HELP!!! Pain, Pain & More Pain!

My right knee is hurting really bad. Every since I started exercising its been really irritating to focus, due to the pain. I purchased Icy Hot today and applied it, prayerfully that will help. Is anyone else going through the same issue. I keep proclaiming the devil is a liar. I will not give up, I must get this weight off and live a healtier lifestyle, in Jesus name!


  • sjjacobs1
    sjjacobs1 Posts: 17
    After I started exercising again(30 day shred), the pain in my calf was awful...not like exercising sore but PAIN! I took a day off and continued. Its not so bad now. But if yours persists, maybe you should have a dr. check it out. I'm sorry you're hurting and will keep you in prayer!
  • Dwamma
    Dwamma Posts: 289 Member
    Try Ice, just plan old ice in a ziplock bag with a little bit of water, apply for 20 minutes then off for 30-45 then back on for 20......Or do like I do and sleep with it on! Ice is much better for healing that heat is! Rest is also good, keep exerciseing but be careful not to over do it! Best of luck! I will be praying for you! Blessings!! <><
  • lafeye
    lafeye Posts: 12
    I was having bad knee pain to the point that I could not do my exercises for a week or so and it was hard to bend down and care for the kiddos... then I realized that I was doing my squats wrong! After resting for the week and slowly getting back into the workouts, I started to do them correctly and have no more pain. Not sure what you do to work out, but hopefully that will help out...prayer will too, so i can pray for you. Holy Spirit can lead you on what works best for your body, too , and how He loves to help you! Ice works great, too. Blessings!

  • evangelistbynum
    evangelistbynum Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks so much for the input. I went to the doctor today and she told me I have to take it easy for a few days. She put me on crutches. Yuck! Tomorrow will be difficult not to exercise but I will do everything in my power to do what the doctor ordered. I want my knee to get stronger, so I can get back into my workouts and get healthier. Many blessing to you all.
  • Karenlaw30
    WHOs report will you believe.... Well I believe MY GOD in heaven report ( that I am heal by the strips of his JESUS received the finisih work at the cross)excuses are what got us here or me here at 350lb or more( haven't weighed in a while) ...I had the same problem with my knees But you can't let those crutches become crutches in more than one way ...FAITH without works are dead ...don't just telling Satan hes a liar is not enough show him keep going if your knee hurting thats not the only part of your body that needs to get in shape Get off those crutches and get you a brace of some sort for your knee your knees are not use to that weight on them and your body not used to working out.. But there other things you can do if you have a step instead of stepping forward ....step up and down to the side...lay on your side and do leg lifts ....Get in the Dog position and kick your leg back at any seed you like in sets of 8 then switch legs this works you r lower gut as well as your legs and butt....if you have a off ice chair get in knees first and twist at the waist with arms in the air I lost 2 inches after two weeks of this...what ever you do keep sweating...One more thing get you two bottle of water one in each hand one arm at a time hold the bottle up right and then as if you pouring it out turn the bottle upside down...then above your head.. as many as you can start light ok ...God holy spirit will lead you as he does me we can believe him for every thing else BUT weight lost something must change FOR there is nothing to hard for th GOD I serve ...ask God for the mind of Christ,for a renewed mind even though we see this it in the natural you must first attack this in spirit (FOR THE WEAPON OF WARFARE ARE NOT CARNAL BUT MADE MIGHTY BUY GOD TO THE THE PULLING DOWN OF STRONGHOLDS 2 CORIN 10:4-5 ask the Holy Spirit to pray through you!!
  • evangelistbynum
    evangelistbynum Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks Karenlaw, your message was inspiring. I refuse to quit... I'm a winner is Christ Jesus name. Although my knee is trying to understand that my body is now moving to get fit, that does not excuse the rest of my body from getting in shape. I have been exercising, only I switched from high impact aerobics to low impact. I don't want to put too much pressure on my right knee causing it to be out of whack longer than expected. By next week I will be back into the swing of things, but for now I will stick with upper body strength training, low impact zumba workouts, and brisk walking.