The Avengers!



  • DarthCeltic
    DarthCeltic Posts: 1,274 Member
    This is my take on it. Its going to be like Thor. In my opinion Thor could have been a whole lot better but they had to do the whole back story first hence very little action. I think the Avengers will be that way as well. Telling the back story of each person and how they met and towards the end of the movie just like Thor they will end up beating a common foe and band together. Don't expect this one to be action packed. My guess is the second installment will more then likely be better.

    Trust me I hope I am really really wrong on this but this seems to be the trend with a lot of the superhero movies lately.

    I might be likely to agree except that for all the clips I keep seeing (and I need to stop watching those) it looks like an action-fest. I just saw one released today where Black Widow really holds her own. I'm not going to say you're wrong, only that I'm hoping we're all pleasantly surprised.

    Hell they spent 5 whole movies introducing these characters. I think we're ready to see them in action.

    Here's hoping.

    sorry all i saw was black widow and i melted in my seat..
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    ^Go check Youtube. Marvel's The Avengers - Clip 1

    I was very impressed.
  • Amaranthisca
    I can't believe there's less than a month now! I've been counting down for almost a year! I hyperventilate every time I watch a trailer, I can't imagine what I'll be like in the movie!
  • HowieTwoPointZero
    HowieTwoPointZero Posts: 494 Member
    This is my take on it. Its going to be like Thor. In my opinion Thor could have been a whole lot better but they had to do the whole back story first hence very little action. I think the Avengers will be that way as well. Telling the back story of each person and how they met and towards the end of the movie just like Thor they will end up beating a common foe and band together.

    I wouldn't sweat it. I personally love the movie treatment the superhero mythos. My favorite part of let's say Spiderman was him discovering his abilities.

    However every one of the major characters (Though with Joss you know Black Widow is going to end up saving everybody's *kitten*, hell I wouldn't be shocked if she ends up backhanding The Hulk.) origins story has been told. They already set up how they are invited into the avengers. From the trailer I see them playing out the internal conflicts in the Characters. (I'm personally dying to see how Iron Mans / Thors Ego play off each other), but re-rehasing the back story? Nah I doubt it. Don't worry, it's going to be awesome on top of awesome.

    /Please oh God do not Suck.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    This is my take on it. Its going to be like Thor. In my opinion Thor could have been a whole lot better but they had to do the whole back story first hence very little action. I think the Avengers will be that way as well. Telling the back story of each person and how they met and towards the end of the movie just like Thor they will end up beating a common foe and band together.

    I wouldn't sweat it. I personally love the movie treatment the superhero mythos. My favorite part of let's say Spiderman was him discovering his abilities.

    However every one of the major characters (Though with Joss you know Black Widow is going to end up saving everybody's *kitten*, hell I wouldn't be shocked if she ends up backhanding The Hulk.) origins story has been told. They already set up how they are invited into the avengers. From the trailer I see them playing out the internal conflicts in the Characters. (I'm personally dying to see how Iron Mans / Thors Ego play off each other), but re-rehasing the back story? Nah I doubt it. Don't worry, it's going to be awesome on top of awesome.

    /Please oh God do not Suck.

    I admit I will watch anything with Joss Whedon's name on it. I'm hoping he does this movie as well as I think he can!
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    They ought to make an Ultimate Avengers movie...imagine the public outcry! Canniblism, incest, spouse abuse, adultary!!