Do you have monthly TMMO goals and MFP goals?

hallzz Posts: 131 Member
Hey everyone,
I'm betting that I am not the only MFP member who is also trying to get their finances in order. I hope that others will join. Does anyone set a TMMO goal on a monthly basis? I am on BS2 working on my debt snowball!:flowerforyou:


  • magisy
    magisy Posts: 77 Member
    Thanks for setting up the group! BS2 here as well, but I have a date for when it should be done (April 2013) so I'm thrilled!! I don't set monthly TMMO goals, b/c I've found that I'm kinda on auto-pilot right now. Just a little budget tweaking each month, but otherwise, cruising (which is the peace of mind I was looking for when I signed up for FPU). As my boyfriend puts it (a FPU participant 3 yrs ago)- I've taken a lot of the angst out of monthly bills! :happy:
  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    Awesome, welcome aboard. I have a date for my BS2 completion too but I hate to think about it! It is January 2015 - but I think that I can have it done by March 2014 if not sooner!:blushing:
  • magisy
    magisy Posts: 77 Member
    Well, if you're anything like me, prior to DR's program, you didn't have ANY date in mind! I always thought I had a handle on things (with my own delusional thought process), but I'd pay off some credit and put it right back on. I was on the sinking side of treading water!!!

    As I mentioned, my bf did the program 3 years ago and he's still on BS2, but he's not necessarily pursuing with "gazelle intensity". He still enjoys life and participates in his fun activities, but he makes sure he pays for everything in cash- so he knows he can afford it when he does it. I think his pay off date for everything (excluding his mortgage) is 2014, but he also has a good part of BS3 already done (due to poor economy and several rounds of layoffs a few years ago). He'll be the lucky dog that jumps for BS2 to BS4!!

    Whenever I find myself discouraged, I just imagine the thrill of paying that last credit card- it's all the motivation I need to keep going!!!! I find myself talking to complete strangers about DR's program (including a credit union employee trying to give me a credit card)- it has been a life-changing experience for me! WE CAN DO IT!!!
  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    Im off to a bad start on my goals for both MFP and TMMO. Need to motivate to get a workout in, and some unexpected bills! This is my first full month on TMMO i still have a lot to learn!
  • magisy
    magisy Posts: 77 Member
    First month? Oh my! It's definitely a tough road, and as the FPU instructor said (A LOT), you have to learn to forgive yourself. Most normal people struggle the first few months (it's been about 8 months since I started and I feel like I JUST got the hang of it) so the best thing is to accept that things may not go to plan and then start over again. Sadly, I have an accounting degree and it still took me about 3 months to get the hang of the budget- I understand budgets, but didn't really like the idea of applying it to my life! Hopefully you have some other areas in your budget where you can cover the unexpected bills and then get back on track next month. I'm not as familiar with TMMO as FPU- both DR, just different structures, does TMMO have the lump sum payment planning as part of the budget? For myself, I learned that was where I was falling apart on a regular basis- I could cover all my monthly stuff, but I have several bills that are quarterly or annual. When it came time for those, I would pay for them, but didn't have money to cover my other expenses (and now that I allocate those into monthly amounts, my monthly budget is TIGHT). :grumble:

    It's really awesome that you are doing them together- you have more discipline than I do!!! Personally, I had to get the financial part done and am just getting back to focusing on the weight... As for the workouts, the best thing I can offer is that 1) exercise helps to relieve stress, 2) you can either run outside (free) or use a gym membership that is probably already paid for (no additional funds), 3) if you're running, you aren't eating or shopping (or maybe that just applies to me! :laugh: )
  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    You're funny! I like the advice of if you are running you aren't eating or spending money :flowerforyou:

    I am working hard on both but my weight loss goals are much more attainable and I have been working on them for a lot longer!

    The Total Money Makeover budget has you allocate for every individual payment and debt. You apply your debt payments to your debt snowball (all debts except the mortgage). After you pay off one debt you take that monthly payment and apply it to the next debt. I like the idea of paying off the smaller debts first and then applying those payments to the next largest debt. I can see how the payments can start to really chip away at the debt and I was psyched to apply them this month but the unexpected bills are going to delay that one month. We got the sewer bill which is annual and it is my boyfriends house so I had no idea when it would hit. Then we got a doctor bill from a visit in November - did not see that coming. Anyway, I am trying hard not to dig into my baby emergency fund ($1 k) to pay off these smaller unexpected bills.

    Right now I am listening to Dave Ramsey rant about the mega Millions - yes I did have tickets! Ha, I don't care what he says it is fun to play and fantasize about the winnings!:laugh:

    Have a great day. I'm surprised that we haven't found other dual goal folks.

    MFP goal of the day - go for a run or a workout tonight!
    DR goal - no money spent on restaurants all week!
  • magisy
    magisy Posts: 77 Member
    After I typed the comment about not eating while running, I realized I don't necessarily follow that rule, but that was when I was training for a marathon- after awhile you have to eat something!

    Sounds like TMMO is similar to FPU. Perhaps the difference is that FPU had classes to attend? Is TMMO a group-based program or do you follow a video/book? I got lucky on my credit cards b/c I had a 0% interest offer come in during the program- was able to transfer everything to one card- they charged a 5% transfer fee but better than the 18%+ rates that were coming when my current offers expired. There were some people in my class who were able to pay off 2-3 credit cards just in the 13 weeks (?) of class using the debt snowball! As for the lump sum payment planning, it wouldn't necessarily help with the unexpected doctor bill, but would help with the sewer bill. I have a membership fee that I pay annually (about $120)- instead of randomly coming up with the $120 next January (which is what I've been doing), I'm budgeting and setting aside $10 every month so I'll have the money saved up when the bill comes due. I'm basically tracking those things in a spreadsheet right now, but it gets a little confusing sometimes. If you're doing something similar and have a better idea, please let me know! I tend to over-complicate things and am thinking I may be doing the same with this....

    Haha- yes, I had a couple tickets as well ($3) much to my boyfriends chagrin. He "lectured" me a few times with the "you know what DR says about the lottery, don't you?" Sounds like you and I have the same mindset though- I'm willing to spend $3 to dream about winning... DR is right about a lot of things, but I don't see the harm in buying a few tickets if it's not preventing other bills from being paid!

    And, I agree, I really thought there would be a number of people pursuing both financial and weight loss goals! Pretty similar concept, just different end results! I was being picked on a few times this weekend, b/c apparently I can be a little intense when I start a new program- I was told that I'm tackling weight loss like I tackled FPU early on (basically becoming temporarily OCD). I'm just hoping I can get some confidence around the healthy eating aspect sooner than later- if so, I can (hopefully) meet my weight loss goal by August- and preferably maintain it!!

    Good luck on your workout AND no restaurants! YOU CAN DO IT!
  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    Yes, I get eye rolls at home when I say things like "I have to track my calories on MFP or I have to track our spend in the budget tool, or Dave Ramsey says..." He is supportive overall but just gets tired of hearing about it. He doesn't like that I am hyper focused on the budget. He is more of a wai and see as he is working on a potentially lucrative project. I'm all about paying off debt now so that we can keep as much of that income if it comes and not big a digger hole in the meantime.

    TMMO is a website, it has a bunch of tools, online forums, you can stream the radio show. It is similar in concept to MFP. I love both sites.
  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    I made it to the gym Monday night for a decent work out. I feel pretty good about that one - going again tonight. I haven't hit my 1200 calorie goal yet this week but have been relatively close which works for me.

    Went to a hockey game last night for free too - feel good about that one too :-)

    How is your week going so far? :smile:
  • magisy
    magisy Posts: 77 Member
    Look at you- I was going to send you a message today to check in but you beat me to it!

    Good job on the gym and calorie targets! Any restaurants so far? (as I eat the food I just bought at a push cart...) :blushing:

    I skipped Monday, but got some light workouts in yesterday and today (tweaked my back with yard work on Sunday). For some reason, I haven't had a huge appetite this week so I've been doing pretty good on calories/weight loss. Big bonus of the week, my sister (finally) logged into her account again, and two more friends joined MFP (including my boyfriend). I'm excited but am a little anxious about them following my progress (not really sure why other than I guess it's another level of accountability)....
  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    Had a great run last night and lost .2 pounds on my ticker this morning (really 2.2 pounds - I don't always update my weight). I haven't spent a dime on restaurants all week so far! Hoping to keep that update but the weekends get tough as my boyfriend works from home and I don't blame him for wanting to get out of the house. I will try to push for drinks only out at restaurants - we don't drink much so that should keep costs down.

    I'm so close to breaking into the 150's - currently weigh 160.8. It will be a huge motivator to get into the next 10 pound bracket. I started out at 174.

    Wow, that is a lot of friends/family joining in. I know what you mean about having them follow you but it should be a positive thing and really help you to reach your goals! You can get there by August!
  • magisy
    magisy Posts: 77 Member
    GOOD FOR YOU on you the exercise and weight loss!!! Sounds like you'll be in the next bracket VERY soon- always very exciting!! Thankfully the bf and I don't eat out too often, but we usually hit a place at least once a week (which I don't consider too bad). We, however, do tend to do a little drinking :drinker: The good thing is that with the reduced carbs that seem to come along with the modified diet, it doesn't take as much alcohol before I can feel it!

    I ended up meeting up with my sister yesterday morning for a run, but we ended up walking. I can't really complain b/c my back was still a little tender, but I was incredibly bummed to see I had GAINED 1 pound this morning (despite being within my calorie goals yesterday- 12 calories less than my 1200+exercise). Yes, I'm the daily weigher (even though I'm not supposed to) b/c I want to learn what does/doesn't work (the lesson may be that daily weighing doesn't work!) I'm hoping it was the sodium in the leftover Mexican I had for dinner, but I was pretty disappointed... I've been losing a little every day this week (between .2 and .6) so it was a shock to gain- and gain more, in one day, than I've lost any day!!! :sad: Just keep reminding myself that I'm actually AT my goal for the week.

    As for the family/friends- haha, yeah it seemed like a good idea at the time... In reality, I'm sure it will be fine, but I'm just a little nervous about opening myself up to scrutiny (not that most of the people would do that, but still...)

    Not sure if you follow DR on FB, but did you see this post this morning? Thought it was a pretty awesome way to embrace Baby Step 7!
  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    Wow, I just watched the video. It is truly moving, I'd love to be able to help others like that!

    Now that it is the end of the day I am tired and am going to bail on my workout. I haven't slept well for the last two nights, that plus the run yesterday and I am just beat.

    I will have to make up for it tomorrow.

    We tend to eat out a lot but I am trying to change that or at least decrease the frequency and the price point of the places that we go. We live outside of Philadelphia and the prices are high!
  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    PS - Don't sweat the one pound - it could be just too much dinner! I also like to weigh myself everyday. I did that routinely when i was thin, it really helped me to keep on track. i wouldn't panic if my weight fluctuated within a 5 pound range but would buckle down when it went beyond that. I put this weight on after I moved in with my boyfriend and didn't have a scale! Keep after it, the program will work!
  • magisy
    magisy Posts: 77 Member
    Oh, I TOTALLY "get" bailing on workouts. I normally try to exercise before work for just that reason! If I plan for afternoon, there's a 80% chance I won't make it (or won't do it at the intensity that I should). I bailed yesterday morning after the 1 lb (had the "why am I even trying moments?"). Granted, the fact that it was 5AM did NOTHING to encourage me to work past the self-pity!! Hopefully you'll get a chance to get a GREAT workout in this weekend! I'm hoping to get the bf out for a walk tomorrow afternoon. We normally shoot for a short walk with the dogs and it turns into at least 45 minutes b/c we're enjoying ourselves once we get out there- first steps are always the hardest!!!

    I'm glad you enjoyed the video! I was teary eyed watching it- what a amazing gift!!! I would love to be in a position to do something that awesome for people, and one day I (and you) will be! It was actually kind of cute- I sent the video to my bf yesterday morning. He had some minor objections to giving the full emergency fund b/c he believes that's where people truly build the discipline and decide if they want to pursue the program, but he was still inspired. He ended up using some of his tax refund to buy his project team car washes going into the holiday weekend since they've been busting their rears with overtime all week. I was pretty impressed by his generosity. Granted, he may have done it even without the video, but I like to think that it at least further encouraged the generosity!

    Yeah, I'm trying not to stay discouraged about the pound, but it stayed today (although, admittedly, I weighed myself on a different scale, but my scale read about the same when I got home). I think I'm just going to eat a few more calories today to see how the weight reacts- I was REALLY good this week and wonder if my body is rebelling (it's used to a constant influx of calories) :blushing: My weight has fluctuated within about a 10 pound range for the past 5-6 years, but this year it stretched to 20- yikes! So, I decided I better buckle down b/c genetics are definitely NOT on my side! Either way, going into Easter, I'm trying not to worry too much- I love to eat and my mom should have some good stuff available- I'll just try to eat less of it than normal...

    One of my best friends is up around Philly (Norristown- ?) I've been up to visit, but I normally ride the train and she picks me up from there- don't really know where we go from there! She's actually one of the friends who just joined this week!

    Any big plans for the weekend?
  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    I was just in Norristown today visiting a friends tree nursery. Had a great workout yesterday and did hours of yard work today. No restaurants so far this week!

    We are going to a friends family for Easter tomorrow. Do you have any big plans this weekend?
  • magisy
    magisy Posts: 77 Member
    Congrats on the great workout! I've been pretty slack on any intense workouts the past few days (did various yard chores yesterday, but nothing with any intensity), and have eaten out several times... Still feel like I'm sticking within my goal range right now so, for now, I'll just be happy!

    Weekend plans have basically been catching up with people- spent a few hours with a friend on Friday and seeing my PA friend this afternoon. Otherwise, going to my parents house for lunch. Fairly low key weekend, which has been fabulous!

    Hope you have a HAPPY EASTER!
  • magisy
    magisy Posts: 77 Member
    Whew, I went NUTS with my eating this weekend! Good thing today is a new day!

    How was your Easter? Any new goals for this week? I think I'm going to adopt a modified version of your eating out goal- I'm going to limit to 2 meals out from now until Sunday evening. Hopefully this will force me to eat a little healthier (especially if I purge all my bad-for-me leftovers!)
  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    Easter was really nice and I didn't eat too much! I am not happy with my scale right now (it's all the scales fault!). I weighed in at 160.8 on Friday and was hoping to be 159 today when I weigh in for a group - nope 163.4....:grumble:

    I did start running a lot and I know from the past that sometimes makes my weight go up before it comes down but I do at least feel more fit!

    My goal this week is to not go out to eat until Friday or Saturday - we've been really good with our budget and I think that we need a little reward! We didn't go out to eat once last week - which is compared to spending close to $800 dollars at restarants last month. I let us get away with it last month because I had gotten a bonus and was just tired of feeling broke! At the end of the month I added up all of the receipts and was just floored! That is why I have really buckled dow nwith the budget. It also helps me with the MFP goals as I eat a much healthier diet when I pack my lunch and eat breakfast and dinner at home. So far this month we have spent $50.00 at restaurants.

    So goals for the week - keep up with my running - get 3-4 runs in for at least 30 minutes each. Do ab workouts consisting of crunches and planks everytime I run. Financial goal - stick to the budget and pay the bills this weekend when I get my second pay!

    How about you? Any exercise goals?
  • magisy
    magisy Posts: 77 Member
    Good for you on eating right through the weekend! And, no worries about the weight, it WILL get to where you want- especially if you stick with the healthy eating and running!

    I can truly understand your desire to cut back on the restaurants- especially if you're buying groceries in addition to that. I ended up combining my grocery and restaurant money because I'd try to be good and buy groceries, but still go out to eat. I've found that I've done much better since merging the funding for the two. Granted, my boyfriend still has separate finances so sometimes he treats, but even then, we still try to eat out in moderation. This weekend was a huge exception!

    Goals for this week- getting at least 30 minutes of exercise in (whether cardio, strength or both) today through Friday, planting my garden this weekend (which will count as my workout) and being more mindful of my budget. I was out of control on everything this weekend- budget included. Thankfully I give myself weekly allocations of money (paid monthly) so I really only have to be tight on things until next week, but I don't want to "borrow" from my other envelopes to cover basic things- which is what I started doing.

    Good luck this week!