Get to know you quiz



  • alinicoll
    alinicoll Posts: 2 Member
    1. Where were you born? Perth, Scotland. Not Australia

    2. Where do you live at the moment? Machynlleth in Mid Wales

    3. Where else have you lived? Lots of places. Hong Kong, Belize, Mull of Kintyre, Downpatrick, to name a few

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation? Sales in a medical company. Dream? To retire from the same company

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :) Football referee, colour blind, can't sing, going grey, likes to laugh
  • MogwaisGrandma
    MogwaisGrandma Posts: 195 Member
    Haven't read all the replies so I may be duplicating stuff

    1. Where were you born? Newcastle Upon Tyne

    2. Where do you live at the moment? South East Manchester

    3. Where else have you lived? Rothbury (and a few other places) - Northumberland Forres - Scotland, Leeming & Catterick- North Yorkshire, Blackpool and a month on Koh Lanta Thailand.

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation? Current - Swimming Instructor. Dream - to run an animal sanctuary. I was a volunteer at the one on Koh Lana for the month I was there.

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)

    I drive like I am Penelope Pitstop being chased by the Hooded Claw
    I can ride a motor bike ( and yes I have my license)
    I can cook really well and many people ask why I have never gone into that industry
    I am a Taurus by birth sign and I am every trait that goes with it.
    I have 9 tattoos
  • jayarrr
    jayarrr Posts: 18 Member
    1. Where were you born? Glasgow
    2. Where do you live at the moment? East Neuk of Fife
    3. Where else have you lived? nowhere
    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation? Currently: Work in IT (Business Intelligence), Ideal: Vet (although I think my house would be like a zoo, as I love animals far too much)

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)
    1) I have a twin brother (not identical :smile: ) I'm 5ft 1 female and he is 6ft male. Obviously he ate more than his fair share of the placenta
    2) I'm a lifelong Glasgow Rangers supporter (painful at the moment, but things can only get better)
    3) I love Lanzarote and would love to move there permanently
    4) I have no kids, but two cats who are rather mental.
    5) I absolutely love Zumba
  • fontinathefox
    fontinathefox Posts: 124 Member
    1. Where were you born? Stockholm, Sweden
    2. Where do you live at the moment? South Manchester
    3. Where else have you lived? London
    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation? Current: artwork co-ordinator for food packaging. Dream: Food or beauty journalist. Or something to do with cats!

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself 1) I have a cat called Barry 2) I speak Swedish (and English, obviously) 3) I have a degree in English Lit & Journalism 4) I'm very messy 5) I collect animal-themed things (last count was somewhere near 35 throughout the flat)
  • 140Aimee
    140Aimee Posts: 77 Member
    *Waves* I'm Aimee :)

    1. Where were you born?

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Middlesex/Surrey/near heathrow.

    3. Where else have you lived?
    Just here.

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    Well i'm currentley studying an IT course and hopefully go on to work in admin from there.
    My dream job would be to work with animals.

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)

    1) I used to have really severe social phobia.
    2) I love heavy rock, soft rock music & metal.
    3) I'm saving up for a red rose tattoo ( I LOVE red roses).
    4) I love art, and i'm doing mosaic work at the moment.
    5) When i'm fit enough i have plans to do plenty of skydives for charity!
  • marmitegirly2
    marmitegirly2 Posts: 35 Member
    1. Where were you born?

    2. Where do you live at the moment?

    3. Where else have you lived?
    France and Southampton

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    A school bursar
    My dream job would be a midwife but don't think I would be cut out for it, so I live vicariously through a friend

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)

    1) I am obsessed with reading midwife/nurse memoirs, especially ones from the 40s/50s/60s
    2) I love owls and Russian doll prints
    3) I own more party shoes than daytime shoes despite hardly ever going out.
    4) I wish I could rule the world, not to be a dictator as such, just to sort the bloody thing out
    5) I cry at most films and many programmes, in fact I could probably resolve the hosepipe ban if I watched Titanic then Beaches :-)
  • thegeordielass
    thegeordielass Posts: 208 Member
    1. Where were you born?
    Stavanger, Norway (but "made in Switzerland" as my parents moved around a lot)

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Newcastle upon Tyne, England. :)

    3. Where else have you lived?
    Norway for 2 years when I was a baby,
    Nottingham for 2 years as a student,
    Hartlepool with my Grandparents for 3 while I was at Teesside Uni.
    As a result of the Nottingham/Teesside living my accent is a bit screwed up!

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    Currently unemployed :( Been an admin person and a full time carer for my Mum in the past.
    Dream job would be to use my degree and be a web designer or to be good enough at photography to make a living from it!

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)
    1) I'm an identical twin
    2) I'm a Guide and Ranger (Senior Section) leader with Girlguiding UK - that covers ages 10-26 - and I am a Queen's Guide.
    3) 4 years ago I hurt my wrist when I fell up the stairs and my doctors have no clue why it hurts so much still :(
    4) I've always wanted to own an Alaskan Malamute. :) Making do with being 'co-owner' of my Uncle's hyper yellow lab called Amber and love her to bits.
    5) I don't drink and have only been out clubbing once - hated every second of it.
  • emsmiff
    emsmiff Posts: 3 Member
    Ooooh, great idea. I'm new here so have yet to have any friends, but this could be a way for me to make some!!

    1. Where were you born? Dunstable, Bedfordshire
    2. Where do you live at the moment? Bromley, Kent
    3. Where else have you lived? Eltham, Sidcup
    4. What is your current occupation? Stay at home mum. What is your dream occupation? Year ago it would've been Interior Designer, but now I just want to do a baking course so I can make birthday/wedding cakes from home.
    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself. I'm happily married with 2 children. I've just run my first ever 5k (on treadmill). Am running the race for life in Hyde Park next month. I have extremely small ears (!). I am going on a hen weekend in June, so need to get this weight off!!!

    Am looking forward to reading some of the others.
  • 1. Where were you born?

    Blackburn, Lancashire. Born and bred!

    2. Where do you live at the moment?


    3. Where else have you lived?

    Lived in France for 6 months and Germany for 3 months for my year abroad whilst at unit, other than that, just lil ol Blackburn!

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?

    Work as an Operations assistant for a transport company. Would love to be a teacher, have got an interview next week for a teacher training placement.

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)

    1. I live with my boyfriend of 9 years and our 2 jack russells
    2. I LOVE football and have had a season ticket for over 10 years at Blackburn Rovers
    3. I enjoy reading
    4. I have a degree in French and German and absolutely love learning about other cultures and languages
    5. My mum is my best friend :)
  • Jaqfrog
    Jaqfrog Posts: 11 Member
    nothing wrong with ginger/red hair!
    but then, one of my first boyfriends had gorgeous red hair and I've been biased that way ever since <g>
  • trinaballerina75
    trinaballerina75 Posts: 20 Member
    Really interesting thread, great idea :)

    1. Where were you born?
    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    3. Where else have you lived?
    4. What is your current occupation?
    Housing Liaison Officer
    What is your dream occupation?
    To manage a homeless and resettlement hostel
    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)
    This last 12 months has been the first time I have been properly single throughout my adult life.
    I have held a driving license for 11 years, but never been on the motorway
    I have spent time in Dublin, Prague,Munster,Berlin,Paris and Shanghai but not in London
    I would love a dog
    I need to wash my hair ;)
  • anonoki
    anonoki Posts: 11
    1. Where were you born? manchester

    2. Where do you live at the moment? manchester

    3. Where else have you lived? just manchester, different areas but sill manchester!

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation? current- mi coordinator dream - no idea, maybe something animal related or forensic soco
    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)
    1 Ive been vegetarian for around 18 years
    2 I have two gorge cats who have me very well trained
    3 i have somewhat of an addiction to crisps
    4 my brother in law is deaf
    5 this time next year I will have lost the weight!
  • davidshutter
    davidshutter Posts: 24 Member
    1. Where were you born? - Liverpool

    2. Where do you live at the moment? - St Helens (about 20 miles down the road)

    3. Where else have you lived? - Birmingham (Served a 3 year sentence at the University of Central England)

    4. What is your current occupation? - Supply Teacher on a long-term placement in a special school

    4a. What is your dream occupation? - I'm pretty happy where I am, so I'll stick with being an IT teacher in the same school for now, maybe moving up the chain of command a little, though!

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself -
    I've been fat since I left high school, previous to this I was a relatively competitive junior rugby league player. I have a long story over what actually happened to my playing and my weight involving a nasty injury and a lot of beer, but it's very dull and I've been using it as an excuse for over a decade!

    I have brilliant sense of direction and internal compass, but I'm almost completely incapable of reading a map!

    I'm a decent photographer with a preference for people over things... people get a little annoyed when I refer to wedding photography as my "summer job".

    I have never watched Eastenders.

    I am currently teaching myself to draw, because I'm rubbish at it.
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 420 Member
    Despite being in this group for many months, I have only just seen this thread. I really enjoyed reading about you all, it has certainly brightened up a rather dull coach journey.

    1. Where were you born? Stoke-on-Trent

    2. Where do you live at the moment? Leeds

    3. Where else have you lived? Nowhere else, just Stoke until the age of 18 and then I came to uni in Leeds and stayed.

    4. What is your current occupation? Project Manager for a government department, wont say which one as some of you may get upset! What is your dream occupation? Hmm, not sure. I am pretty happy where I am and have a good work-life balance. Pop star would be fabulous but I don't think I would get a yes from Simon Cowell

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)

    - I have 2 gorgeous daughters and a gorgeous husband
    - I have 2 gorgeous cats (Charlie and Lola)
    - in the last 4 days I have somehow managed to lose 2 lbs
    - i regret that i have never learned to drive and am stuck riding the bus to work every day
    - proud to be an ex-smoker of 5 years
  • Jjsugar2001
    Jjsugar2001 Posts: 75 Member
    1. Where were you born? Surrey

    2. Where do you live at the moment? Surrey

    3. Where else have you lived? Nowhere I can't afford property :(

    4. What is your current occupation? I currently work as a Pricing Analyst in Canary Wharf *yawn*

    What is your dream occupation? Midwife, I have applied for university courses for September 2012

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself

    - My cousin slammed my finger in the door when I was three and the top came off, but it grew back!
    - I have a burst eardrum on my left side which makes my balance awful
    - When I am hungover I will cry at embarrassing emotive reality TV, case in point Britains Got Talent watching the Sugar Dandies audition
    - I write to a Texas inmate every week and prefer writing letters than texting
    - I want someone to breed me a domestic cat-sized cheetah.
  • Lonewolf1507
    Lonewolf1507 Posts: 507 Member
    Hi I am Andy and just joined the group.

    1. Where were you born? Ely, Cambridgeshire

    2. Where do you live at the moment? Wantage, Oxfordshire (I win with the boat race every year:laugh: )

    3. Where else have you lived? Paris France, Mons Belgium, Rosyth Scotland, 3 different towns round Oslo Norway, Brize Norton Oxfordshire. (RAF Father)

    4. What is your current occupation? Production Team Leader
    What is your dream occupation? A job where I can travel and get paid for it, did have an interview with Virgin Atlantic 20 years ago.

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself:
    I Love to travel, (USA most years, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Thailand and Europe).
    I am an Aircraft Spotter (not an anorak)
    I enjoy food like most of us seem to (the reason we are on here :smile: )
    I have worked in my current company for 25 years.
    I enjoy sports
  • jenniferpowell1980
    jenniferpowell1980 Posts: 68 Member
    1. Where were you born?

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Pendeen, Cornwall

    3. Where else have you lived?
    Othwer parts of Cornwall

    4. What is your current occupation?
    Work at Lands End Resort

    What is your dream occupation?
    To study beetles

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)
    I have 3 children
    Ive started three degrees, but didnt have enough money to finish any of them
    I want to move to Australia
    I love walking
    I love nature
  • 1. Where were you born?
    Northallerton in North Yorkshire

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Leeds, West Yorkshire

    3. Where else have you lived?
    Leicester, Rotherham, Liverpool, Liversedge and East Ham

    4. What is your current occupation?
    Commercial Manager in a recycling company

    What is your dream occupation?
    I just love working in the environment and recycling business, my friends hate it when I visit their homes as I check out what they are recycling!

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)
    Have run 3 Marathons, London once and Dublin twice.
    Travelled across Canada from the East coast to the West coast by plain, train and automobile!
    Have a season ticket for the Leeds Rhinos, (rugby league team), and also support Leeds United
    Have a tattoo and want to get more
    Would love to visit Antartica
  • bangersnmash90
    bangersnmash90 Posts: 78 Member
    1. Where were you born?
    Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset (it's where they hold T4 on the beach)

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Cardiff, Wales

    3. Where else have you lived?
    Just Weston and Cardiff

    4. What is your current occupation?
    Accountant (Trainee)

    Dream occupation?
    Marine biology, but I was never very good at biology and I'm a little scared of jellyfish!

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)
    This is the first time in my life that I have exercised regularly and I am loving it.

    It may be a little sad but I love to plan things and follow a plan and instructions. The reason I got in to running was by following exactly a 5k running plan!

    I am currently saving to go on holiday with my boyfriend, but after that it's for a house and a dog. I love dogs!

    I absolutely love The Biggest Loser USA, I used to be fat and Obese: A year to save my life.

    I play the Sims quite a lot.
  • 1. Where were you born?

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Shipley, West Yorkshire

    3. Where else have you lived?
    Middlesex, East Yorkshire and other bits of West Yorkshire. Yorkshire is fabulous and I don't imagine I'll ever leave (unless I win the Euromillions and move to San Francisco!)

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    I am an analyst for a large insurance company but my dream job would be some kind of field-based role in ecology / animal diversity / adaptation

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)
    I have 3 cats. I enjoy dressmaking for myself and my 3 year old daughter. I am married to an Irishman. I love eating but have fortunately also found a new love for the gym!