day 1, week 1

meka2206 Posts: 101 Member
Morntings ladies!!!

Today is Day 1, Week 1 of our Biggest Loser Challenge!!!!

Today we are posting pictures of ourselves for our b4 pictures. In the first week of the 4th month we will post our after pictures to see our progression!

Ms_NewNew messaged me some GREAT ideas that we should start as challenges. For our food and water consumption, I was thinking that we should do the gallon of water a day to get our metabolism going to get our kidneys functining right. When we drink plenty of water with a daily workout, it rids all excess oils that are stored in your liver and stomach. For food, we all should eat a fruit a day. It doesnt matter what fruit you eat, as long as it's daily and we add it as a snack. Our workout challenge for the week is to get 20 push ups a day, and on Monday we will post a picture of us doing this excersise before our weigh in next Tuesday. It also does not matter how you do your push ups. For those who have a hard time with them, you can do 10 after a morning workout and 10 before you go to bed. One more thing, STRETCH, STRETCH, STRETCH..lets stretch out the muscles we use to make our bodies look lean in the future. It will def help!

If anyone has any other suggestions, just message myself or Learnin2LuvME.


  • meka2206
    meka2206 Posts: 101 Member
    O and by the way, every week with get a little harder, but it's just to push ourselves. We are Champs and we will do what we need to do. REMEMBER 80% is what you eat and 20% is physical.
  • meka2206
    meka2206 Posts: 101 Member
    If you are also dring bottles of water to hit your gallon. There is 128 fluid oz=1 gallon. So about 8 bottles of water
  • xoTLCxo
    xoTLCxo Posts: 185 Member
    Got it marked down :))
    Thanks ladies
  • Learnin2LuvMe
    Learnin2LuvMe Posts: 465 Member
    Those are great challenges for this week! we should come back here when our night is done to report them or even in the mornings! We can do this girls! Water,fruit,exercise+pushups = much success!
  • MadeInDR022
    MadeInDR022 Posts: 260
    Its going to be a little hard for me to get online some days and my cell app sucks lol but I'll try my best!
  • 123chichin
    I'm going to find it hard taking a pic doing push ups Lol! I might have to do a hrm shot after I've done them instead?
  • meka2206
    meka2206 Posts: 101 Member
    lol okay.. i was hoping someone else would take the picture for but hrm is just fine!!
  • xoTLCxo
    xoTLCxo Posts: 185 Member
    Pics are under my profile..
    Anyone from this group may add me if they like :happy:
  • Learnin2LuvMe
    Learnin2LuvMe Posts: 465 Member
    Hey girls,calling it a night..I'm so tired,tried to workout twice today,but I almost fell asleep after I ate dinner,I need my 8 hours for sure! I wasn't able to get a gallon of water,had about four bottles..will do better tomorrow,I did have my fruit and will do my pushups before I shower..I hope ya'll have a great night,and I hope I have more energy then..night night!
  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    Hey hey girls!!! Sorry I couldn't get on earlier but it was a crazy day at work..... so I did get my fruit in for today and I will be doing my push UPS with my workout tonight. As far as water goes...I only got 80oz in today but I will try harder tomorrow. Oh and I do have my before pic but haven't had a chance to post it. Are we posting it on our profile pic??