90 day challenge

savlov30 Posts: 233 Member
Hello All,
I am super excited about starting this 90 day challenge with all of you. I will be personally sending an e-mail to each one of you to let you know what you need to do to start this process. We will officially be starting April 16th. Feel free to start discussion with the people in the group to get to know them. CLoser to April 16th I will let you know specifically what you should be doing before the 90 day challenge starts. Can't wait to get to know all of you in your journey.



  • savlov30
    savlov30 Posts: 233 Member
    I think I sent an e-mail out to everyone. Please let me know if you did not recieve one from me.
  • savlov30
    savlov30 Posts: 233 Member
    Just checking in to see if everyone read the e-mails I sent. Let me know if you already have a beachbody video. Please let me know what videos you are thinking of doing.

    Thank you,

  • tyabd
    tyabd Posts: 88 Member
    i did not recieve it :(
  • savlov30
    savlov30 Posts: 233 Member
    Ok, I will send it again. Have you decided what workout you wanted to do for this 90 day challenge?
  • tyabd
    tyabd Posts: 88 Member
    yup i am already working with jillian's 30 d
  • savlov30
    savlov30 Posts: 233 Member
    I will be doing Brazil Butt lift and p90x.
  • savlov30
    savlov30 Posts: 233 Member
    Make sure you take a before picture. You weigh yourself and measure yourself. You will be responsible for checking in once a week. I hope more people start particpating. You may start by telling a little bit about yourself.:happy:
  • savlov30
    savlov30 Posts: 233 Member
    Hope you all have started writing down your measurements and that you are taking your before pics. Make small little goals for yourself to keep yourself motivated.
    Part of being in this group, is accountability:) Start planning to make sure your ready for this 90 day adventure.
  • savlov30
    savlov30 Posts: 233 Member
    Are you excited to start this:) Hope to start seeing other people post besides me:laugh:
  • MrsPerez528
    MrsPerez528 Posts: 6 Member
    For me, today is Day 13 of the Insanity Program. :-)
  • savlov30
    savlov30 Posts: 233 Member
    That is awesome. How do you like Insanity? I actually have a support group on FB just for that DVD if you like to join it.

    Thank you for responding.
  • savlov30
    savlov30 Posts: 233 Member
    90 day challenge:) This is it, we start this Monday. Please take before pics, measure and weigh yourself before Monday. Please let me know where you are at. Plan your meals this week:) You are going to rock the next three months:)