LIKE TO BE TOLD NO so not only are we now trying to conceive, I want my BFP this year!

    I started with Metformin and have lost about 5 lbs in 2 weeks mostly due to side effects of PCOS. Just got CPAP to deal with sleep apnea and have began working out and working with an accountability partner/friend.

    Peace and blessings to all of you ladies and I pray you get the desires of your heart!
  • tdj819
    tdj819 Posts: 41
    Good Morning From Georgia,

    I was married when I was told I had PCOS after a couple of years trying to get pregnant. Saw a fertility doctor and he told it was PCOS. I had heard of it, but wasn't 100% sure of it. The more I read that day the more depressed I got. I was heavy then, and he told me to lose weight, it would help my chances of getting pregnant. In the past I had been on BCP and they made me crazy. I had always suffered horrible painful long periods and everyone around said, "oh that's normal, you're young." Even I knew something was wrong. After a couple of years of fertility treatment, my eggs never matured enough for me to get pregnant. I was in the gym, I was losing the weight. But never got pregnant. Everyone around me was though and it just put a knife in heart. Rather than my husband wrapping me in a hug that I needed so bad, he would scream and yell at me and tell me to get over it. ONE DOES NOT YELL AT A HORMONAL, WEEPING, BABY CRAVING MOODY WOMAN W/O PAYING FOR IT! We've been divorced now for 8 years. He remarried 7 months after our divorce and rubs in my face every chance he gets that he has a 6 year old daughter. Went as far as taking her to my parents' house after she was born! THAT STARTED AN ALL OUT WAR FOR ME!

    He has since apologized to me, and understands being on both sides of the knife, wanting a child so bad but can't, to finally having a baby and watching it grow. I put on a brave face and tell people daily I didn't want children, cos I do not want to get into the whole PCOS story.

    Today I am

    October of 2011, I saw a new GYN who wasn't taking new patients but my cousin begged him to see me. The 4 periods I had for 2011 all lasted 12-19 days. And I missed a lot of those days from work due to the heavy bleeding and lets not for the cramps. He wanted to put me on birthcontrol. By this point I wanted a hysterectomy! I was sick of the misery. I wasn't having kids. Not at 39 yrs old. Just SPAY ME NOW. I told him I was around guns all day at work BCP were not an option. They made me crazy! NO KIDDING! ! ! I had a Hydro Thermal Ablation done. http://www.hcfw.com/767/Hydro-thermal_Ablation_(HTA).aspx I had it done on a Friday I was off from work, and went back to work on Sunday. I have not had a period since Sept. I am HAPPPY! But I still have the lovely side effects of PCOS!

    When I come back in my next life, I am going to be man! My bff's boyfriend made a snide comment about women's mood swings being in our heads, and hormones were not real....i replied,,,in your next life, the devil is going to see to it you get my non working ovaries and uterus and you're going to be so miserable with periods, cramps, bloating, hormones, you're gonna wanna hang yourself! He gave me a worried look! :-)

    Thank the good Lord, I do have any signs of heart disease or diabetes.

    Terri....the cranky dispatcher!
  • mistresseeyore
    mistresseeyore Posts: 717 Member
    I'm so sorry for all your frustration. PCOS is evil.
  • HI All

    Nice to see a great group of people here.

    My name is Stephanie. Diagnosed with PCOS 6 years ago. Been TTC ever since. We are now hopefully going to be on the waiting list to adopt any day now. Just waiting to hear from the agency that we are approved!

    I found out about this website from my dietician. I need to start eating better and exercising. THen I am going to consider trying that DCI (Insotol).
  • kadins_momma07
    kadins_momma07 Posts: 328 Member
    Hey Ladies :)

    My name is Aubrey and I'm 24 years old. I have a husband and a 4 year old son, we live just east of Atlanta, GA. Here is my story:
    My husband and I had out son in December of 2007 and then at my 6 week check-up I got Mirena inserted. I just got Mirena removed on April 5th and now am being told that it sounds like I have PCOS. Before finding this out we planned on TTC this August, we still are planning that but in theback of my mind I'm still bummed because I know it probably won't be as easy to get pregnant anymore. I believe having Mirena for 4 years has caused me to develope PCOS, as I've NEVER had any of these symptoms before Mirena. I think I suffer from all of the PCOS symptoms :( So at my visit to the OBGYN on April 5th her words were "it sounds like you have PCOS". SO we aren't for sure yet, but most likely. I had blood work done, everything came back fine except my testerosterone was barely elevated and I have to go back in July to get that checked again. Since my visit at the beginning of the month I have been more careful about what I eat and I try to do some sort of exercise every day. So far on MFP I've list about 10lbs, 1.4 since last Monday (I weigh every Monday). I think around the 21st I finally experienced ovulation...I don't think I've ever felt it before (being on Mirena, you cramp, bleed, periods dissapprear, all at random times) so I think I was ovulating, I felt crampy for 3 days and had a glob of pink EWCM one time, so I'm assuming ovulation? O I guess I am expecting my period in just a few days then right? My husband are not TTC right now so we are using the dreaded condoms lol, but ya gotta do whatcha gotta do! I'd like to lose more weight so that I can have a healthy pregnancy and baby when it comes time to TTC. Have any of you ladies gotten pregnant with PCOS without having to try for a year or more? Before we found out about me possibly having PCOS we were really hoping to get pregnant before the end of the year, so the baby would be due in a warm weather month. I guess all I can do is hope and pray that everything will work out for the best. Could I just have elevated testosterone without PCOS? Could that just be the result of Mirena, and maybe it will be back down in July whe I go back? What were the steps of you ladies finding out you had it for sure? So far the blood work is all I've had, no U/S.

    SORRY that is so long, thank you if you read the whole thing!! :)