divastyle8 Posts: 14 Member
Hello Pals!

Do you believe in you? & what are you doing to achieve your goals?:smile:

Lets talk....


  • PghCLTGal
    PghCLTGal Posts: 10
    I am LOVING the positive attitude here already. :)

    I believe in me ... but I need to be reminded of that occasionally!!! I think we all need reminders and reinforcement sometimes, right?

    Right now - working on keeping my calories in check and exercising at least a few times a week. Also keeping at it, even when I don't get all the results as quickly (or as easily) as I'd like.

    Hoping to give/get support here!! Always looking for good influences rather than those who drag ya down. <3
  • divastyle8
    divastyle8 Posts: 14 Member
    Well u r definitely at the right place. We are here to inspire, encourage, uplift, and motivate.

    This is a negativity free zone, POSITIVITY ONLY! We will work together and achieve great success.

    Be blessed my dear beautiful sister.:happy:
  • Goingnuts2
    Goingnuts2 Posts: 160 Member
    Thanks Diva for the invite, I am really looking foward to knowing we can do this and giving each other the support, incentive, and inspiration.

    I definitely know I can do this, I've lost 52 pounds in one year with WW, made goal and everything. A lot of that had to do with believing in myself. I've since gain 30 pounds back and although my heart is there, my head is not (usually by the afternoon I start to fall apart again).

    I'm sure with this group we can all keep on track and make it.
