What week did you start losing weight?

Nektariosmom Posts: 69 Member
Hi, I am finished with week two tomorrow and I haven't lost any weight. In fact, my weight fluctuates up on some days. I need some encouragement. I am exercising my buns off too! At what week did you start to lose weight? Feel free to take a look at my diary and see if I am doing something wrong. Thanks for any info or help.


  • ksavy
    ksavy Posts: 271 Member
    I lost 3lbs the first week, 2lbs the second, and then last week I finally just lost the 1lb a week I was trying to. I am trying to preserve my muscle mass, (which was at 121lbs when I got the bod pod done) so was trying to loose slowly and was worried when it started coming off that fast at first. Just remember that water weight fluctuates a lot more with working out. I work out Mon-Fri and weigh about 2-3lbs more during the week then I do during my official weigh ins.
  • amflautist
    amflautist Posts: 941 Member
    I started by losing weight from the top down. The first week I lost my swelled head. By the second week I was down 2 hat sizes. Now, after 9 months, the excess pounds and excess fat have dropped from my shoulders. I do so hope I can remove some fat from my legs before summer so I can wear shorts again!!! It can get so damn hot when one has to wear jeans all the time.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I was always getting discouraged checking my weight weekly so i made a committment to follow my calories, exercise just about every day and NOT get on the scale for an entire month. I was shocked I lost 7lbs. That was motivation for me so i did it again for another month. I lost another 7 lbs. Weighing myself weekly does nothing for me except drive me crazy and then i binge.
  • MelMena
    MelMena Posts: 152 Member
    I looked at your diary and you are getting a lot of carbs and not enough protein. I have my goals set at 40% carbs/30% fat/30% protein and I also track sugar and sodium. I would suggest tracking sodium to make sure you aren't getting loaded up and sabotaging your progress. Drink more water. Make sure you are eating healthy fats everyday - your almonds are great.

    Also, don't go any lower with calories. You have your net set very low - 1200 is MINIMUM. You might not be eating enough for your size. I was set at 1200 in the beginning and while I did lose weight I felt like dead man walking.

  • Nektariosmom
    Nektariosmom Posts: 69 Member
    I was always getting discouraged checking my weight weekly so i made a committment to follow my calories, exercise just about every day and NOT get on the scale for an entire month. I was shocked I lost 7lbs. That was motivation for me so i did it again for another month. I lost another 7 lbs. Weighing myself weekly does nothing for me except drive me crazy and then i binge.
    I know. You are absolutely right. I checked it three times today. Guess what happened.... it went up up up!
  • Nektariosmom
    Nektariosmom Posts: 69 Member
    I looked at your diary and you are getting a lot of carbs and not enough protein. I have my goals set at 40% carbs/30% fat/30% protein and I also track sugar and sodium. I would suggest tracking sodium to make sure you aren't getting loaded up and sabotaging your progress. Drink more water. Make sure you are eating healthy fats everyday - your almonds are great.

    Also, don't go any lower with calories. You have your net set very low - 1200 is MINIMUM. You might not be eating enough for your size. I was set at 1200 in the beginning and while I did lose weight I felt like dead man walking.

    thank you so much. I changed my goals like you have them. 40,30,30...I am a carboholic.... I admit it. I never liked meat. I will raise my tuna, eggs, cheese, yogurt and nuts. I am depressed. Can you believe I got on the scale again
    ? Ughhhh. I am going to drive myself nuts. More water too. I never used to drink as much water as i do now. Bad girl. Thanks again
  • Jenn152
    Jenn152 Posts: 373 Member
    this is going to sound harsh, but it needs to so you dont go crazy!!!

    you need to STOP looking at the scale! ya wanna know why it went up, up, up throughout the day??? because you ate food.... food has mass. you drank fluids.... fluid has mass. so OF COURSE your weight went up!

    you never weigh yourself any time OTHER than first thing in the morning, before you have eaten anything or drank anything, preferrably naked, and after you go to the bathroom... THAT is your true weight.

    and do it ONCE a week, on the same day every week. otherwise you will drive yourself nuts with the daily fluctuations... WHICH ARE NORMAL.

    do this, and you will be successful. if you have to, put a sticky note that has the next date of your next weigh in (for example, mine is 4/21) over your numbers on the scale. and DONT LOOK AT IT until that date!

    you can do this! :O) hang in there!
  • Nektariosmom
    Nektariosmom Posts: 69 Member
    this is going to sound harsh, but it needs to so you dont go crazy!!!

    you need to STOP looking at the scale! ya wanna know why it went up, up, up throughout the day??? because you ate food.... food has mass. you drank fluids.... fluid has mass. so OF COURSE your weight went up!

    you never weigh yourself any time OTHER than first thing in the morning, before you have eaten anything or drank anything, preferrably naked, and after you go to the bathroom... THAT is your true weight.

    and do it ONCE a week, on the same day every week. otherwise you will drive yourself nuts with the daily fluctuations... WHICH ARE NORMAL.

    do this, and you will be successful. if you have to, put a sticky note that has the next date of your next weigh in (for example, mine is 4/21) over your numbers on the scale. and DONT LOOK AT IT until that date!

    you can do this! :O) hang in there!

    Ok, I promise I will put a sticky note on my scale that says 4/24... one week from today.... as soon as I weigh myself one last time.. just kidding. I tend to be obsessive over things so I am glad you level headed ladies are out there. Thanks for your support!
  • I lost 7 lbs the first week and 6 lbs the next. But I had really bad eating habits, I mean really bad. I cut way back on my eating. I was alloying myself around 1500 calories/day and set at 2 lbs lost per week. I changed to 1 1/2 lbs d/t as I lost weight my calories went down and I can't eat just 1200 per day. I feel like crap and am so hungry. I too haven't had as much water as I do now. I used to drink sweet tea all day long and no water. You will do good.
    I do agree to that you have got to quit weighing yourself throughout the day. I weight myself every Wednesday first thing in the morning after I pee. I guarantee if I were to get on the scale that evening I would gain 5 lbs.
    You can do this. If I can anyone can. This is the first time I have stuck with a weight loss plan. All I do is eat right and exercise. I have been using MFP since August 2011.

    You have to have patience!!!!!!!!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • mrsdizzyd84
    mrsdizzyd84 Posts: 422 Member
    I've lost some amount of weight every week since I started except for one week a few weeks ago (thanks to my Mother-in-law's home cooking). Sometimes it's less than a pound, but it is still a loss, and I am grateful for it nonetheless.

    I think you've gotten some good advice already. I will just reiterate, that you might want to rethink your calorie deficit. 1200 calories a day really is the minimum, and if you are overweight it is far far too little food. We are tall. We weight more. We require more food. There is no way we, as tall women, should be eating the same amount as someone who is 5'2"! If you don't eat enough you won't lose the weight. You have to feed your burns. Period.
  • majoki
    majoki Posts: 151 Member
    I started exercising and thinking about my eating around January 1, 2013. From Jan 1-Feb 9 I lost about 10 pounds and it was a pretty consistent loss from week to week. Then I joined MFP on Feb 10, 2013. Since then I've lost 1 pound.

    I weight myself every day, but I do it exactly once a day at the same time (right after I wake up and use the toilet). I know it makes more sense to do it once a week, but I like to keep track of the daily pattern.